I think the problem I have with the game is that The Voice is that there isn't any reason to follow it. When society tells you to do something, they do so by providing some reason for it. Maybe a dumb and outdated reason, but still a reason. All The Voice do is give you dumb commands and positive reinforcement if you follow them. As an example, The Voice tells you "Jump in the spikes", and if you do so, all you get is "Good girl." I would have had it that if you jumped in the spikes, you get some special shortcut that allow you to go straight to the next checkpoint. Some of the time, The Voice would be helpful...and other times, it would not. It'll be up to you to decide when that is.
I did kill myself on the orders of The Voice (and The Voice isn't that much of a jerk to tell me to kill myself again, so that was swell), but ultimately I disobeyed it many times (I moved and I got a checkpoint eand I
failed on the last part once), and chose to left him. The Voice may have loved me, but I hated it, and that's the real reason I left. But I also disliked all that color that followed me around; I prefer actual detail and beauty, not random colors and
red to indicate danger. And when I walked in the hallway by myself, I realize that without The Voice, I would be alone forever...
Anyways, in regards to the game... If you disobey fully and then say that you'll keep close to the voice rather than walk away from it, you still walk down the same tunnel.
Then that suggest that you never really leave The Voice. Exhibit A for the "The Voice Is God" Theory.