I'm going to attempt to at least somewhat convey what I -think- Apples was trying to convey, in a less insulty kind of manner.
BS12 still exists for a reason. This reason is that some people actually enjoy the way we play. Sure, some of you might not like that, fine, I don't really mind either way, that's your tastes. The reason you're upsetting us is because you're responding to our strict nature, which is entirely in place to maintain the strict RP that is expected of our server, by close to outright insulting us, and I feel that that is uncalled for.
Too be blunt, if you don't like our server, don't play on it, it's simple as that. If you're seeing the strict end of the admins, it's proof that you are doing something that we don't like, something that we don't want to see on the server. If you work on what we've said, then we get along fine, if you disagree with us, for whatever reason, then this is not the server for you. Continued attempts to ignore our "strictness" is just gonna get us more frustrated at you, which will probably end up upsetting you, and then people seem to come over here and bitch about it when that happens.
If you acknowledge that we are going to be strict, and that the extent we go to, just for RP, might not adhere to your tastes, and then find the server indeed isn't your cup of tea, then that's fine, go find another place which is a bit more to your liking; just don't argue with us over our own rules (as varied as they may be) and complain about us.
I don't complain about Goon for being too griefy, or /tg/ for not focusing enough on RP, that's what I've come to expect of those servers, and really, it shouldn't be any different when it comes to BS12.
I'd really like if you guys would stop complaining about us now.
what does everyone here think sums up a good SS13 experience?
The best rounds I've been in have been when I really got to see everyone's characters, indepth.
About a month ago, we had a 7 hour extended round, in which I was the barman. I talked with pretty much everyone aboard, got to see a load of interesting character interaction, and even broke up a barfight between the captain and HoS, over a certain female medical doctor.