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Author Topic: Ardentdikes - Absolute disaster - (31.25) (Succession)(Need Players!)  (Read 215632 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ardentdikes - A blood-soaked mess - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #90 on: August 02, 2010, 07:24:40 pm »

This looks like an exciting fortress to hang my helm for a time. Please sign me up for a turn!


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Re: Ardentdikes - A blood-soaked mess - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #91 on: August 03, 2010, 06:41:34 am »

This looks like an exciting fortress to hang my helm for a time. Please sign me up for a turn!

Welcome aboard!

Also, OP updated finally.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #92 on: August 03, 2010, 05:01:05 pm »

1st Granite, 1056

I have come into the position of manager at Ardentdykes. This after writing so many complaint slates over the years, regarding the defence of this fortress. The entrance is barely defended and the military are a few ill-equipped dwarfs...

I have talked to the counter of items and found out we have only scraps of armour and weapons. There are barely any trained dwarfs to use them either. I have thus chiselled out my to do list:

1.Set up a large army to hold off all future invasions and allow deeper digging.
2.Make a low grade set of steel equipment for the new grunts.
3.Set an efficient training timetable for the army.
4.Construction of a dedicated military wing, storage and extended training rooms.
5.Train up the armourers and weapon-smiths.
6.Build a funnelling structure to make invasion difficult.

This worry has had me paranoid for years, but every time, the tablets just got chiselled away into trade goods. But now I have the power, I will mandate this construction to save my.. our lives.

It has been a very busy day, Tobul Kezatrigath has claimed a craft-dwarf workshop, The food Stockpiles are overflowing, so I told them to dump everything in a spare room, designating more room to be dug out.

5th Granite, 1056

mad old whats-his-beard has started work, took him ages to collect up his gear, though I saw some wood in there, so it can't be a good outcome...

9th Granite
Well, I suspected, Elf (Tobul) made a birch cup, the engravings upon it are quite nice, but it just keeps coming back to the fact its made of pointless tree, I am tempted to use it to make charcoal for steel, but I don't like the look in that Elf eyes, so I will place it in the grand dining room out of the way.

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14th Slate, 1056
The emergency defences are in place, three weapon traps and three war dogs, this should provide an early warning and small defence, trimming down any ambush to military manageable levels.

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20th Slate, 1056
The guards are a real rag tag group, I can't remember there names, so I gave each one a pebble inscribed Axedorf1, Axedorf2 and Bowdorf1 to assign them.

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27th Slate, 1056
Flux, that's it, I knew something was wrong. The smelters had been yelling at me for days that they want stone, so I kept throwing it off my office floor at them, turns out they wanted a specific stone. I have no idea if we have it or where it could be, so now I have a chicken and the egg, I need stone to make good armour, and I need good armoured dwarfs to dig deeper..

7th Felcite, 1056
Huzzah! I am saved, I mean the fortress is saved.. Exploratory mining has found marble, such a lovely rock, I think I will get a few marble statures commissioned for my tomb. But more importantly, the steel production is under way. We dug down though a central column in the cave and hit marble.

20th Felsite, 1056
Invasion, there are elves!, lots of elves!, with beasts loaded with...socks? Oh, its a caravan, far too many elves I say..
Thing is, our food stockpiles are overflowing as it is, I suppose I could offload some rock bits and bobs for cloth, not that we need that either.

21st  Felsite, 1056
Cursed elves, lulling me into looking out on the other side of the fort, while goblins and a human sneak up from the other..The military isn't ready, oh carp were all going to die whipped to death!
Whew, panic over, the wardogs and backup traps killed off enough to send them into retreat..

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25th Felsite, 1056
Aaaaaaargh Iamgonnadieinahorribleway, got to go hide, hopefully your corpses will block the way and let me live.

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Um, they left, weird, they managed to make it past the traps, and just, left... how odd. I didn't mean that stuff about corpses, was a joke, yes.

2nd Haematite, 1056
Summer has rolled around, and with this lack of enthusiasm for military might after the recent crisis of almost everyone being killed but not. I have devised a plan, but I dare not record it here.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 05:09:04 pm by TauQuebb »


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #93 on: August 03, 2010, 09:14:49 pm »

Summer has rolled around, and with this lack of enthusiasm for military might after the recent crisis of almost everyone being killed but not. I have devised a plan, but I dare not record it here.

I hope it involves magma.

Also, what's the issue with the military? Are they not training or not learning anything from training?
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #94 on: August 07, 2010, 04:44:14 pm »

3rd Malachite
It has been nice of late, dwarfs running around industriously, steel armor being forged, stone dumped and rooms mined out. So far it has been going well. However, of late odd sounds have been resonating from below, loud croaks and belches, I worry we have some horror down there waiting for me.. I am glad the entrance was sealed years ago.

6th of malachite
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How odd, I bumped into an elf today, he was just wandering around the corridors, I will have to keep an eye on this tree lover, see what he is plotting, he seemed to be sobbing in the booze stockpile at one point, It was a chearing sight.

19th of malachite
The strange sounds from below continue, but in comfort to me, the first 5 sets of armour and axes are complete, I have ordered the construction of wooden bolts to get our bowdwarfs up to speed too.

13th Galena
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Eep. The Croaks from below were enough, now we have pounding from...

15th Galena
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...Oh, the caravan guards slaughtered him, perhaps I am just being a little paranoid.

15th limestone
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16th Limestone
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A floodgate, that's perfect for my plan, its so seamless, looks like a section of engraved wall, that's just perfect!

16th Timber
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Our fellow dwarf caravan has arrived, with some good stuff by the looks of it. Here was I thinking Timber was a dreary badly named month.

20th timber
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And it just gets worse, who thought it was a good idea to name a month after dead tree..

21st timber
Another ambush, I am sure they are just following the caravans here..
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what are you doing you silly dwarf, I said inside, let the caravan deal with the mess they brought upon me. Your going to die..

told you

23rd of timber
Aaargh, another two ambushes and a snatcher, everyone has been told to hide inside, with the military ready if the caravan guards fail.

23rd of timber
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We survived, the guards were seriously badass, and slaughtered the bowgoblins while they were shooting up the guard dogs.

Crisis over the trader emerged and bought up lots of wood, steel, ore and food, we are well stocked on all of the above now, but a little low on rock trinkets.

13th Obsidian
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I am safe for evermore, my own self contained housing is complete, right behind my tin decorated Tomb room, It is brilliant and for safety reasons, will move in here from now on. A total of 20 full sets of steel armour and axes have been completed, and the military training schedules are set up.

Well, I think I have completed enough of the objectives I set out to do, I am still alive and more comfortable than before, thus all is well, I will now lock the doors to my safe room, to keep everybody out and enjoy my solitude and safety.

We now have three squads of military, two axe and one crossbow.

The crossbow dwarfs are waiting on some leather armour and crossbows, but seem to be training correctly.

I have cut a stairwell down to get to some marble, but when whoever is next is confident enough, they should be able to attack a forgotten beast and go into the cave.

How things are:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #95 on: August 07, 2010, 04:52:56 pm »

Holy cow, where did we get that much steel?  Nice job kitting out the military.  Is there a save somewhere?  If you haven't already I'll add a map to the map series on the DF map archives or feel free to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2010, 09:29:00 am »

Very nice, Tauquebb, you've made it so maybe we won't all die horribly the next time there's an ambush!

Now all we need is a save  :P
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #97 on: August 08, 2010, 11:32:41 am »

I managed to make 15 sets of steel armour, and there's quite a bit left over too.

just queued up repeatedly:

smelt magnetite 30
make bituminous coal 15
make pig iron 15
make steel 15
make gauntlets 5
make high boots 5
make helms 5

smelt magnetite 30
make bituminous coal 15
make pig iron 15
make steel 15
make greaves 5
make axes 5

smelt magnetite 30
make bituminous coal 15
make pig iron 15
make steel 15
make breastplate 5

save is here:


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #98 on: August 08, 2010, 04:10:19 pm »

If anyone is interested here is the DF Map Archive map for early spring 1057.


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #99 on: August 09, 2010, 06:44:00 pm »

I'm giving antymatter until August 10, 2010, 11:32:41 am before grabbing the save and getting started. Let me know if I should hold off.


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #100 on: August 10, 2010, 06:44:38 am »

I'm giving antymatter until August 10, 2010, 11:32:41 am before grabbing the save and getting started. Let me know if I should hold off.

I've been busier the past couple days than I'd anticipated but it looks like everyone else is more organized than I am!

That's fine glacial, and I've sent a PM reminder to him as well.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #101 on: August 10, 2010, 02:24:32 pm »

Ok, I'm downloading as I.. Ok..Now I'm downloading it. I will update the info here.


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #102 on: August 12, 2010, 08:23:20 am »

Darn it, you'l have to skip me. We have to prepare dor a gigantic rpg on my birthday. Sorry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #103 on: August 12, 2010, 11:57:38 am »

I'm downloading the save now and will get started tonight.


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #104 on: August 14, 2010, 12:21:25 am »

...I have to say, even sealed away with half the fortress's food supplies, TauQuebb turns out to be the best fortress manager ever.

Also, cheese maker Solon is now happily employed in a job befitting her unique skillset. Heh heh heh...
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