Journal of Ablel Ishlumfikod
Two years... Two long years I have been sitting in this hellhole. Previously I have been a mere mason, but now that the dictator Demonic Spoon has been overthrown and we returned to the orders of expedition leader, I am in power. I'm not the leader yet, mind you, but once actual ill leader dies I will be next in line to take the position. For now, I should clear up this mess.
First of all, I must get myself rich quarters instead of that puny corner I occupied before. Since I'm too lazy to order them, I'll simply throw that Spoon - who could have got himself such a name, anyway?! - out of his grand bedroom and into the corner I occupied earlier.

Nifty, eh?
All right, now to matters at hand. I've never managed a fort with hospital or military, so I'll hope that previous masters organized it themselves and make something useful instead. First, I'll build a pumpstack from the magma sea to the surface to get obsidian farm up and running. Second, I'll build a knocking-out trap for elven traders. But zeroth, I'll have to breach the caverns and build some kind of defense.
2nd Granite

MUAHAHAHA! Wait... what were those things?...
The leader is constantly throwing tantrums. Replacement is imminent...
8th Granite
Assigned three useless 'farmers' to mining. We've got a loooot of mining to do...
12th Granite
I'm tired of this macegoblin sitting under our main bridge. I'll construct a pump and DROWN HIM! MUAHAHAHA!
26th Granite
Someone built a ton of beds and left no wood for pump components. Great.
27th Granite
Nothing is made. Everyone is slacking around. Nobody is doing anything because of the goblin under the bridge. I'm fed up.

3rd Slate
The goblin got caught in the first cage near the entrance. And for THIS I spent a month dealing with pesky buggers that get frightened at merest opportunity? I'm ordering a 15-level tall tower over our wagon (why isn't it destroyed?!) to throw goblins off from. MUAHAHAHA!
1st Felsite
The tower is finished. Soon goblins will flyyyy...
4st Felsite

Splat. I like it!
17th Felsite
Elves have arrived today. The trap for them isn't finished, but will probably be on their way back. If it won't be finished even then, I'll have to take drastic measures and collapse ceiling of them. How dare they say "HEHE" in my face?!

Also, the
wagon altar for Armok took lives of 5 goblins and 1 troll. MUAHAHAHA!
25th Felsite
Three cages atop the execution tower were occupied by thieves. Not wishing to risk their escape, I ordered the stairway near the top demolished. Result - dead weaponsmith, destroyed wagons, three dead thieves and a LOT of dust. MUAHAHAHA!
As expected, elves brought only shit. They're SO DOOMED NOW...
No, wait. They did have a bear cage. However, I overlooked and offered them a crutch among a ton of different shit and they got offended. Anyway, two supports are ready to collapse and bring their neighbours down; if I put entrance bridge down I may be able to win time to finish the trap.
1st Hematite
Damn, they escaped. Now my only hope is to collapse the supports manually.
Waaait, whaaat?... they are turning back to depot! Once they got over the bridge, it closed and sent two dwarves flying down. At least elves are now trapped!
3rd Hematite
The bridge had to be destroyed. Again. Who could have even thought about such an extremely stupid defence where to get anything fallen in out you have to destroy the bridges???!!!!!!!