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Author Topic: Wanderer's Friend [0.97b]: Now with elixirs.  (Read 106090 times)


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  I find myself using it via Genesis, for more fun in the adventure mode, though I considered fiddling with it on it's own first.  I've enjoyed working with it quite a bit! ^_^  Starting out with an elfy who has nothing but a knife or spear and grass-made outfitting, and working up to having leather and bone armoring, a bow personally made, dozens of arrows, a bone-spike covered leather and wood shield... It's a pretty nifty mental image, as well as fun to play.
  In Genesis, I find however that no matter if it's dwarf or elf that I run, the gloves and gauntlets made -never- are allowed for wearing, even if stripped naked to preclude layer-size issues.  Odd that.   I also noticed a lack of leggings in both versions.  (Something I'll be trying out my addition of shortly.)

  An idea I've been kicking around for metal involvement is giving me trouble.  I know there's 'ANY_<X>_MATERIAL' tokens for a lot of things, but I didn't see one specifically for metals.  Making me wonder if METAL_ORE would cover it, but I'd wager not..
  Anyways, the idea is this.  The ability to take 1-3 pieces of wood + 1-2 metal items, and melt them down to a component 'metal bar'.  Then use 3-5 of them to make other things, such as metal arrowheads and spearheads, daggers... and even more to try and make bigger weapons and armor.  Ridiculous amounts even, to make it have the faintest hint of balance.  This would let one recycle things you consider 'trash gear' into useful stuff, especially if you've been using dfusion to arm your companions with things you make.
  My problem so far is that I cannot figure out a way to limit things to finished metal items, and I'm loathe to think about how quirky-bad it'd get if truly any item could be used.. I reallly don't think a leather greatsword is a good plan.  ^_^  The other hiccup to the semblance of balance would be, even if setup proper, that you could get full bars from coins.
  Anyhow, I'm not sure you'd have interest in this idea either, as your crafting fits better with a tribal feel overall.. but I for one could really go for some metal work.

  A thought for edged weapons.  Consider making ones that require teeth (and more than one stack) and wood.  Various cultures have done wooden weapons with teeth embedded along an edge to make something that rips and tears nastily.  We're still in the area of things that really are lacking against armor, but it's just another idea to play with.

  As you've already got the plant-gathering doing it, maybe the woodcutting should work with multiple wood types and chances?  Yes, it'll seem a little 'hokey' on the surface to find pine and Glumprong both in one go, but still, the variety of materials could be good.

  Another thought is whether or not more bow types could be put in.  Again, the matter of being able to better define the required pieces and make them take actual effort and hunting around seems to be an issue there.  Perhaps requiring particular 'grade' of creature parts to help make, if that can be checked for?   While I don't -personally- see a way to easily do that, the end result would be something like requiring the collect wood to turn up some -specific- log types (low chance ones), then some specific plant->thread, as well as something like <monster> (high grade) intestines (for stringing) and leather (for wrapping the staves of the bow in places).  Without the allowance to require higher grade though.. There'd be no way to slow down getting it at all.

  Anywho, those were just some thoughts on my mind.  I noticed the nudge at Alchemy planning.  Makes me wonder if you can play with the liquids to make things of syndrome type that would do temporary stat/skill alterations, like a brew to increase pain tolerance.  Never looked at that before.

 - Shirra
 - Yay, broke my 2.5 years-without-posting finally!
Thanks for the feedback, I will add metal item melting and leggings in the next Genesis release :).
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Thanks for the feedback, I will add metal item melting and leggings in the next Genesis release :).

  More thoughts.

  I experimented with the tweak to Wood to allow for multiple types, and honestly found it kinda of.. hokey feeling.  Unless one's really worried about material density in their -crossbow/bow-, I no longer think it really matters.  That, or unless wooden melee weapons are being added.

  I also experimented with metal item building a bit and have more thoughts.  You might want to consider requiring people to make some large stone construction (that's too heavy for most strengths to deal with carrying at a movespeed higher than 200), so as to make it less of a quick-thing to use.  Perhaps requiring knapping up things into brickish types, gathering something to put it together -and- wood for burning in it.  Will it stop people from abusing?  Heck no, but it'll slow them down!  ^_^

  Another thought would be not to allow an 'any metal' type, but instead allow rendering down of only copper and bronze, maybe iron items.  I don't know if that'd make it easier to make a reaction for than 'all metal', but it'd again make it harder to abuse things as badly.  The many items to make one bar, then many bars to make an item will help, but the goal in my mind was to make it so one couldn't take a handful of gold coins to make a massive maul, or likewise a few steel ones to make a breastplate.  Again, not a perfect fix, but still at least a -nod- at a semblance of balance.  The end result however means if you're having fits of bad luck finding anything anything -besides- a bunch of cave critters and small gauntlets of iron, you could do something about replacing your wood, bone, and leather gear.  And especially helpful if you like playing with races that are above/below standard sizes, further increasing the hassle of finding anything good.
  Unfortunately, my lack of skill hasn't helped me figure out how to make a metal based melt-down reaction, so I've had to operate my tests on 'good faith', so I don't just use metal for the first bit of making something, then a whole lot of troll-brains.  ^_^

 - Shirra
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 05:21:02 pm by ShirraWhitefur »

Knight Otu

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Might already been fixed, but there's a small typo in the reaction to decorate with large gems. The reaction wants a LARGEGEM item, but large gems are GEM.
Direforged Original
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I just realized, after adding the new body parts to the other races, that I have an entire squad of dwarves with a shield in each hand and swinging their axes with their penises. There's nightmare fuel for those goblins, in more ways than one.


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If you take some time to get familiar with how reactions work, just a little, it's not too hard to edit stuff yourself.

I added several reactions to my version of Genesis, making about 5 types of wood randomly available with a small chance to get ironwood, for example. I also made it possible to sew a bag out of fiber, added more clothing/weapon/armor options, and made it possible to skin and use scaly hides as a tougher form of leather.

It just takes some practice and patience. Also, with us helping out and doing things on our own, we can make suggestions with RAW files already made for Deon or Lofn to look at, rather than just shouting at him to make things for us. :3

Urist McSlayerdwarf cancels live: Interrupted by Chaos Sorcerer


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Decoration might need a decorate anything with any item for those who want to just take a gut wrap it around a spear and throw it at someone.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
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Is it normal if I now have a habit of making skull trophies and bone figurines?
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


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Re: Wanderer's Friend - an Adventure mode crafting mod [0.1b]
« Reply #172 on: May 05, 2011, 10:07:13 am »

this makes play now MUCH more fun and worthy  :P

can't wait the next release for all the bones trinkets to become alive and kill me. I wonder if some catacomb bug makes my bone spear attack me...


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We can only hope!
Also known as Zuhayr.


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This is probably a glaringly stupid question, but once I've downloaded and installed a mod, how do I use it in adventure mode? Not even sure if I've installed it properly :P

EDIT: Yes, it was glaringly stupid. I hadn't genned a new world. Sorry :P
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 02:25:33 pm by Chattox »
"10 z levels down, 10 tiles north is some blood, i shall go clean it before it drives me to insanity with it's crimson color"
The setting of Half-Life 2 Episode 3's release: "It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Gabe has sat immobile on the..."


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Behold!  I bring you the Blacksmith's Friend Mod, an extension of Wanderer's Friend to enable melting down and crafting of metal items!

But less pompously, I noticed the talk about melting items and figured nobody had done it yet.  Hopefully this should now let you play a blacksmith in Adventure Mode!  The Mod is designed to be an extension of WF (with the brazen hope that it might be merged into a future update if it's good enough) and will not run properly without it.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 04:43:27 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Knight Otu

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A few things I noticed while writing the Direforged manual:
 - Craft wooden bolts uses BONECARVE instead of WOODCRAFT.
 - Honing weapons uses LEATHERWORK. I'd suggest using the appropriate weapon skills, or maybe FORGE_WEAPON.
 - The various repair reactions for specific material items don't actually require the item to be made of the appropriate material.
Direforged Original
Random Raw Scripts - Randomly generated Beasts , Vermin, Hags, Vampires, and Civilizations
Castle Otu


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Just posting quickly to say I'm still paying attention to the thread, and I'll be sure to check out your mod, Iituem. Knight Otu, I've got a half-assed release sitting here where I've fixed most of those bugs, including a few gem/decoration ones. I'll probably be updating in the next couple of days, if nothing unexpected happens.
Also known as Zuhayr.


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I don't think bone items are going to come alive and try to kill you. They're just that: Items. I think the animation of body parts is going to look for severed limbs and such, not for what an item's actually made of.
GENERATION 21:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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0.85b - A few changes.
   - Fixed various skill and material tokens/oversights (thanks, Knight Otu). Mostly the honing/repair materials and skills, and a few of the decorations.
   - Added campfires and a few dummy reactions for later use (flasks, alembics). Creating a campfire managed to set the local area on fire and melt my character. Needs some work.
   - Added coal production and metal scavenging (spurred on by ShirraWhitefur and Iituem).
   - Added a hammer tool and minor forging (reinforcing armour) as a kind of proof-of-concept. Limited testing done.

I'm holding off on the Alchemy update until the next release of DF, thanks to the amazing-sounding updates to the syndrome system.

@ShirraWhitefur: thanks for the sizeable post! For now, I'm trying to keep the list of things to create as small as possible, so things like Aztec/aboriginal-style bladed wooden swords are getting a little far afield. The material system also can't handle weapons with multiple materials, so the in-game effects of the teeth/wood would be screwy. I've added minor metal scavenging and forging for this update, but it's kind of weird and not very balanced or heavily tested. Further input is appreciated!

@Knight Otu: thank you for pointing out those mistakes. I -think- I nabbed them all.

Quote from: KarolineDianne
and made it possible to skin and use scaly hides as a tougher form of leather.
This should already be possible. The scaly hide is literally just a tougher, renamed replacement for the LEATHER material in scaly animals.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 02:29:21 am by Lofn »
Also known as Zuhayr.
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