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Author Topic: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!  (Read 946 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« on: June 29, 2010, 07:39:19 pm »

Share your starting over stories- tales of epic catastrophe, narrow survival, and the long task of rebuilding. I'll share mine as an example.

The Dwarven outpost of MurderChannel was a great success. In the first three years, the population boomed to almost 50 stout dwarves, drawn in by the potential riches- MurderChannel was located underneath a mountain containing huge deposits of iron and copper ore. Although its metal industry was still in its infancy, its leader had grandiose plans to pump magma up to the surface, and every dwarf in the outpost was somehow involved in realizing this dream. Caravans went out of their way to trade for MurderChannel's mastercrafted rock mugs and instruments.

Then, one day, during Spring 1504, catastrophe struck. A goblin ambush appeared out of nowhere.

MurderChannel had been cocky. Its citizens felt completely safe behind their towering white walls. "Raise the drawbridge", they thought, "and no earthly creature can threaten us." They were wrong. By the time the drawbridge had been raised, already 3 had died and two goblins had made it past the traps into the fortress. A militia was quickly drafted from MurderChannel's miners and woodcutters- anyone whose profession involved something sharp or pointy. These 9, brave dwarves charged the goblins with no regard for their own lives. The bloodshed soaked every barrel of booze in the food stockpile.

When the carnage came to an end, one legendary miner stood on top of the bodies of his comrades and their felled goblin foes. The only two other dwarven survivors of the fight met their ends shortly after. One died in pain on the battlefield, and the other snapped.

He couldn't take it. He had never been used to violence, but this was too much. He had watched his friends being butchered. He went berserk. He killed a total of 7 dwarves and one cat before he was put down. This triggered a cycle of sadness and violence, which a mere 18 dwarves survived. Five were in the now-defunct hospital with goblin inflicted injuries, and one was only a child, leaving MurderChannel's operational population at 12 blood-stained dwaves.

They were mostly untrained haulers or professional engravers, but they had faith in their new leader- Bromrek Abalber, Legendary Miner and savior of MurderChannel. These unskilled workers adopted new jobs, filling those previously held by their now-deceased brothers. They abandoned their high walls, too scarred by the knowledge of how many innocents had died while trapped within. Their ultimate defense had nearly been their ultimate downfall. They wouldn't make the same mistake again.

A new space was mined out. Farms were built. Furniture was hauled in from Old MurderChannel and put to new use. A professional militia was formed. A new doctor was trained. They weren't in paradise, not by a longshot. They were still lucky to be alive. One ill-timed siege would spell the end of MurderChannel forever.

But they had hope. They had battered, unfounded, borderline-psychopathic hope, but it was still hope. It was still a chance.

MurderChannel wasn't going to go down without a fight.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 07:44:51 pm by existent »
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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 08:24:04 pm »

The happy dwarves approached the desert oasis, with nothing but a few fish and fried horse meat in their wagon.
Vultures arrived, stole everything.
the desperate dwarves destroyed their wagon, in hopes of building a butchers shop to kill the pack mule for food.
as soon as the mule was struck down, the vultures returned stealing every last scrap.
The happy dwarves were no longer happy, but angry starving dwarves.
The butcher Urist McFrustrated throws the remaining bones at a vulture barely missing it, as their taunting calls become more distant.
A dwarf is nothing but an alcohol powered beard.


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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 08:57:04 pm »

A humble number of dwarves with tons of war dogs and two stout warriors embarked on a frozen, terrifying glacier. Undeterred, one unskilled miner slowly delved into the depths, finding a cavern. However, at that point he realized all the booze had frozen in a snowstorm and all the food got ruined. Then they all tantrum spiraled before finding water and food.


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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2010, 09:14:38 pm »

An important lesson learned by more than a few embark groups I've sent out has been a very simple one: don't decide to stop your wagon 6 feet from a hostile wild animal.  I don't know why they love it so, but I've lost at least half a dozen starting 7 to polar bears, giant cave spiders, carp, and undead beasts of various descriptions.
Sanity is for the weak.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 09:49:18 pm »


sure enough, more goblins attacked. Two ambushes simultaneously. MurderChannel now consists of three wounded ex-soldiers and four other citizens, all trapped by the goblins waiting outside.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2010, 10:55:27 pm »

-even more updateness-

I managed to trick almost the entire goblin host into walking into my cage traps. With about 20 goblins in cages, I dared to venture outside. As the three injured dwarves died of thirst (we were walled in, no water supply) I had the other 4 train to repel the remaining invaders.

Two more ambushes arrived. Apparently I forgot to re-seal the entrace, because they got in. Like true dwarves, the outnumbered, unarmed and unarmoured soldiers (stupid military bugs :\  ) stood defiantly against the oncoming horde.

Then they turned around and ran faster than they've ever run. Pressed into a corner, they realized they had no other choice but to fight back. Channeling the fury of Armok himself, they
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2010, 11:18:04 pm »

about a year ago in version 38 or so I had a lady Dwarf decieded to join an hostile faction during a tantrum (bug reported and fixed now), She proceeded to slay her children and start a viscious tantrum spiral with one of the really good marks dwarves also joining the enemy faction. Woulnded dwarves lay everywhere one had a bolt stuck in his left eye , another had one in his right lung, and no civilian dwarves could approach the hospital beds , being scared off by one of the unconcious hostile faction dwarves laying in a bed. so the woulnded and incapicated dwarves slowly dying of thirst and starving to death, the situation eventually resolved itself and I started to be able to do things for the woulnded. Pulled out the bolt stuck in the eye and the dwarf promptly died. Once the last trantum was over and all the insane ones shuffled off to their decaying spot I had three dwarves left. One of the starting 7, legendary in mechanic, a pesant immigrant, and a third dwarf who's skills did not matter as he would not do any work, and yes his profile stated he was lazy and does not like helping others and unwilling to do any unecassary work.
 I Surveyed the carnage, about 120 dead dwarves littered the entieity of the fort, all the bodies has rotted to loose bones, and all the severed bits meant I had nearly 1000 dwarf trips needed to place all the bones in coffins, and the need to sort out which bones belonged to which dwarf. and I had to build 120+ coffins and emplace them a formidble task indeed for only three dwarves. Then there were kobold raids and goblins trying to ambush, and forces of darkness to deal with. The design of the fort was a large surface level wall with three openings widely spaced and weapon traps of the crossbow variety abundantly scattered in places the aproaching goblins were likely to path. unlocking one door for them to path into the fort, wait till a squad nearly there then lock that door, and unlock another, usually did the trick, causing the goblins to lose many members and choose to depart. the closest I came was when a swarm of kobolds had opened the doors while a siege was aproaching, one goblin managed two steps past the last trap before dying from pierced lungs and heart. The legandry dwarf was able to reclaim the door and clear the bodies from the doorway before the next goblin squad got to the doorway, while the pesant was drafted and fought the kobolds. There were no immigrants that year or for the next five. Goblin siege after goblin siege appeared with the dwarves clearing the bodies and reloading the crossbows in between assults. the lazy dwarf, once I saw the 50 or so little statuettes in his bedroom that he had been collecting, and not doing any work... his fate was sealed, next ambush he was drafted , equipped with a crossbow and ordered to chase opponents, he bashed 3 goblins to death before  a mace goblin sent him flying about 20 tiles. Then there were two dwarves. The pesant had become a novice at mechanics, but was too slow at reloading and finally one day he fell asleap right on the trap he was loading. The legandry mechanic cleared the body and completed reloading the trap and all the rest, and was the only dwarf in the fortress for the next three years defeating another 6 goblin sieges before some immigrants arrived. I continued playing the fort till I had every dead dwarf neatly tucked into a coffin, and most of the goblin's gear sold off to caravans. at last count I had 20 dwarves, and the fort was all cleaned up. No longer interesting, and the bug fixes were out to fix the two bugs that nearly killed this fort, and so I moved on to version 40 leaving with fond memories of the little mechanic that stood off the goblins single handed, for several years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 03:50:20 am »

We salute Urist McSamson! *raises glass*
Quote from: Naz
Quote from: dwarfhoplite
I suggest you don't think too much what you build and where. When ever you need something, build it as close as possible to where you need it. that way your fortress will eventually become epic
Because god knows your duke will demand a kitten silo in his office.
Quote from: Necro910
Dwarf Fortress: Where you aren't hallucinating.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting Over, AKA Story Time!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 10:45:37 am »

The happy dwarves approached the desert oasis, with nothing but a few fish and fried horse meat in their wagon.
Vultures arrived, stole everything.
the desperate dwarves destroyed their wagon, in hopes of building a butchers shop to kill the pack mule for food.
as soon as the mule was struck down, the vultures returned stealing every last scrap.
The happy dwarves were no longer happy, but angry starving dwarves.
The butcher Urist McFrustrated throws the remaining bones at a vulture barely missing it, as their taunting calls become more distant.

That is simply hilarious.
Urist Mcleader: Dammed Vultures, stealing all out food!
Urist McButcher: No problem chief, Ill just cut Lil Suzy here and well have some good meat.
Cue to culture stealing mule meat
Urist McButcher: DAMN YOU *Throws bones*
I always imagine dwarves to train as if fighting pretend monsters. "It's a carp, use your sword!" "Shwish! Shwoosh! It's dead!" "Oh no, it's a giant cave spider! Noo, it's got me! Kill it with your axe!" "Swoosh, I cut off its head!"