Is it possible to add music to the files in which the other songs are at? Such as adding more music to the seasons?
Well even tho this question was ingored, I did find an answer and it is possible.
And you choose not to share it with anyone? Perhaps you were "ignored" because not many people know and we were all waiting for a reply along with you. Oh well...
Oh.. lol, Well, basically its somewhat easy to explain but I suck at explaining but i'll give it my best shot..
The Folder in which the DF PyLNP pack is in, go to the LNP -> utilities -> Soundsense -> Packs ->seasons.
Then from there you can either make a new folder of your own or use an existing folder within the files, as for me I made an "extras" folder which I added my Final Fantasy music in, add your .mp3 files into the folder, and then from there within the seasons folder, there should be a "seasons.xml" file, open that with Notepad++ (idk if normal notepad words on this), scroll down to 1 of the 4 seasons that use the filenames for music (not the top part where it just plays the girl saying "it is now summer" ect.). You will see files coded like this:
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/theelvesofthecoast.mp3" />
Basiclly Copy that line of text, then go down where you see a space and double space that to make a new line of entries (which I don't think it matters), paste it there, then, whichever you named your folder or whichever folder you put the music in, change the first part of which folder its in, then the 2nd part after the / the name of the .mp3 (make sure its exact file name)
<soundFile fileName="(Foldername)/(FileName).mp3" />
So it should look like this:
<soundFile fileName="extras/Rabanastre.mp3" />
And then the file should look something similar to this...
<sound logPattern="(It is now summer\.)|(Summer has arrived on the calendar\.)" loop="start" channel="music" playbackThreshhold="0">
<soundFile fileName="summer/Chase.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="summer/Heroic Age.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="summer/Expeditionary.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="summer/Double Drift.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="summer/Confused State.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/theelvesofthecoast.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/Simon Swerwer-ZTIQ.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/Simon Swerwer - Decapitated Camels.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/Simon Swerwer - Dagger Dance.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/Simon Swerwer - The King Is Dead.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="simonswerwer/simon-swerwer_danger-room.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="extras/Rabanastre.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="extras/Phon_Coast.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="extras/Gerudo_Valley.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="extras/Westersand.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="384438_One_Eternal_Dream.mp3" />
<soundFile fileName="[] - rdriftwood - Hey Di Lee Hi.mp3" weight="25" />
<soundFile fileName="alexandrzhelanov/Campaign_0.mp3">
<attribution author="Alexandr Zhelanov" url="" license="CC BY 3.0" description="Campaign 0" />
<soundFile fileName="Musopen.Com Arvo Part-Magnificat.mp3" weight="5" />
<soundFile fileName="10s_silence.mp3" weight="200" />
I just added the spacing between the sets incase It might mess up some coding, but it seems to be working decently, altho with all of the songs still on their, it was kinda hard to test due to it took forever to play a song when I was checking to see if it would, then when it came spring time again for the 3rd time.. it finally showed up.
I am tempted to make a Final Fantasy or Zelda soundsense pack tbh lol