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By NieXS Version 1.0.0
What is DFSound?DFSound is a game log parser for Dwarf Fortress. It parses the log for events, currently supporting playing music and sound effects. It uses an XML file for event input and a GTK+ GUI for user interaction. DFSound is tested under Linux, but the code is not Linux-dependent and should compile under OS X and Windows.
DFSound comes with a default sound pack. Creating your own packs is easy: you only need to know basic XML syntax and basic Regexes. DFSound can also use SoundSense's sound packs.
Installing/CompilingDFSound depends on GTK+ 2.0, SDL, SDL-Mixer and libxml2. On Debian-derived distributions, you can install them like this:
# apt-get install libgtk-2.0-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libxml2-dev build-essential
DFSound uses waf for compiling, and thus requires python to be installed during compilation. Using waf is simple:
$ ./waf configure --prefix=/home/you
$ ./waf build
$ ./waf install
The executable will then be installed in your
~/bin/ folder. You can also uninstall DFSound easily running
./waf uninstall.
Using DFSound- Launch the dfsound file.
- Pick your gamelog.txt file by clicking on the button under "Log file:".
- Pick your events file by clicking on the button under "Events:".
- Click the "Active" button.
- Wait for events.
- Have fun!
Creating sound packsDFSound uses XML files for its events file. Here's a sample file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<event pattern="Loading Fortress" default="default">
<event pattern="has given birth to a (boy|girl)">
<event pattern="^A vile force of darkness">
The pattern is a Perl-compatible regular expression. These are simple when used for simple things, like this one. You can find plenty of regex information on the internet, for example, in the website
The "default" attribute is used to make an event the default one, for things like background music.
"music" and "sfx" indicate which songs/sound effects to play. If more than one of them are provided, one is picked at random. Music and SFX must be placed in
file_path/music and
file_path/sfx, respectively. The supported formats are all that SDL_mixer can play, such as MP3, Ogg Vorbis, WAV files, etc.
Known issues- Some random segfaults on corner use cases.
- Leaks memory after switching event files, so don't switch files like a madman!
Wanted stuff- An OS X build.
- Linux builds, both 32- and 64-bit, for lazy people.
- More sound effects/less emo music.
ScreenshotsDownload - Version 1.0.0Default sound pack:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/q7nybnGitHub repo:
http://github.com/NieXS/DFSoundLinux 1.0.0 tarball:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/cgea2nWindows 1.0.0 binaries:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/dldd3s (requires the GTK+ runtime; if you have X-Chat or Pidgin installed you already have it, otherwise, download it from