13th Malachite
Horde of incompetent slaves! They don't even deserve being called sacrifices in my name! Because of them the troll escaped into fortress, so now half of dwarves run after it and another half runs FROM it!
19th Malachite
WAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Good thing I walled him off first ]:->
26th Malachite
After exactly month, the troll is killed. By whom, would you ask? By DOGS. Yep, not by that 10-dwarf horde of noobs, but by three dogs in less than one day. I'm walling off that fucking cavern...
3rd Galena
Cavern walled off. Meanwhile we lost two more slaves to giant olm which somehow wandered out of there.
12th Galena
I said two? Sorry, of course I meant three. Also, I'm happy to announce that somewhen recently the second level of mold has been completed!
24th Galena
*sings* It's haaaard to be a gooood wheeeen the mooost sane creatures in your fort are human traaaaadeeeeers... Have I mentioned that it's already four men dead and the only axe in the fort lies forgotten?
6th Limestone
AT LAAAAAAST!!! After taking one more life, Dimongukil Arbanstagshil (it even rhymes) the giant olm was slewn by humans. I really ought to forfeit this madhouse and try and get a human fortress as my followers...
6th Timber
Somewhere far below some three-eyed forgotten beast has arrived. Since the caverns are safely walled off I wouldn't even care but it's the most interesting things in last two months...
7th Timber
Apparently being afraid of it made my slave leader go moody. So be it.
13th Timber
Who could have doubted that it would be something shitty?
Also, somewhy nobody uses the magma forges. It's our only source of magma-safe materials AND THEY DON'T USE IT. AAAAAAAAAARGHHH.
11th Opal
The river (frozen somewhere about a month ago) was dammed in two places. The well is complete. The one-and-a-half-armed manager is back at work, but THE CORKSCREWS ARE STILL NOT PRODUCED. Even pipe section are ready and corkscrews haven't even started. Well, screw that, somebody else will have to actually cast the obsidian ]:->
14th Opal
New bedrooms are finished! Now the slaves will be able to work 21 hour per day (because of all the unforeseen comfort)!
18th Obsidian
Our best (and only) woodcutter died from thirst. He was laying with a yellow lower body for as long as I remember while manager and miner who were hurt in the same fight and each lost an arm were working as other slaves! I don't feel the least sorry for him. He deserved it.
1st Granite
I go out of the fortress into the first drops of spring rain. This year has flown past so fast!... For the last time I check all the notes on levers for future lords, look at perfectly functioning dam, watch the looming shape of obsidian mold above, marvel at the gatehouse... My reign here certainly didn't pass unnoticed. However, then I remember HOW FUCKING STUPID THOSE FUCKING DWARVES ARE and, dropping the
map near the drawbridge gate, storm off into the mist to search for other fortresses who need lord and for some other lord who needs
THIS fortress.