History of the zombie virus:
The zombie virus was created due to competition between Gregory-Pope co. and DNAformations ltd. Before the creation of the zombie virus, several personal from DNAformations ltd. went to Gregory-Pope co. over the issue of safety. The original plan for the zombie virus was to use its vast antibiotic properities. However, pressures from the CEOs of Gregory-Pope co. meant that their were few tests done on the new strain, before the strain was tested in a large, world-scale test.
Physical changes of a zombie:
The zombie virus has many effects on human cells. Human cells affected by the zombie virus are known as super-cells, due to their super-man like abilities. A single super-cell can perform the basis functons of life that a human's organs can. Every cell in a zombie's body is despecialized, meaning that any cell can work just as well in any part of the body. Supercells retain most of the DNA of the former cell that they were, allowing zombies to know when to regenerate. The rotten look of a zombie is due to the incompleteness of the DNA. The super-cells in the brain continue to operate as brain cells, but at different voltages and resistances than a regular brain. The metabolism of super-cells is indepently varible. When combinded with high energy and material efficiency, allow zombies to last for long times without food or water. Another up-shot is that zombies tire less easily and are stronger.
Psychological changes to a zombie:
While there are obvious, physical changes to the zombie, there are psychological changes as well. The lack of the endocrine system, and the rapid metabolism of hormones means that zombies feel emotions less strongly. This has a profound effect on zombie governments, as former die-hard liberals or conservatives become open to debate. A result is that zombie government is more to the left of the country that it started in. However, since the needs of a zombie are much smaller than a human, when combined with more productivity, means that the zombie governments can afford to be left-wing. (Starting from scratch helps too.) The psychological changes due to the changing of brain cells to supercells is unknown.
Why are zombies opposed to humans:
They are not. Zombies are less emotional than humans, and are willing to negotiate with them, as well as accept their zombification. Humans grew up in a culture which fears zombies. Humans therefore reject the peace-treaties of the zombies and fight them. (Humans are not going to give up the advantage of using zombies, however) The zombies only continue to fight humans as they know that they will be wiped out if they don't.
Well that was a info-dump. Real post tomorrow.