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Author Topic: Ardentdikes - Absolute disaster - (31.25) (Succession)(Need Players!)  (Read 215628 times)


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #360 on: December 08, 2010, 10:45:54 pm »

No, dont bother purging lesser ardentdikes.  Just begin "Lesser, Lesser Ardentdikes" with the next wave of immigrants (wall the current population into Lesser Ardentdikes and have them live as long as possible.)  This means that some square outside must contain the rot...we must purge the overworld before any new migrants make their way to ardentdikes.
This is a useful feature..and this is DF.. so im gonna assume its bugged
That's what cages and minecart shotguns are for!  We don't need to control them.  We just need to aim them.


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #361 on: December 09, 2010, 02:34:48 am »

Could I perhaps be dwarfed as "Akaros"? (preferably as a carpenter if available, but I'm not picky)  I've finally caught up to the end of this thread, and the hell that this fortress has been through is amazing!  I can't wait to be a part of it and then promptly die to footrot!
Hey, don't look at me.  I told you we should have butchered the cats years ago!


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #362 on: December 09, 2010, 03:36:28 am »

mrbobbyg, your dwarf is a young and married Competent Biter / Fish-Cleaner, and an Accomplished Wood Burner.  He likes the grotesque features of bristleworm demons.  He is not currently rotting.

Akaros is a Great Carpenter and an Adept Woodcutter who walks around with an iron axe.  He's married to the bookkeeper Asmel, who was irritated at having to give somebody water recently.


Deduk's Journal, excerpts

The caravan's here, and that means the outpost liaison is here, and that seems to mean hiding all traces of the plague, starting with the abundance of dead animals.  "It would spell the end of Ardentdikes if word got out," Sethud reasons.  "No right mind would ever travel to so doomed a fort."

"It's fine to export gold again"

The plague has returned, and I have no idea where it's coming from.  There are no beast-borne contaminants anywhere I can find.  The venom may be diluted to sub-detectable (hopefully sub-fatal) amounts by now.  At this point even full quarantine would be futile:  If the plague can spread, it has already done so.

Some of the the infected have been routed to the infirmary of Lesser Ardentdikes for treatment.  The very place I died.  It feels strange to come back here, not merely because a few of the more zealous patients are trying to ward me off with religious chants and totems and strings of rope reed.  I'm entirely grateful for all this, as it proved I can still have a laughing fit.

One of the fortress cats is laying next to me.  They seem to be able to sense my presence and follow me around.  The younger ones try to chase me sometimes.  This one is dying of advanced necrosis, like so many others.  Poor things.

Wait.  These dwarves have been transporting and butchering animals left in cages by the fort's previous inhabitants.  Many of them harbored the disease!  The meat stockpiles may be completely contaminated, and no one will know if the meat is safe until it's too late!

Alil's Mercy.  How could I let this go unnoticed?  All of the meat, ALL of it, must be cooked before eating.  Just in case I'm right.  If I'm wrong, they're all going to die anyway and I might get some better company than this Medtob creature who spends his undeath throwing pebbles at children.

I spoke with the mayor, who is infected as well.  He has prepared himself a tomb; in it, he placed a statue of Tesum giving birth to Music, which he said was always a comforting story in his troubling times.  He's frightened and dismissive of his chance of recovery, which I estimate to be moderate.

Death isn't so bad, I wanted to lie, but I have no lips.

I need to find a moment's peace.  I do know a place, thankfully.  Incorporeality has its perks.  I can get there fast and stay forever.

This underground forest, unseen by living eyes, is a haven of tranquil beauty.  Lush and peaceful, I could lay on the ground beneath the spore trees and feel I could, if I tried so hard, become one with the rippling water.  I'll be there for a while today.

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*     *     *

What is... who made this?

Sethud must have ordered this.  I... It even mentions the chains...

So, someone remembered to care.

Urist, there's so much I want to ask you.  So much I want to tell you.  I want to say I hate you so badly it hurts.  You were everything to me, you traitor.

I forgive you.  I don't know what else to do.  I feel it isn't you that's doing this, that things are somehow different than they seem, but I know not what to say to that, being deceased and all.  That axe fucking hurt.

It doesn't matter.  It's sorry things turned out this way.  I hope you get better, Urist.  I really, really do.  Find whatever you need to realize what you've done.  You owe me a life.  When next we meet, I pray you are the dwarf I knew before and not the demon you've become.  May Alil bring you peace.

*     *     *

Life dies.  Such a massive little sentence.  But death is not so bad, and this I really mean.

I know what I need to do now.  I can't explain, but that there's a new direction to take.  I couldn't see it before, but now, it seems so familiar.  I'm reminded of being a child.  So young.  It's been so long without those memories.  So, journal, we must part ways now.  Thank you for everything, you've been a good friend.

I'm so tired.  Been up for a year.  I think it's time I went to bed.



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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #363 on: December 09, 2010, 06:38:22 am »


I have an explanation in mind for why McDuck is doing all of this. Unfortunately, I'm very busy right now and won't be able to write it until the weekend.


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #364 on: December 09, 2010, 07:38:33 am »

Wait.  These dwarves have been transporting and butchering animals left in cages by the fort's previous inhabitants.  Many of them harbored the disease!  The meat stockpiles may be completely contaminated, and no one will know if the meat is safe until it's too late!

Well at least it shouldn't spread infinitely now.  That  Epic, epic turn.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #365 on: December 09, 2010, 11:06:59 am »

Wow, that's epic.
Did they get disease from eating meat or from contacting with dead animals?
If first I doubt that cooking will make it safe. Plague had already got through one workshop, that means it'll pass through another and remain in plagued roasts.
You know the solution.  ;)
And also get someone already infected to create some roasts for trading with elves.  ;D
Quote from: Creamcorn
Dwarf Fortress: Where you meet the limit of your imagination, moral compass, sanity and CPU processor. Fix sober vampires! Dwarven Cognitive Science


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #366 on: December 09, 2010, 10:03:29 pm »

Brilliant. Bloody brilliant you lot deserve a medal for making this.

And also get someone already infected to create some roasts for trading with elves.  ;D
I agree.


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #367 on: December 09, 2010, 10:09:01 pm »

Requesting dorfage too.

With so much plague and rotting, somebody should isolate a couple of marksdwarves in a safehouse, with ammo and plenty of booze.
He stole an onion. Off with his head.
I wonder, what would they do if someone killed their king.
Inevitable, who cares. Now an onion...


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #368 on: December 10, 2010, 02:41:28 am »

Elves don't eat dwarf food, they give it to their animals.  They buy meat from dwarves since they're loathe to kill animals themselves, and trade is a good way to feed the carnivorous pets (and pawn off the extras).  Some bear eats the tainted food and gets sick, and the disease spreads from creature to creature around the forest until all the animals are rotten.  And that's how skelk are created.  Way to go, elves.

I'm not sure what exactly is causing our case of rot, but it doesn't seem to be spreading any further now, and all the infected animals are long dead.  The affected dwarves appear stable, they seem to be alright except for the miasma constantly coming off them.  It's a pretty strange situation.

Wastedlabor Whiptalk is a very friendly marksdwarf who is getting used to tragedy.  :)

I'm almost done with the turn, should be finished by tomorrow.  Thanks for your patience, folks.  FPS has risen as of late, getting about 10-11 now.


Journal of Mayor Sethud Crewbronze, Excerpts

More migrants arrived today, which brings our number to 35.  I can to little to conceal the existence of the plague, and personally, I'm trying not to think of it all, though I admit the disease is far more manageable than I'd first worried.  In fact, aside from moderate discomfort and routine surgeries, life for us afflicted hasn't changed all too much.  I surmise that Deduk was correct in that the worst of the trouble has passed, but while there are suspicions, the source of the outbreak remains an unsolved mystery.

As for Deduk, no one's encountered her for weeks, and I suspect she's left us for good.  I hope she finds some peace one day.  If not for her I'd have never found the fortress log's copies, hidden away in Lesser Ardentdikes.  They tell a chilling tale.  We've sharply stepped up coffin production to bury all the dead we haven't yet uncovered.

According to the logs, Urist McDuck, who is still at large, is wanted for several counts of murder and vandalism.  Until I see his body, I'm keeping my axe handy.

Repairs to the magma plumbing are underway, and renewal of Greater Ardentdikes continues.  Half of us are occupied hauling goods and garbage around, while the other half are finishing half-finished projects scattered about the fort.  Paths have been renovated, new paths created, mass graves organized, bodies buried, hastily placed coffins exhumed and relocated.  New staircases are finished along with new mechanical security systems.  Shops are rebuilding and doors are setting back into place.  It's arduous, hazardous, rewarding work that will be worth it in the end. 

It takes more than the threat of death to dissuade the dwarven spirit!  Come to think of it, I haven't seen Medtob in a while.

During the meeting, The visiting traders have been doing business with our broker.  I've made certain a few guidelines are met.

Cages are important, not just for the zoo going up in my house.

I will explain in due fashion, but first I must recount the meeting with the outpost liaison.  Our list of requests to the merchants back home was none too lengthy.

Our boldness will increase public confidence in our expedition.  In the one move of ordering only massive quantities of mined gold, we boast of our wealth, security and self-sufficiency.  Prospective migrants will flock to our fort when talk of this order reaches the ears of the peasantry.

When I saw the Mountainhome's ledger for goods, I had to suppress a smile.  We'll need to be mindful of what we give them next year.

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Following the meeting, I took the liaison on a brief tour of the fort to show off our progress, during which we were both disgusted by the state of the infirmary ward.  The doctor should be arrested for such neglect.

The liaison left on his journey home, with a promise to return and a smile that sat well with my chances of becoming baron someday. I found the broker, who reported great success with the merchants.  At my request we've made a sizable offering to the royalty, free of charge, to further demonstrate our prosperity.  The caravans left with enough clothing to last an entire village's lifetime.

There was one incident, however, when Mafol was badly burned trying to gather goods out of a stockroom with a never-ending fire.

Yes, about that:

The room contains many treasures (which are now off-limits), among which are several artifacts comprised of bituminous coal.  These objects are extremely hot to the touch and are perpetually smoking, but they ignite neither themselves or the items around around them.

Mafol seems to be alright despite his burns, and asked he be allowed to continue working.  What a weirdo.

I've just received word that the execution tower is ready for use.  Testing will begin immediately.

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And more good news.  My foot has been healed, thanks to our resident surgeon Sarvesh.  There's been no sign of reinfection and my prognosis is great.  I may have stomach trouble for the rest of my life, but I think I can live with that if I can still live!  We have truly rounded the corner of sorrows, and sail steady into glory!

Winter already?  But the brook's only been frozen the entire time we've been here.

*     *     *


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #369 on: December 10, 2010, 03:17:16 am »

Which dorfs aren't... dorfed yet?


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #370 on: December 10, 2010, 03:47:43 am »

Many.  We got a lot of migrants with decent skills, so there's a selection:

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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #371 on: December 10, 2010, 05:50:04 am »

Dorf me, please! Preferably a military recruit, but a haulerdorf is fine too.


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #372 on: December 10, 2010, 12:31:37 pm »

Flooded with magma, decimated by plague, under full seige, down to two dwarfs -- one of whom CUTS OFF THE OTHER LEGS because of an outstanding warrant even though they are IN LOVE -- pausing only to discover food-bourne pathogenics on the way and incorporate the popular "ghostly observer" theme by using an actual ghost, then building back up to 35 dwarves.

Best turn ever. 
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...It should be pretty fun though.


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #373 on: December 10, 2010, 01:00:04 pm »

I'll take Kogan the miner (nick Dariush).

P.S.: Nobody is going to finish my project, are they?...


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Re: Ardentdikes - We have ghosts! - (31.18) (Succession)
« Reply #374 on: December 10, 2010, 02:32:07 pm »

I'll finish your project when it's my turn, Darius. I wanted to on my initial turn, but I had no idea how to proceed, and I was running late. Can I be renamed please, perhaps as the older child, as it shall hopefully be my turn again, sometime in the new year. Revenge on the rot.
On the left a cannon which shoots dwarf children into the sun, on the right, a massive pit full of magma charred dwarfs and elves.
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