Seems there might be ways around that as well, but this is turning into a research project, and research projects are always just something I work on in short fits. Oh well, I learned something anyway. Thanks much. If I ever do get something functional I'll throw it up here.
Anyone remember that? I was tying to get both DF and soundsense to run at once with .bat files and kept coming up with hitches, with start or run or whatever command I used, the batch file was always waiting til the first program closed to start the next. It seemed like it would be possible, but the .batch file just didn't seem to agree with me on it.
Recently in my windows 7 class I learned about something called VBScript. I put it in the back of my mind and finally remembered it and wondered if I could use that to run the 2 .exe files at once. After some research into how to run a single .exe with VBScript, and a little playing with the block of code I found, it worked!
You should in theory be able to paste this code below into a txt file(changing the *path here*, to the full path to DF and Soundsense on your machine respectively), change the extension from .txt to .vbs and double click and it should run both DF and Soundsense at the same time on any windows operating system from the last decade.
Sub Run(ByVal sFile)
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run Chr(34) & sFile & Chr(34), 1, false
Set shell = Nothing
End Sub
run "*path to Dwarf Fortress.exe here*"
run "*path to stoneSense.exe here*"
Disclaimer: I do not claim to have written this. I only modified it a bit from an example block of code I found on the internet. Hell I don't even really know what anything above the run command does, except maybe define "Run". If you are the origonal author of the block of code I modified, let me know and I will happily give you credit.
It might not be the best way to do it, I know next to nothing on how to actually write these, but it seems to work for me and seems to have a good chance of working for others. So I figured I would post it here