The Everseeing Dimension
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 1656 cave fish men
Olm men: nomadic population of 7136 olm men
Itarin: nomadic population of 704 itarin
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 11300 cave swallow men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 1440 serpent men
Bat men: nomadic population of 18450 bat men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 2236 reptile men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 1254 amphibian men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 1776 amphibian men
Bat men: nomadic population of 429 bat men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 6664 ekodus
Fachen: nomadic population of 4355 fachen
Antmen: nomadic population of 495 antmen
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 13992 cave swallow men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 2508 cave fish men
Itarin: nomadic population of 10872 itarin
Reptile men: nomadic population of 1702 reptile men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 8592 serpent men
Olm men: nomadic population of 10246 olm men
Antmen: nomadic population of 30200 antmen
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 1012 amphibian men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 20580 reptile men
Fachen: nomadic population of 7500 fachen
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 1218 cave swallow men
Itarin: nomadic population of 4122 itarin
Ekodus: nomadic population of 2400 ekodus
Olm men: nomadic population of 950 olm men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 17346 cave fish men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 3354 serpent men
Bat men: nomadic population of 14736 bat men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 4917 ekodus
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 1050 cave swallow men
Itarin: nomadic population of 3010 itarin
Serpent men: nomadic population of 26400 serpent men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 12510 reptile men
Antmen: nomadic population of 12926 antmen
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 10974 cave fish men
Fachen: nomadic population of 5072 fachen
Olm men: nomadic population of 20230 olm men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 840 amphibian men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 22197 serpent men
Bat men: nomadic population of 24200 bat men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 768 cave swallow men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 4800 ekodus
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 5828 cave fish men
Itarin: nomadic population of 3190 itarin
Fachen: nomadic population of 7500 fachen
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 16598 amphibian men
Olm men: nomadic population of 1081 olm men
Antmen: nomadic population of 2303 antmen
Fachen: nomadic population of 600 fachen
Ekodus: nomadic population of 1920 ekodus
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 8160 cave fish men
Itarin: nomadic population of 3575 itarin
Antmen: nomadic population of 5439 antmen
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 19450 cave swallow men
Bat men: nomadic population of 1564 bat men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 17248 ekodus
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 798 amphibian men
Fachen: nomadic population of 2388 fachen
Reptile men: nomadic population of 4080 reptile men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 1088 cave swallow men
Bat men: nomadic population of 4012 bat men
Itarin: nomadic population of 5208 itarin
Antmen: nomadic population of 10526 antmen
Olm men: nomadic population of 12384 olm men
Bat men: nomadic population of 2886 bat men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 4680 serpent men
Olm men: nomadic population of 4128 olm men
Fachen: nomadic population of 528 fachen
Itarin: nomadic population of 368 itarin
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 13330 amphibian men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 2960 cave fish men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 5852 cave swallow men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 1353 reptile men
Antmen: nomadic population of 5130 antmen
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 4508 cave fish men
Olm men: nomadic population of 6570 olm men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 6200 reptile men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 4576 amphibian men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 15375 serpent men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 6300 reptile men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 15604 ekodus
Itarin: nomadic population of 2280 itarin
Antmen: nomadic population of 5124 antmen
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 480 amphibian men
Fachen: nomadic population of 128 fachen
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 4641 cave swallow men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 7955 cave fish men
Bat men: nomadic population of 9240 bat men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 12200 ekodus
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 8672 cave swallow men
Itarin: nomadic population of 3540 itarin
Bat men: nomadic population of 14210 bat men
Fachen: nomadic population of 1910 fachen
Antmen: nomadic population of 1024 antmen
Ekodus: nomadic population of 11650 ekodus
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 5889 amphibian men
Itarin: nomadic population of 7020 itarin
Serpent men: nomadic population of 1600 serpent men
Bat men: nomadic population of 1369 bat men
Antmen: nomadic population of 13579 antmen
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 12558 cave swallow men
Fachen: nomadic population of 4176 fachen
Bat men: nomadic population of 5130 bat men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 5280 reptile men
Olm men: nomadic population of 1376 olm men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 4025 ekodus
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 9827 amphibian men
Fachen: nomadic population of 2780 fachen
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 14552 cave fish men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 8970 serpent men
Itarin: nomadic population of 748 itarin
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 11656 cave swallow men
Antmen: nomadic population of 1120 antmen
Olm men: nomadic population of 16277 olm men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 9156 amphibian men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 9905 ekodus
Bat men: nomadic population of 697 bat men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 4141 serpent men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 34592 cave fish men
Antmen: nomadic population of 14615 antmen
Reptile men: nomadic population of 6039 reptile men
Fachen: nomadic population of 390 fachen
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 9540 amphibian men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 16416 cave fish men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 2205 ekodus
Reptile men: nomadic population of 25536 reptile men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 2070 cave swallow men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 650 serpent men
Olm men: nomadic population of 6357 olm men
Itarin: nomadic population of 840 itarin
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 16810 cave fish men
Antmen: nomadic population of 14756 antmen
Reptile men: nomadic population of 7410 reptile men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 11712 serpent men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 10704 amphibian men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 2848 cave swallow men
Fachen: nomadic population of 2109 fachen
Itarin: nomadic population of 1056 itarin
Olm men: nomadic population of 7524 olm men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 1300 cave fish men
Bat men: nomadic population of 13283 bat men
Olm men: nomadic population of 2976 olm men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 12384 reptile men
Itarin: nomadic population of 4332 itarin
Fachen: nomadic population of 1500 fachen
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 960 amphibian men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 455 cave swallow men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 1702 ekodus
Serpent men: nomadic population of 8772 serpent men
Antmen: nomadic population of 8024 antmen
Itarin: nomadic population of 555 itarin
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 2368 amphibian men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 4884 serpent men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 7144 cave fish men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 4290 cave swallow men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 9711 reptile men
Olm men: nomadic population of 836 olm men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 1521 serpent men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 7440 reptile men
Bat men: nomadic population of 3102 bat men
Antmen: nomadic population of 1066 antmen
Olm men: nomadic population of 7020 olm men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 2914 cave fish men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 7448 amphibian men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 8052 reptile men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 735 amphibian men
Olm men: nomadic population of 12400 olm men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 11096 cave fish men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 8240 serpent men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 19080 cave swallow men
Antmen: nomadic population of 7968 antmen
Ekodus: nomadic population of 4917 ekodus
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 15180 amphibian men
Olm men: nomadic population of 1408 olm men
Fachen: nomadic population of 518 fachen
Serpent men: nomadic population of 2574 serpent men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 28812 reptile men
Itarin: nomadic population of 342 itarin
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 369 cave fish men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 27500 amphibian men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 15280 ekodus
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 16192 cave swallow men
Fachen: nomadic population of 2724 fachen
Itarin: nomadic population of 3328 itarin
Serpent men: nomadic population of 1276 serpent men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 24508 reptile men
Olm men: nomadic population of 22302 olm men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 6528 cave fish men
Antmen: nomadic population of 40342 antmen
Olm men: nomadic population of 12519 olm men
Fachen: nomadic population of 8380 fachen
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 1104 amphibian men
Itarin: nomadic population of 6370 itarin
Serpent men: nomadic population of 1078 serpent men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 1224 cave fish men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 11760 reptile men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 20646 ekodus
Bat men: nomadic population of 1350 bat men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 15688 serpent men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 16710 amphibian men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 1664 cave fish men
Fachen: nomadic population of 429 fachen
Reptile men: nomadic population of 532 reptile men
Olm men: nomadic population of 1968 olm men
Antmen: nomadic population of 3408 antmen
Itarin: nomadic population of 5382 itarin
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 3420 amphibian men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 16895 cave fish men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 595 reptile men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 629 serpent men
Olm men: nomadic population of 7524 olm men
Serpent men: nomadic population of 13134 serpent men
Bat men: nomadic population of 836 bat men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 3036 cave fish men
Reptile men: nomadic population of 3720 reptile men
Olm men: nomadic population of 3283 olm men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 528 amphibian men
Olm men: nomadic population of 1404 olm men
Amphibian men: nomadic population of 8514 amphibian men
Ekodus: nomadic population of 840 ekodus
Reptile men: nomadic population of 7152 reptile men
Fachen: nomadic population of 2110 fachen
Bat men: nomadic population of 2272 bat men
Cave fish men: nomadic population of 12008 cave fish men
Cave swallow men: nomadic population of 4032 cave swallow men
The Wall of Humidity, Dwarves
Worship List
R¡t the Roasted Zenith, deity: fortresses, war
Kad“l the Wall of Nights, deity: mountains, earth, caverns
Etur the Earth of Painting, deity: jewels, wealth
Zalud, deity: children
Sodel, deity: sacrifice, charity, generosity
Sheced, deity: lust
Keshan the Torrid Heat, deity: fire
Dostob, deity: food, agriculture, fertility, the rain, dusk, twilight
Omt„l Relievedreleases, deity: freedom
king List
- Erush Lancedbarb (b. d. 5, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
5 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death: 4
Worshipped Sodel (25%)
- Mistˆm Hawkwire (b. d. 12, Reign Began: 6), *** New Line, Married (d.
8 Children (out-lived 6 of them) -- Ages at death: 11 8
Worshipped Omt„l Relievedreleases (56%)
- Erib Ringconjured (b.1 d. 20, Reign Began: 13), Inherited from father, Married (d. 19)
4 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 6 4 3
Worshipped Omt„l Relievedreleases (50%)
- Tosid Homageoil (b.4 d. 164, Reign Began: 21), *** New Line, Married (d. 43)
10 Children (out-lived 8 of them) -- Ages at death: 143 129 (d. 70)
Worshipped Thestkig Largeriddled the Robust Brain (100%)
- Endok Canyonkindled (b.35 d. 190, Reign Began: 164), Inherited from father, Married
10 Children (out-lived 9 of them) -- Ages at death: 21
Worshipped Pacila Rainfly the Heavenly Skies (97%)
- Lokum Constructtoned (b.169 d. 339, Reign Began: 190), Inherited from mother, Married
9 Children (out-lived 8 of them) -- Ages at death: (d. 335) 86
Worshipped Sodel (98%)
- Doren Galleydots (b.253 d. 412, Reign Began: 339), Inherited from father, Married
3 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death: (d. 307) 109
Worshipped Sodel (78%)
- Solon Mirrorparch (b.303 d. 463, Reign Began: 412), Inherited from mother, Married
No Children
Worshipped Atibere Strengthferal the Fell of Adventures (76%)
- S†kzul Stoppedlashed (b.407 d. 557, Reign Began: 463), *** New Line, Married
4 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Sodel (67%)
- Vab“k Hallwanes (b.443 d. 558, Reign Began: 557), *** New Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 65
Worshipped Lemis Boarseason the Misty Wall (73%)
- M–thkat Toolnames (b.493 d. 659, Reign Began: 559), Inherited from father, Married (d. 507)
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lemis Boarseason the Misty Wall (77%)
- Avuz Lanterndabblers (b.616, Reign Began: 659), *** New Line, Married (d. 648)
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages:
Worships Niunciur Leafcrabs the Umbral Fog of Basins (88%)
The Meditation of Riddles, Encars
Worship List
Canci Listentruth, deity: wisdom, scholarship, writing
Sonciir Sizzleparched, deity: fire
Ilor, deity: war
Liihal the Grasp of Prison, deity: laws
Ichesian, deity: peace
dragon emperor List
- Rukora (b. d. 20, Reign Began: 4), *** Original Line, Never Married
No Children
- Istrath Throwrenown (b., Reign Began: 20), *** New Line, Never Married
No Children
The Cruelties of Uniting, Goblins
law-giver List
- Utes Badshields (b. d. 3, Reign Began: 3), *** Original Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
- Issok Phlegmseduced the Intense Tentacles (b. d. 15, Reign Began: 3), *** New Line, Never Married
No Children
- Ber Monsterwaste (b.4 d. 16, Reign Began: 16), *** New Line, Married
No Children
- Zolak Wheelsdemons (b.3 d. 17, Reign Began: 17), *** New Line, Married
No Children
- Ngom Stealhustles (b.1 d. 18, Reign Began: 18), *** New Line, Married
No Children
- Aral Listenflags (b.2 d. 87, Reign Began: 19), *** New Line, Married
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Sencor the Tenebrous Labyrinth (100%)
- Obur Ashclimax the Flier of Stabbing (b., Reign Began: 20), *** New Line, Never Married
No Children
The Gloss of Barricading, Elves
Worship List
Lin, force: nature, rivers
druid List
- L¡ceyi Blazetactics (b. d. 2, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (57%)
- Ula Tusklabors (b. d. 3, Reign Began: 3), *** New Line, Married (d. 3)
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (25%)
princess List
- Mifava Conjuredfern (b. d. 3, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (84%)
- Eliye Leafsilvers (b. d. 6, Reign Began: 3), *** New Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (37%)
queen List
- Mokathi Pinesroared (b. d. 2, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (77%)
- Mifava Conjuredfern (b. d. 3, Reign Began: 3), *** New Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (84%)
- Eliye Leafsilvers (b. d. 6, Reign Began: 4), *** New Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lin (37%)
Kalmis, Kobolds
The Blanketed Guilds, Aurides
Worship List
Lius Northwheeled, deity: trade
Nus the Droplet of Intricacy, deity: wealth, painting, inspiration, poetry
Rherium the Sizzling Fires, deity: volcanos
Brium, deity: peace
Teum Fielddawned the True Beard of Apes, deity: happiness, nature, water
Daregna Gloveheaven the Golden Attic, deity: crafts, metals, fire, the sun, the dawn
Ipiere Spurtpulp, deity: disease, lies, trickery
Ignodo, deity: deformity
Eirere, deity: war, fishing
Ado Sparklesilks, deity: beauty
Ibunius Legendreigned the First Dragon, deity: discipline
high consul List
- Fugnus Airmerchant (b. d. 9, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married (d. 12)
9 Children (out-lived 9 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (95%)
- Hinus Reclusetraded (b. d. 10, Reign Began: 10), *** New Line, Married (d. 11)
10 Children (out-lived 8 of them) -- Ages at death: 9 7
Worshipped Teum Fielddawned the True Beard of Apes (97%)
- Gus Washedtaxed (b. d. 12, Reign Began: 11), *** New Line, Married (d. 9)
9 Children (out-lived 9 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (86%)
- Ilius Stabjade (b. d. 62, Reign Began: 13), *** New Line, Married
5 Children (out-lived 5 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Nus the Droplet of Intricacy (31%)
- Evor Pearlscribes (b.1 d. 92, Reign Began: 62), *** New Line, Married
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Teum Fielddawned the True Beard of Apes (34%)
- Nus Scribedtaxes (b.32 d. 114, Reign Began: 92), *** New Line, Married
No Children
Worshipped Teum Fielddawned the True Beard of Apes (81%)
- Mitium Borefortunes (b.17 d. 129, Reign Began: 114), *** New Line, Married
10 Children (out-lived 10 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Ipiere Spurtpulp (46%)
- Finum Honesthills (b.80 d. 152, Reign Began: 129), *** New Line, Married
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Hinus Guardedgilt (b.94 d. 176, Reign Began: 153), *** New Line, Married
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Ustia Truthankles (b.145 d. 215, Reign Began: 176), *** New Line, Never Married
No Children
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Urum Silverpartnered (b.173 d. 216, Reign Began: 216), *** New Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Lius Insightsguarded (b.194 d. 225, Reign Began: 217), *** New Line, Married
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Singus Blowgilt (b.174 d. 292, Reign Began: 226), *** New Line, Married
5 Children (out-lived 5 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Finum Dusttaxes (b.137 d. 255, Reign Began: 233), *** New Line, Married
7 Children (out-lived 6 of them) -- Ages at death: (d. 205) 41
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Carunus Gildmoist (b.194 d. 324, Reign Began: 255), *** New Line, Married
No Children
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Urum Jadegrasp (b.278 d. 370, Reign Began: 324), *** New Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Finum Booktraded (b.324 d. 413, Reign Began: 370), *** New Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death: 76
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Menia Wealthstwinkled (b.391 d. 480, Reign Began: 413), *** New Line, Married
5 Children (out-lived 5 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Urum Jadeworkers (b.455 d. 537, Reign Began: 480), *** New Line, Married
4 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Finum Taxwhipped (b.382 d. 487, Reign Began: 482), *** New Line, Married
No Children
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Evor Treasurecactus (b.411 d. 498, Reign Began: 487), *** New Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death: 18
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Finum Sandpriced (b.406 d. 503, Reign Began: 498), *** New Line, Married
8 Children (out-lived 7 of them) -- Ages at death: 11
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Menia Insightsbristled (b.473 d. 558, Reign Began: 503), *** New Line, Married
1 Child -- Ages at death: 70
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Carunus Jadescars (b.523 d. 621, Reign Began: 558), *** New Line, Married
4 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death: (d. 561)
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Fugnus Uttergilds (b.535 d. 654, Reign Began: 616), *** New Line, Married (d. 650)
4 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Quinus Giltpool (b.551 d. 629, Reign Began: 621), *** New Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 55 53
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Alare Goldenpulleys (b.588 d. 669, Reign Began: 629), *** New Line, Married (d. 659)
4 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: 38
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Gus Romancetruthful (b.567 d. 660, Reign Began: 654), *** New Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Inius Sensedpriced (b.587 d. 663, Reign Began: 660), *** New Line, Married
4 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: 53
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Inius Tradedplains (b.619 d. 689, Reign Began: 663), *** New Line, Married (d. 709)
5 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 57 54 51 3
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Gus Bootpriced (b.605 d. 696, Reign Began: 689), *** New Line, Married (d. 731)
4 Children -- Ages at death: 60 53 7 6
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Quinus Honestrubbed (b.588 d. 706, Reign Began: 696), *** New Line, Married
4 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: 68
Worshipped Lius Northwheeled (100%)
- Inius Topmarkets (b.679, Reign Began: 706), *** New Line, Married (d. 738)
4 Children -- Ages: 50 46 44 41
Worships Lius Northwheeled (100%)
The Towers of Worship, Wurad
Worship List
Reshedeok, deity: nature, the sun
Koakesha, deity: oaths, marriage
Iguka, deity: discipline
Akjo the Barricaded Moral, deity: loyalty
Krraraw, deity: hospitality
Ukikra Relieffree the Emancipated Liberation, deity: freedom
Gushesuka, deity: poetry, lust
Shew Pridewild, deity: truth, fame, rumors
Sash, deity: balance
Asawowra the Ugly Hag, deity: nightmares
chief List
- Dusao Slapfish (b. d. 3, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married (d. 3)
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Akjo the Barricaded Moral (50%)
- Gusao Drilledsun (b. d. 4, Reign Began: 4), *** New Line, Married (d. 5)
4 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: 2
Worshipped Akjo the Barricaded Moral (98%)
- Gushesh Moraldies (b. d. 7, Reign Began: 5), *** New Line, Married (d. 1)
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Asawowra the Ugly Hag (4%)
shaman List
- Resher Peardish (b. d. 1, Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married (d. 7)
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Koakesha (8%)
- Seshewoar Controlmuted (b. d. 3, Reign Began: 2), *** New Line, Married (d. 4)
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Reshedeok (19%)
- Akra Dashmirth (b. d. 7, Reign Began: 4), *** New Line, Married (d. 4)
4 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Sash (74%)
- Heshoas Mistmeshes (b. d. 8, Reign Began: , *** New Line, Married
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Ukikra Relieffree the Emancipated Liberation (42%)
The Deep Confederacy, Humans
Worship List
Rirdest, deity: loyalty
Uja the Hateful Dungeons, deity: murder
Rud, deity: metals
Idur, deity: writing
Eslo, deity: oceans
Kas Freeflew the Luxurious Larks, deity: speech, persuasion, poetry, inspiration, painting
Galka, deity: caverns
Nethrez the Infinite Deceiver of Hoods, deity: trickery, lies, treachery
Someg Dumplingboy, deity: salt, festivals
Ospram, deity: the wind
law-giver List
- Aquos Focuscandy (b. d. 48, Reign Began: 2), *** Original Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 47
Worshipped Kas Freeflew the Luxurious Larks (55%)
- Rodi Glidetrampled (b.1 d. 79, Reign Began: 48), Inherited from mother, Married
10 Children (out-lived 9 of them) -- Ages at death: 60
Worshipped Kas Freeflew the Luxurious Larks (48%)
- Ellum Rootdangles (b.19 d. 100, Reign Began: 79), Inherited from mother, Married
10 Children (out-lived 9 of them) -- Ages at death: 58
Worshipped Rirdest (77%)
- Co¤u Fragrancedead (b.42 d. 147, Reign Began: 100), Inherited from father, Married
2 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 77
Worshipped Rirdest (79%)
- Gagu Sprungtrick (b.70 d. 185, Reign Began: 147), Inherited from father, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Rirdest (76%)
- Amsir Standardrooter (b.160 d. 191, Reign Began: 186), *** New Line, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Rud (97%)
- Dirlu Actionlunches (b.170 d. 285, Reign Began: 192), *** New Line, Married
6 Children (out-lived 5 of them) -- Ages at death: 90
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Eno Stokedeep (b.195 d. 289, Reign Began: 285), Inherited from mother, Married
3 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 76 25
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Sizet Silkyurged (b.264 d. 338, Reign Began: 289), Inherited from mother, Married
4 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: 47
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Ligir Fightgrowers (b.291 d. 360, Reign Began: 338), Inherited from mother, Married
4 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death: 56 53
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Kost Actedlucky (b.304 d. 367, Reign Began: 360), Inherited from father, Married
3 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 47 21
Worshipped Idur (100%)
- Tode Playfulhail (b.346 d. 440, Reign Began: 367), Inherited from father, Married (d. 417)
4 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death: 79 72
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Rakbin Lordghost (b.361 d. 451, Reign Began: 440), Inherited from mother, Married
4 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: 38
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Kima Faintcolored (b.413 d. 515, Reign Began: 451), Inherited from mother, Married
2 Children (out-lived 2 of them) -- Ages at death:
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Uce Talonarmors (b.489 d. 562, Reign Began: 515), *** New Line, Married
5 Children (out-lived 4 of them) -- Ages at death: 28
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Kopka Savantstraps (b.534 d. 647, Reign Began: 562), Inherited from father, Married
3 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages at death: (d. 642)
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Bekat Glowhames (b.547 d. 642, Reign Began: 597), Inherited from father, Married (d. 646)
4 Children -- Ages at death: 72 71 43 38
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Om Bakersyarns (b.599 d. 671, Reign Began: 642), Inherited from mother, Married (d. 715)
2 Children -- Ages at death: 58 54
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Rabin Tuggedgloss (b.613 d. 715, Reign Began: 671), Inherited from father, Married
1 Child (out-lived) -- Ages at death: (d. 704)
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Thaguk Praisegirders (b.620 d. 735, Reign Began: 715), *** New Line, Married (d. 707)
2 Children (out-lived 1 of them) -- Ages at death: 76
Worshipped Rud (100%)
- Konli Bronzeenjoyed (b.659, Reign Began: 735), Inherited from father, Married
2 Children -- Ages: 77 76
Worships Rud (100%)
The Responsible Confederations, Humans
Worship List
Aco, deity: rivers
Godan the Wispy Lark, deity: song
Bikd , deity: the dawn, twilight, dusk
Sporro, deity: the rain, storms
Shibbi, deity: nature
Otu Helpferal, deity: revelry, happiness
law-giver List
- Uvno Closetsqueezes (b. d. 39, Reign Began: 3), *** Original Line, Married (d. 13)
10 Children (out-lived 8 of them) -- Ages at death: 38 34
Worshipped Godan the Wispy Lark (100%)
- Exzas (b., Reign Began: , *** New Line, Never Married
No Children
The Weather of Words, Elves
Worship List
Eslome Felltrees, force: nature, rivers
druid List
- Imeva Clearingpaged (b., Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
10 Children (out-lived 5 of them) -- Ages: 749 748 747 743 740
Worships Eslome Felltrees (8%)
princess List
- le Silkenrounded (b., Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
7 Children (out-lived 3 of them) -- Ages: 749 747 746 743
Worships Eslome Felltrees (70%)
queen List
- Ale Satinymine (b., Reign Began: 1), *** Original Line, Married
10 Children (out-lived 7 of them) -- Ages: 747 744 742
Worships Eslome Felltrees (43%)
Lrafabastrobus, Kobolds
The Abbey of Crows, Encars
Worship List
Arcan Scrapeconflicts the Swift Crypts, deity: war, death
Alsiuliar, deity: wisdom
Gasias Parchflicker the Fires of Glowing, deity: fire
Incel, deity: earth, volcanos, mountains
Iliances, deity: happiness, revelry, song, music
Esor the Obscure Star, deity: luck, gambling, the moon, the sky, rainbows
Sencor the Tenebrous Labyrinth, deity: mist
Chenel, deity: hunting
Isiir, deity: travelers
dragon emperor List
- Aned Mistquested the Sculpted Sports of Raining (b. d. 19, Reign Began: 4), *** Original Line, Never Married
No Children