I was going on the assumption that, with the company destroyed and no one buying their assets, then control of individual graphic/sound assets passes to the artists. But, the guy himself shrugged on who has permission to give permission, so that's the end of that. I assumed permission denied unless granted. It's just a particularly good death sound. Too bad
As for gaps in the packs, well, I have the tools to make some completely copyright free sounds of my own. I've got an idea for "Horrifying screams echo from the darkness below!"
Actually, someone was faster and made excellent demonic sounds just days before you.
Yes, i assumed that when company is dissolved, original authors would retain copyright. I guess "dunno" can be equaled to "I dont care", so we can take it as permission.
This is really Zwei's project and he's the one to approve sounds. When I submit sounds to consider I either send them via email (his addy found on his homepage) or, as I said earlier, I submit custom sounds to Freesound.org (or to some other sound source site listed under "Modding resources") and post the link to it via a post here or by PM.
Edit: Though, if you upload and post the link here I suppose some of us could listen and give feedback, such as suggestions.
I definitelly welcome people posting links/suggesting sounds here.
I might have final word or something like that, but more ears before it gets put into pack is welcome.
How do I make soundsense take dfhack into account? I loaded soundsense, the dfhack console, downloaded the latest soundsense.lua script and when I run the command "soundsense" I get the following error:
unexpected symbol near char(239)
I have no idea what this could mean. Do you have latest dfhack?
Anyway, sounds realted to this are not released yet so you would not get sounds anyway :-)