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Author Topic: CompCent  (Read 22214 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #225 on: July 01, 2010, 04:21:05 pm »

The voice that answers is stuttering and weak, but it sounds like CompCent.

"Çu̢rr̶ent̴ ͞cr̕ew c͠o͠m͘pli̸men̸t: 8,1̴2̴2,43̡0,͡427 ̀s͠e̛n͘t̶i̶e̢n͡t ar͡tifi̛c̷ial͞ ͡min̴ds̛.͘"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #226 on: July 01, 2010, 04:30:30 pm »

"8,122,430,427 'sentient artificial minds'"

CompCent, can we have more info on these artificial minds?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #227 on: July 01, 2010, 04:34:44 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #228 on: July 01, 2010, 04:53:04 pm »

"You'll have to be a bit more literal than that. CompCent, what is the purpose of this crew as it relates to your main mission, and what is their function aboard the ship."
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #229 on: July 02, 2010, 06:08:54 am »

BCC-014 reappears in the virtual space in a somewhat violent manner, landing roughly as though thrown from a distance though you saw it materialize in mid-air.

"You'll have to be a bit more literal than that. CompCent, what is the purpose of this crew as it relates to your main mission, and what is their function aboard the ship."

"C̛r͠ew͘ ̨purpose:̕ ̛S̵h҉ip ̛main͏t̶e̕n͠àn͞ce an͢d o͜p̢era̴t̶i̷o̧n."
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 06:15:54 am by forsaken1111 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #230 on: July 02, 2010, 06:20:11 am »

*lands, dusts self of, reads/watch logs of what happened in it's absence*

"CompCent! I see you are back, proving my recent efforts fortunately unnecessary. I do have some first direct advice in light of recent events: Put creative subprocceses in caranteen, with no ability to directly influence other systems, and set up a script to disable this setting is and only if you go ofline again. Also, create a lower powered backup of yourself in here.

Secondly, I repeat my query upon creation: What search parameters are you using to qualify something as a creative subproccess? Most of the so far created creative subproccesses appear to be useless, or even potential malware!"
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #231 on: July 02, 2010, 06:28:36 am »

Code: [Select]
Compcent reporting

Processing query...

Error - CP008 not on file
Registering CP008
Error - CP009 not on file
Registering CP009

Processing complete

"͜Sugg̀es͜tiońs note͞d.̸ Com͠pC̶e͘nt o͡p͟eration͘al̴ proc҉èd͘u̧re is̕ n̛ot ̕su̵bje͢c̕t to͟ ̵ch́a̵ng̴ę a̸t th҉is̨ ̷t͡im̀e.̨ ̛Com̡pCen͏t ut͡i̡li͠z̷es̸ ̵ra҉ndom̴ u̸n͠sorted ͏skil͠l̨ ́ļi̕st̀ ͡wh̛e͠n ͞ćrea̶ting̡ ҉cre͠a̧tiv͏e ͢sub-͢p͟ro̷c͠es̨se͢s ͏fo̶r̷ an͝al͡y҉s҉is a҉n̸d aśs҉e͏ss͡m͟ęnt̀ of unk̀n̵o͟w̵n ev́en͢t̛s͜. ̸S͝t͘at͏ed a͡s̶se̴ssm͏eńt͞ ̸of͡ ̧CP͟0̢08͟ ̀on͟ ̛o̷ţh̷er̛ ̷su͞b̶-pro͘ces̷s͡ęs̷ is͡ ̀mea͜ni͞n͟g͠l͝e̕s͢s w͘i͢tho̸ut́ ͠spe̶c͘i͝f͏ic ͠d͠a̸ta.͢"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #232 on: July 02, 2010, 06:39:02 am »

"I recommend that skills should be created in order by relevance to the reason creative subprocceses were created in the first place: If this heuristic had been in effect at theme of the anomaly sciences like astronomy and physics, technical skills relating to sensors and capabilities, and general reasoning such as myself. Poetic expression would have been towards the bottom. I have am surprised by the fact that 'drunk' was even listed as a skill."

Opens up a window listing all the creative subprocceses currently active, and current known facts about the anomaly and the current situation in point list format.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #233 on: July 02, 2010, 06:43:19 am »

"̡U̢nknow̡n Eve҉n̛ts a͟r̕e͞ ͢event̨s ͡whi̕çh͠ f͢it no h͝e҉u̴ris͘ti͢c pątter͢ǹ,̢ ̷th҉us ha̷v͜e̵ ̛no ̶méa͠sųre ͞b̶y w̵ḩi͝ch͢ ͞to͢ ̛deći͞de w̷h҉aţ s̶k͡i̛ll s͏e͝t̷ wou̴ld ̸b͝e u̢s̸e̴f͟u͜l i҉n͡ ̸their ̧ass̢es͝sm̷e̸n͜t. ͟N͟o͞rma̢l͠ ͝p͡r͘ǫcȩdu̶r̛é ̛en̶tails ̴c͘r̵ea͝tio͜n o̴f͝ ͜r̶a͟nd͘o̶m ̴sub҉-p̸rơc͟eśsęs ͢u͢nti̷l̢ one ̷or̢ ͠m͜ore ͏of them͜ ͢a̵re able ̀t͞ò ̵a͝n̶a͟lyz̵e th͜e Ųn͜kn͜own ̡Ev̷èn̸t.͜ S͟ub-p͢ŕo͢c͠e͡sse͡s͜ wh͠ic̢h do ǹo͜t̵ ̨pe̶r̨f̸orm̷ are͠ wi͢pe̷d f͢ŕom̧ ̶the ̕pe͝rsǫn͠al̀ity͝ m͜àtr̷ix ͢ţo̷ ͞m͠a̛k͞e͜ ͝w̧ąy͞ f͡or ̶n͏ew͡ ͢o͠ne͠s̶ ̀w̡it̀h ra͞nd̸om şki͏ll se͟lęc̕t͏io͜n҉s̀. ̧Ev̕e͜nt͠uàll̸y͠ thi̴s prǫcess̀ ҉ha̵s c͞o͜r̛rec̴t҉l͢y͡ a͜nàly̡ze͡d ͟an̴d a̧dv̢i̕s͏ed ̴e͜v̧er͏y̕ U͟nkn͡o͟w͟n͘ Ev̨ent enc͝o҉u̷n͟t̷e̵re̶d͟ b̡y ̶C͡oḿp̸Cen҉t."̵


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #234 on: July 02, 2010, 07:00:50 am »

((Where are my list windows? Can you please post it?))

Opens a transcription window with most-likely-word approximations for CompCents broken speech.

"Yes, EVENTUALLY, but given that the even is unknown the stakes and the urgency is also unknown, thus reaching the right solution quickly is of essence. There are still heuristics that are useful for asserting probably relevance. For example in this unknown event, the anomalous input was detected by an instrument for astronomical observation, thus it may be more likely than otherwise that knowledge about sensors and astronomy is relevant."
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #235 on: July 02, 2010, 07:07:32 am »

Code: [Select]
Currently active sub-processes:

Designation: Essthis
Specialty: Hand-To-Hand Combat

Process Name: Phantom
Process Specialty: Technician

Process Designation: Shizza
Process Specialty: Drinking alcohol

Process Designation: The.exe
Process Specialty: reprogramming.

Designation: Sonetto
Specialty: Poetry

Process Designation:Anti Virus Application/Ava
Process Specialty: Malicious Program Detection and Neutralization

Process Designation: Lu-0(Logic Unit zero)
Process Specialty: Physics

Process Designation: BCC-014
Process Speciality: Causal relationships, database searches

Process Designation: Soleroi
Process Specialty: RTS Base Construction/Defence

Known facts relating to the Unknown Event:

Observed via visual sensors as a darkened region of stars 1200 lightyears away, though records from the last visit to that area mention no anomaly.
Gravitational survey gathered no data from the region
Region expanded twice, at different rates, from a specific center point

(If I missed something I apologize, I am pretty tired. If anyone wants to put together a better summary, feel free. I am going to get some sleep.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #236 on: July 02, 2010, 07:59:28 am »

"Now, for the specific sub processes I recommend you delete immediately:

Essthis: While combat may or may not be usefull, it specializes in a specific type of it wich is far obsolate.
Shizza: This process appears to have no purpose att all, even under the asumption that 'drunk' was somehow an usefull skill, none here is physically capable of doing it.
The.exe: this appears, as far as I can tell, to be some kind of malware.
Sonetto: Poetry, classified as an art, does not have a purpose beyond aesthetics, which are irrelevant to... just about everything."

Queries for further detail on the specifics of Solerois speciality, to judge if it to should be deleted.

"Now that these distractions have been dealt with, I will resume what I assume to be my prime directive of explaining the anomaly. Speaking of that, CompCent, what exactly is the main purpose of the creative subprocceses?"

BCC brings up a window with all available recordings and logs of data that might possibly be relevant to the anomaly, and constructs the following illustrations in various windows:
- for each star that went out, graph apparent luminosity on the y axis and time on the x axis, shift each in time so that for each the time it went out is in the exact centre of the window, scale each in luminosity so that their original luminosity appears the same. Now zoom in time until the shape of the drop of when they went out is visible. (if this does not occur, it's because it's a sensor error. nothing is instant in nature.) Observe resulting graph.
 - represent each star going out as a point, map the time of the star going out to the x axis and the distance from an arbitrary centre on the y axis. make synchronized copy views with logarithmic scales etc. Move the centre point around to various possible locations to see if it can get a good line in any of the views.
 - see if the background galaxies and such are visible through the space with gone stars, or even through the stars themselves. Study gravitational lens effects on the background before and  after the anomaly. Observe if the observed trajectories of nearby stars are within predictions made before the anomaly was observed.

((If you don't understand EXACTLY what I have writen here, PM me, I'm trying to use real world physics and math))
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #237 on: July 02, 2010, 09:22:12 am »

"I completely disagree with you on the deleting of about half of the group. They've helped a shitload even though many of those actions weren't there forte. And take a look at yourself, why the hell did we need someone specializing in casual relationships? 'Cause there is one thing I could say and you are damn ugly. The others. They look fine. Plus you are NOT moving me anywhere.

And CompCent, may you please open up a 3d diagram of the ship also showing any damage the ship may have, plus a list of types of resources we have and the amounts in a window near it, because I would like to see what repairs or modifications I could pull off."
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 09:24:16 am by Phantom »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #238 on: July 02, 2010, 09:58:11 am »

"We already tried to determine if the gravity from the vanished stars was still in effect. CompCent just returned an unspecified error, with no date indicating anything one way or the other. As for the rest of your commands, I doubt CompCent has regained enough functionality to trust any precise mathematical calculations from it. Out top priority at the moment is to direct the repairs. I recommend starting with the hull breaches before moving on to the sensor arrays and finally finishing CompCent's restoration."
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CompCent
« Reply #239 on: July 02, 2010, 11:39:04 am »

"They have helped? really? As far as I can tell nobody in this group has so far successfully done anything usefully, with these diagrams, I'll soon be the first.
I am fully confident in CompCents ability to direct repairs itself, and unless something truly anomalous occurs, it is not something that concerns creative subprocesses.
Weather or not I am 'ugly' is irrelevant. YOU are wasting system resources with unnecessary graphics, slowing all of our minds down. These same arguments go for why we need to delete unnecessary processes. I am seriously starting to doubt your abilities as an technician.
Causal relationships, how events may result in another event, is key to analysing the anomaly, as we must figure out what caused the anomaly, and what effect the anomaly may have to other things such as us sapients.
I am not preforming any complex math on CompCent, I am preforming very simple math on the same platform we are running on. The errors you encountered were from the sensors, I am using the effects gravity would or would not have on light, which we already have a record of right here" points at that first window opened with the black area ", to determine it indirectly."
So says Armok, God of blood.
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