I would much like the ability to make bags. Containers have restrictions in how many items can be put in them, so I've been cheating by having a few bags in my backpack and storing items in those. Also helps me keep my inventory somewhat sorted. I suppose I could just use backpacks for the same effect, but bags feel neater somehow.
Great minds think alike, I just did that. For the same reasons, no less.
[NAME:sew leather bag]
[NAME:sew cloth bag]
Please note the [PRODUCT] is a BOX, not a BAG. If you use leather or cloth, it'll be a bag. As such, there are two different reactions. Trying to use BAG led to crashes. Had to consult the wiki.
Unfortunately, one cannot use for reactions items that are in a bag on the ground, although one *can* get an item from a bag on the ground. Thus defeating half of the purpose. I keep all of my crafting supplies in separate bags, so that I can drop the whole bag at once. Still saves a few key punches, but gripe-gripe, anyway.
Also, Lofn, in addition to these, I come bearing another gift: gem cutting.
[NAME:cut large gem]
I see all those large gems in the stores, but not one stinking rupee with which to decorate my *steel shield*. So, now one can take one large gem, a simple hammer, and an awl (see below), and produce four small gems. It's quite nice, and fully tested.
The awl:
[NAME:knap stone awl]
Also, as skirts ought to be easier to produce in the field than pants, I included a few extra clothing reactions:
[NAME:sew leather skirt]
[NAME:sew cloth skirt]
[NAME:sew cloth long skirt]
I do hope that you find these worthy of the next release of your mod. Thanks for a great experience!