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Author Topic: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 4, Malignant Molding Madness!  (Read 8820 times)


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2010, 01:55:49 am »

you got evryone, Waiting for turn 3.
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #76 on: June 26, 2010, 03:33:33 am »

look around for my Potion kit and my iron long-sword
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #77 on: June 26, 2010, 09:54:23 am »

(Axe by the way....)*gasping and wincing in pain as scrambles away from the tentacles and the octopus thing, covered in purple, burning acid blood. Concentrating, I try to draw on the magic I can control... my powers over life energy. Focusing on the creature I wrestle with the strange magical forces of this land in an attempt to project my wounds onto the creature, taking it's life to heal my own wounds and injure it at the same time...... Although even as I do this I note the acidity of the blood and begin to think of uses for it even as i try to focus on the magic, my mind forever wandering*

Actions: attempting to drain the creatures life with magic, healing my wounds and putting them on the octopus thing. There are two problems with this though as Nevyn is both wrestling with the new magic of this land consciously for the first time and is having a hard time keeping his mind in check as he has just found a substance that could come in very useful and is starting to think of things it could be used for......... this could end badly


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #78 on: June 26, 2010, 11:29:16 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
^Lol, my bad  ;D

Looks like the "army" is not much of one anymore. Figures. Who planned this clusterbuck of a campaign? I better try to find anyone around here that still has there wits about them...

Attempt to form up a small squad, about 3 or 4 guys, to patrol the edges of our camp in shifts during the night. You know, to fight off the monsters! (more like our scream of anguish warn everyone to run away)

Mostly, I'm trying to give everyone a sense of purpose and control over this situation, and form my own group of trusted people I can work with. Also, I should try to steal or scavenge the marks of a lower ranking officer, so as to pass myself off as one in case anyone asks.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #79 on: June 26, 2010, 01:32:35 pm »


(Roll: 4)

You agree to scout the area and attempt to calm down the horses, earning you a head shake of disbelief and a, "Your head, and sanctity for that matter."

It is not difficult to find the crude pen which had been erected for the horses, their kicking and neighing could be heard all the way from the shipwrecks. You find that the herd of over 100 fine horses which was brought has been reduced to four, all of them appearing capable though scared out of their wits, prancing about nervously and kicking at anything which is too close. You climb over the fence, ignoring the warnings from the guard stationed there for that express purpose, and walk forward slowly, remembering all the times you've had to calm the horses after a battle. Their eyes are filled with wild fear as you approach them, they avoid you but do  not appear aggressive toward you. They seem to remember you from somewhere, somewhere far away, a nearly forgotten detail of a time of plenty. You stand in the middle of the pen and let them look at you, attempting to show you mean them no harm. They seem to become slowly calmer as they see you, cautiously they come closer and closer, curious of this single familiar thing in this land of unknowns. At last one nuzzles you and you pet its head like you did in the ship's stables, and it seems to recognize this and its fear of you melts away. You repeat this with all the horses as they come closer, then at a leisurely pace you walk over to the saddles and other gear next to the amazed guard and begin saddling them.


(Roll: 4)

You look around the bunk you had been assigned, then begin sorting through your rather meager belongings (for a mystic, at least). A longsword, made of elven silveriron and shining brightly as you take it out of an ornate sheath, the runes upon it, which had never before served any practical purpose, seem to glow with a fire not unlike the one you accidentally conjured after waking. You decide not to investigate right now and sheath it once again, fastening the belt around your waist. besides this sword, your only other belongings are a crate of plain clothes, though considerably cleaner then some of the other's due to another mystic on board which happened to know a way to clean clothes without water, several instruments, oddly-shaped vials, and various other trinkets used in alchemy made of the elves' famous carbon-glass. (OOC: It's plastic) You ensure they are all securely within your simple wooden crate before fastening the lid onto it and carrying it off the ship.


(OOC: You have a sword. Everyone gets a free sword at the beginning, you can use the heavy axe that Jessup found earlier, though. He left it behind because it was too heavy for him to practically use.)

(Roll: 6, Magic instability roll: 36)

Your life threatened and death imminent, you manage to focus your mind upon the exposed ethereal labyrinths deep inside you and begin to pull on the familiar strings, flooding your body once again with the strange feeling of magic. You feel the tentacles once again attempting to wrap around you, and hastily charge the power with the will of transferring pain and hurdle it violently at the creature before you, the surprising force of which knocks you backward. The creature suddenly begins writhing in pain, its tentacles flailing about at the intense burn of acid. You take up your sword with stiff arms and swing at one of the tentacles, planning to attempt a kill but stopping immediately as you feel the smart of new pain on your arm. You look and see a new cut beginning to bleed, exactly the same as the one you just inflicted. The thing looks at you through eyes of panic and seems to notice this, and hits you with a strong hit of one of its tentacles. The thing sends both you and it flying to the opposite ends of the ship, and, as if understanding that it can now no longer harm you without harming itself, retreats back under the water, leaving the pool behind it unusually still.

You run out of the ship attempting to make it back to camp before promptly falling on the ground as new pains unlike any you've felt before burn within you. You manage to lift your head up and see several figures running toward you, their outlines hazy and blurred. You loose your vision completely just as they are about to reach you.


(Charm roll: 6, Encounter roll: 38)

With an air of the grizzled, bad-ass veteran who'd look death straight in the eye and say, "No, not today." and win, you manage to come under the command of not just a small group of four or five but a full squad of twenty-four, all more then eager to follow your command. You attempt to divide them into patrol groups, but they will have none of that. They want the blood of a real monster, the thrill of adventuring in a dangerous new world no one has ever set foot in before. Their calls awaken the adventurer within you and, knowing fully that this is likely suicide, you agree to lead them into this unknown wilderness, look death straight in the eye and say, "No, not today." And win.

The realities of this adventure soon become evident, however, starting with the fact that it is now becoming nearly impossible to see detail father then ten feet away, and the fact that the torches of the camp are now nowhere in sight. The men become resentful as they realize that neither fire, food, nor water had been brought with them, and during a (rather successful) attempt to strengthen their morale, you feel a heavy, rot-filled breath waft over your shoulders.
Don't think of it as being besieged by thralls/husks, think of it as having your own personal moat of life hating mutilated menaces

Now wall yourself in quickly


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #80 on: June 26, 2010, 01:57:17 pm »

"Damn fog" I summon up a fire and explore towards any noises that seem human
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #81 on: June 26, 2010, 02:23:28 pm »

(OOC: There is no fog. The air is bone-dry and warm. The boiling of the ocean is just noxious fumes coming up from god-knows where, which have so far had a bit too little of an effect...)

(Roll: 2, Magic Instability roll: 49 (I've gotta set some solid rules up for that one))

You stare into the darkness around you, it seems to be night though no stars nor moon can be found in the turning blackness of the sky. You snap your fingers once again, forgetting already what happened the last time you tried to conjure a fire, and suddenly a black snake materializes in front of you, hisses confusedly while baring its teeth threateningly, then darts into a crack in the rock. You stare at the place it had disappeared from for a moment, then scan the horizon once more. You can see a few groupings of dim glows which may be camp fires, though there are three groupings which you can see, one on the coast to the right which appears to be the nearest, another farther mainland in which you can see flickering specks of fires, though the grouping seems rather small, like a small band instead of an army, and a third on a jutting peninsula to your left.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 02:25:31 pm by abculatter_2 »
Don't think of it as being besieged by thralls/husks, think of it as having your own personal moat of life hating mutilated menaces

Now wall yourself in quickly


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #82 on: June 26, 2010, 02:56:58 pm »

Go to the left while trying to think "What could affect my magic like this?"
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #83 on: June 26, 2010, 05:11:08 pm »

(Luck roll: 6, succeeded)

You and most of the other elves from your ship group together and start walking toward the fiery glow to the left, though it's about a mile or two away so it may take some time.

After what seems like a good ten minutes of walking, you notice a crude sign up ahead and a phlegm-filled cackle echo from a cave beside it. When you and your group come close enough to read it, you find a crude, child-like scribble in what appears to be blood which vaguely resembles elvish. Despite its crudeness, however, its message is clear:
"Welcome to HELL!!!"
The cackling grows louder as you finish reading it, and you turn toward the cave. It is dark and ominous, though you grab someone's torch anyway and say, "I'm going in." The others call you foolhardy and the person you took the torch from says it's a waste of a torch, though no one stops you from going in. Ten feet in, you come upon a stone slab resembling a primitive table with an elf sitting across it, horridly emaciated, smeared with dirt and grime everywhere, and almost all his hair pulled from his scalp and unshaven beard violently, leaving clear scars and long, wispy gray whiskers hanging from his face and scalp. His face is contorted into a madness so deep and profound that he seems alive no longer, rather a thoughtless thing staring blankly into the distance with unseeing eyes. It seems to take all his will just to continue cackling.
"Yoouuuu... why, have yooouuu coommee here?"
His voice fluctuates from high to low seemingly randomly, strained with the pull of a thousand years of being just on the edge of death, yet being unable to take that final plunge. You answer, a bit unsettled,
"We were shipwrecked, we've come to prevent this taint from spreading this far-"
You are interrupted by the elf's mad cackling, and after several moments he replies,
"A FOOOOL's errand, yoooouuuu doooo... Noooothing, can stoooop... the goooooods..."
You consider what he just said a moment, then ask,
"Wait, the gods? You mean the Archdemons the cultists summoned? Those aren't even-"
Again, you are interrupted by an uproar of mad cackling.
"Thooooose... Archdemons as yooooouuu call them... are mere INSECTS, toooo the full powers which drive this... taint, as you call it."
You furrow your brow. This elf is obviously insane from hunger, dehydration, and Seer knows what else.
"Well, whatever it is you know, you can probably tell it to us better after some food and drink... you look like you haven't had either in a long time..."
This earns you the most powerful cackling session yet, and you're actually quite surprised at the force of it.
"Yoooouuu... cannooot... imagine..."
He says as he attempts to pull himself up on stick-thin arms, though fails and falls right back down. You walk around the table and assist him up, putting his arm around your back and near dragging him out of the cave, where your group watches the ordeal with interest. Food and water are soon brought, which the elf accepts greedily. When he is finished, he has eaten nearly a full day and a half's worth of rations and an entire canteen of water, and already looks noticeably more lively. You once again put his arm across your back and help him forward, though now that he has had food manages to take six shaky steps before collapsing on you.
As you walk, he says,
"Soooo... you are... a... what were they called again... mystics?" He makes a small chuckle. "Yes... that's right... and you've used your powers... quite recently... and they failed... quite humorously, if I do say so myself..."
You mull over what he said for a moment, then ask,
"Wait, were you following us?"
"No... I... have been... cursed... by those damned demons... I... seee... no, feel, in a way... you can not imagine... I can feel... sense... the bastard energies... coursing through this realm... It... allows me... to see much farther then you... and without the same... limitations..."
"Do you know anything about these energies?" Now your interest was piqued.
"I have sensed... patterns... this land is full of them... patterns which shape... patterns which change... patterns which maintain... it is... the Bastard God's way... of affecting his will... on this land..."
"The Bastard God?"
"These patterns... are not... cannot... be random... to many times... It has seemed... as if an intelligent hand... is guiding these patterns... I don't know... if it really is intelligent... but whatever it is... it is... guiding...
These patterns... are why your magic... and the magic... of your friends... does not work here... you attempt... to go against them... you assume... they follow laws... they not only not adhere to... but destroy... by their own principle..."
You think this over, your brow furrowed, then ask,
"How have you survived so long? It must've been at least a year since the stories arrived at the colonies on Humvar..."
"This sense... is not the only thing... the demons cursed me with... they... have bound me... to this life... they have given me... the curse... of immortality..."
You remember his earlier remark, and suddenly have a new found pity and respect for this elf. You try to think of another question, though it takes awhile before you ask,
"Is it possible to use this ambient energy, twist it to suit your own needs, like the energy of the soul?"
"It is...possible... but these patterns... are not simple... like those found... in the old world... they take... hundreds of years... even eons... to complete... are almost infinitely complex... they rely on each other... twisting one... changes another... only a true god... could even attempt... to fully understand it..."
"Though you don't have to know how every channel of the soul twists to be able to use it."
"These patterns... are no where near... as simple... nor static... as those of the soul... by simply walking... you are potentially destroying... patterns which took eons to create."
"But this taint has only been around for a year or two, how do you know these patterns take eons, or even hundreds of years?"
"It may... have been... a few years out there... but as I said... these patterns... change... these patterns... shape... not only matter... but the very laws around us... here, it has been... many, many years..."
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 05:23:57 pm by abculatter_2 »
Don't think of it as being besieged by thralls/husks, think of it as having your own personal moat of life hating mutilated menaces

Now wall yourself in quickly


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 2
« Reply #84 on: June 26, 2010, 05:19:14 pm »

Turn 3 has begun, and the first situation spoiler has already ballooned to over 40,000 characters, so I'm starting a new one here, with a bit of overflow:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 11:55:05 pm by abculatter_2 »
Don't think of it as being besieged by thralls/husks, think of it as having your own personal moat of life hating mutilated menaces

Now wall yourself in quickly


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 3, Are you having Fun yet?
« Reply #85 on: June 26, 2010, 05:48:17 pm »

I guess I Go outside the cave and just try to flow magic into fire.
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 3, Are you having Fun yet?
« Reply #86 on: June 26, 2010, 06:57:25 pm »

OOC: where do I wake up?


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 3, Are you having Fun yet?
« Reply #87 on: June 26, 2010, 07:15:44 pm »

im gonna repost my action

Well it looks disgusting but it's a lot better than nothing, i also cant risk the beast coming out with getting nearer to camp

Gather up the pieces of the "creature" and cart it back to "camp", while doing this i also try to gain a semplance of controll over the magic i once had
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 3, Are you having Fun yet?
« Reply #88 on: June 26, 2010, 07:36:21 pm »

*Groaning as he wakes up, dull pain throbbing through his body from the burns and cuts. Moving, trying to sit up, almost collapsing as the raw skin strings and burns with ever movement. Looking around Nevyn try's to get his bearings, trying to work out where he has woken up*
Action: Try to work out where I am, then try to use my magic once again, this time only to heal myself


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Re: Through Hell: Hell world RTD, Turn 3, Are you having Fun yet?
« Reply #89 on: June 26, 2010, 07:52:09 pm »


(Roll: 6)

After the conversation with the elf, your first thought is of attempt to regain the familiar control of magic which you had taken for granted for so long. You focus your mind as you had been taught and reach into that inner place far within which houses the soul. After doing this, however, you realize that you're doing the exact same thing which had failed you. You have always reached inward for your magic, nearly the entirety of your training has been spent tuning your mind to focus inward, but for this magic you'd have to reach outward. It sounded easy enough, though it was not long until you realize just how difficult it really is. Nevertheless, you continue trying, focusing your mind and exerting all your will upon extending your mental reach outward, a few times falling over from the effort. After the third time today of hitting your face on the ground and making your already bleeding nose worse, you wonder if maybe you're doing it wrong... but, how? You wonder if maybe you could ask a mage or mystic who already knows how to reach outward to teach you, but the only ones he could think of that even might be able to were the pagan tribes of the frigid Humvar Northlands. He doubted they'd spare any of their shamen on this trip...

(OOC: I don't think I even needed that roll for this one... nor Wolfchild's for that matter)


(Roll: 4)

You consider attempting to relearn how to do magic while taking this meat back, though it would take concentration, the kind of concentration that would leave you vulnerable to ambush. You decide it's not the best idea out here.

You're 'lucky' enough to find a large, hollow, membranous organ which had managed to avoid total destruction in the battle, and begin using it as a sack to hold the rest of the flesh, organs and torn black plates in. It is not long until it's full and almost too heavy to carry back with bloody, dripping gore, and by the looks of things it seems you've barely dented the mess the two creatures made. You sling the makeshift sack over your shoulder and head back. You ignore the looks of disgust and, after questioning a few soldiers, manage to find the food pile and deposit the sack there. You mull over whether or not you should go back and collect more, maybe take some more people to help you carry it.


(Magic instability roll: 82)

You once again attempt to flood your body with magical energy and though you feel a strange new itch arise as you do so, you manage to focus your will upon it and begin mending your wounds. It's painful, which is odd since healing yourself has never been painful before, but you push through it and soon you've healed a fair majority of the burns and cuts, thought the bruises refuse to heal. You still feel the pain all over, but at least it's less so now.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 08:01:58 pm by abculatter_2 »
Don't think of it as being besieged by thralls/husks, think of it as having your own personal moat of life hating mutilated menaces

Now wall yourself in quickly
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