I hate the NSV Luna map...
That, I agree. It's a bad map, for roleplaying (kitchen, bar, all far away from where the more active jobs are), for engineers, for atmosphere (I mean, as in mood, not air atmosphere). It's not that sense of a crew I got a year ago, from the donut-ish map, myself. I wish we had a functional smaller map to replace the Luna with.
Airflow is an incredible pain...
The automated threat containment locks are a major danger to the crew.
Again agreed, and we hope to remediate as much as we can in Complex/ion.
Finally, I am sick of the standing admin prohibition against killing traitors for any reason. I do not believe that someone who has murdered crew members and is intent on slaying the remainder should retain their right to live, especially in the heat of combat.
You are wrong. We have no rules AFAIK regarding killing traitors during combat. It is of course preffered to hold them for RP questioning and such, but if killing is the only safe solution, by all means go ahead.
Apparently there's some notion of due process, but the one time I bothered holding a trial the resident admin responded by opening a black hole in the courtroom and fussing at me for keeping the traitor restrained.
Impossible, we cannot spawn any events apart from meteors, that was just the random generator, and not even if we could, we wouldn't do that. Otherwise why would we be pushing for trials or for jailing if they were captured alive? As for keeping the traitor restrained, that's something I'd do as well during trial.
Finally, broken bones are annoying and more difficult to fix than they have any right to be. Combined with airflow issues, they quickly become tremendously unfun and can ruin a round.
EDIT:That and all the weird coding side-projects that have sprung up like broken bones, anomalies and virology without fixing longstanding and annoying bugs like the dysfunctional cloning pods.
Unfortunately, the coders who came up with those ideas ended up not sticking with them. Googol did the bones and virology (the latter which could have been fun in time), while Alfie did the anomalies. Both of them are gone from the team now.