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Author Topic: DF in WoW  (Read 68703 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #75 on: July 12, 2010, 03:10:22 pm »

There's 4 kinds of elves in WoW:
Night elves, which are hippies that completely fucked over the world repeatedly(that big ass ocean between the main continents? That's a crater of their making.). They live ontop of a giant tree, get furious at anyone for being on "their" turf, which means any place anywhere that has plants in it. Their most notable member is known for trying to fix an undead infestation by repeating that ocean forming feat. And running away from a demon lord by taking over a fort of said demonlord's underlings and completely forgetting that said demonlord might be there inspecting his minions. Also, url=]you are not prepared[/url] to face him.

High elves, which are the scapegoat of the night elves clusterfuck and got banished to they made their own state. Got thoroughly trashed by the undead and are way too few of them left to do anything anymore.

Blood elves, which are high elves that went crazy with vengeance after said undead induced near-extiction, are addicted to magic, which they'll do anything for(like pledge loyalty to a bunch of dragons that want to murder every single magic capable person on the planet, demons, the crazy night elf at the top of this post, torturing a being of elemental light(the closest WoW has to Neutral Good deities) or just giving up and turning into a degenerate mutant). They live in a giant opulent city, have magic crystals filled with magic energy which they consume in a manner not unlike opium dens and are exceptionally arrogant.

Nagas/Satyrs, mutants who originated from the night elves almost accidentally blowing up the world. Satyrs are half nigh elves half demons, look exactly as you'd expect and are loyal to the demons. Nagas are seaserpent-men who serve the WoW equivalent of Cthullu. They are also comically evil and all of their zany schemes are ripped from Captain Planet plots.
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Tremble, mortal, and despair! Doom has come to this world!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #76 on: July 12, 2010, 03:35:37 pm »

This is awesome. If only Dwarves in WoW weren't on the Alliance.
Like the dwarves would ally with orcs and undead?
And now goblins, for that matter?

At least kobolds aren't on either side.

In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #77 on: July 12, 2010, 04:19:11 pm »

Yes I will take candle you little... thing... and I'll take your linen cloth to grind my low level first aid and take any copper ore you happen to have on you too because that garbage sells for a ridiculous amount in auction.  And then after killing you, and all your friends, and everything you ever loved, I'll make my way back out of your mine while you are all respawning and kill you all again!  BWAHAHA!!!

...Am I the only one that ever feels bad for the unfortunate fates of mobs in MMOs?  Their entire purpose in life is to wander around this little area, not even being able to see anyone else unless they are less than 5 feet away.  And then battle everything they happen to see, no matter how overwhelming that plate armor wearing warrior guy on the flaming horse looks compared to your piddly little Level 5 ass, die in seconds, and then about 5 minutes later, respawn back where you were to do it all again. 

That must be a sucky life...and probably what all those WoW forum trolls and scammers will be doing as their punishment in hell.
Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #78 on: July 13, 2010, 01:34:12 am »

It does get somewhat annoying when you find out just how many of the things in the game are references.   I think there's an entire wikipedia article on WoW's references.  Passing by and absent-mindedly thinking 'ah yes, that banker is a reference to x...' is very immersion-breaking.  :(

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #79 on: July 13, 2010, 03:10:11 am »

Those are some epic sunglasses.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Reptilian Illuminati member. Keep it secret.
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #80 on: July 13, 2010, 10:25:25 am »

I just noticed that there is absolutely no mention of Dwarf Fortress in the WoWWiki's refrences pages.

Anybody with an account willing to correct that grevious error?  I will happily pay 10 silver!*

*character must be on US Frostmane to receive the piddly amount of coin.[
Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!

Tenth Speed Writer

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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #81 on: July 13, 2010, 11:25:30 am »

No clue why people like to get butthurt over WoW. Just because a game is massively popular doesn't mean everyone and their grandmother has to jump on the indie-game wagon and start cussing at it.

I'd be more impressed that a game worth untold millions serving hundreds of thousands of players at any given moment is giving a shout-out to an independent game created by one mathy fellow, his brother, and a mad little community.

Also, totally unrelated: I found out yesterday there was no Urist on my server. As tempted as I was to make him an elf*, there is now yet another proper dwarf warrior lurking the halls of Ironforge. :D

(*Now that I'm thinking about it, 'Cacame' isn't taken, either. >D)
Quote from: Pickled Tink
I don't believe in a standing army. I believe in cruel and unusual architecture.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #82 on: July 13, 2010, 11:34:48 am »

Also, totally unrelated: I found out yesterday there was no Urist on my server. As tempted as I was to make him an elf*, there is now yet another proper dwarf warrior lurking the halls of Ironforge. :D

I'm pretty sure that you can't make a character name with the same name as an NPC.  So that means there are no NPCs named "Urist".   Kind of a shame, but then again it lets you play a character named Urist.  Now if only the "mining" skill in WoW let you dig out magma channels...

Also: dang, too bad I have all the toons I am allowed to have on my server already or I'd make one if it were available.
I don't understand, though that is about right with anything DF related.
I just hope he dies the same death that all dwarfs deserve: liver disease.
The legend of Reg:
Atir Stigildegel, Legless Hero of Diamondrelic:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #83 on: July 13, 2010, 11:45:39 am »

Those bastards! They should donate 1\30 of their monthly subscription earnings to Toady! (Guess he would get enough money to live off for 50 years, while having like 6 cars and a golden bedroom without working that way)

This is a horrible idea!  We need to keep the Toad on a very tight leash.  Code for the PayPal God!!
"Yo dorf, I herd you like menacing so I put spikes on yo spikes so you can menace while you menace!"
I think something went wrong with the mac download. All I know is, there's an exe in it, and that just ain't right.
Armok's Sweaty Balls Toady

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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #84 on: July 13, 2010, 01:50:54 pm »

I'm pretty sure that you can't make a character name with the same name as an NPC.  So that means there are no NPCs named "Urist".   Kind of a shame, but then again it lets you play a character named Urist.  Now if only the "mining" skill in WoW let you dig out magma channels...
I've seen a screenshot of a player standing next to an NPC with the same name, so maybe it only applies to major characters, not random vendors or whatever.

I considered making a Sankis for a while, but I couldn't figure out how to have him permanently on fire.
That would be as deadly to the wielder as to anyone else!  You'd sever your own arm at the first swing!  It's perfect!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Reptilian Illuminati member. Keep it secret.
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #85 on: July 13, 2010, 04:18:25 pm »

Have him stand inside the molten pools at the great forge in ironforge.  Regen faster than you take environmental fire damage outside of combat.  And start duels with everyone that passes by.
Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #86 on: July 13, 2010, 09:34:00 pm »

Have him stand inside the molten pools at the great forge in ironforge.  Regen faster than you take environmental fire damage outside of combat.  And start duels with everyone that passes by.

I suspect that'd be the problem :) (not a WoW player here, i played the trial and one or two similar games)
Avid (rabid?) Linux user. Preferred flavor: Arch


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #87 on: July 13, 2010, 11:02:05 pm »

So is there a comprehensive list of all of the Dwarf Fortress references in other games?

Flying Carcass

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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #88 on: July 14, 2010, 12:59:06 am »

Ugh, Cataclysm. Alright.... one.. more.. time... I like WoW, but I hate the people who play it. I've never seen such a group of rude, self interested, self important, snot-nosed juveniles.

There is no way all 11.5 million players share those qualities; I would suggest it's not even close.

I dunno, I've been playing a bit of WoW lately and I'm starting to believe all 11.5 million players could posses those traits... Now if you shall excuse me, I need to remove the snot from my nose, because I'm important... jerks...


Flying Carcass

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Re: DF in WoW
« Reply #89 on: July 14, 2010, 01:03:53 am »

In regards to character names, my alliance paladin is named Drakeson. I've come across a vykrul npc named Skeld Drakeson. So you can have similar names. Npc names, mind you, tend to have two words while player names can only have one. I've also seen a player character named Bolavar on my server... sharing the same name as a major lore character. And of course you've got the variants on the name Arthas... like Aaarthas, Arthsas, Arrtthaaas... ect.
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