I just had about the best round of SS13 I've ever played as a pseudo griefer, on /tg/ station. I started the round as an engineer, and immediately got my tools, made some stungloves, and ambushed an officer by the chapel, stunning him, stripping him naked and stealing his ID/clothes, while handcuffing him to a chair in the dark. I used my newfound identity to claim a vast arsenal of weaponry from security, wearing his ID the entire time, and break into the armory via a side wall so no-one could see I didn't have a loyalty implant. I then staged an attack in two places at once, flooding the brig with N20 to divert security's attention while I broke into the HOP's office, stunned him, and took his ID to give myself a brand new, unique identity. I spent the rest of the round in godmode, with all access, weaponry, stungloves, the works. The entire time security is looking for me, and even set up blockades at the escape hallway to catch me if I try to slip through. I stunned, stripped, and humiliated the HoS, leaving him in the theater with a clown costume on, so this is understandable. I get through anyways by enlisting the help of the clown, and build him a mech to wreck havoc on the security officers. (There were bananas EVERYWHERE.) Just before the escape shuttle launches, I walk into the front part of the shuttle (The restricted part, where the heads and captain congregate.), whip off my mask, give a big ol' hello and a smile, and drop a chloral hydrate grenade, knocking them all out. They spent the remaining minute before the shuttle launched in schoolgirl costumes and handcuffed to their chairs. It was pretty sweet.