So... yeah. I'm liking most of the new maps/map changes. Especially that the map with the shaman-placed exploding balls has been turned into a sort of mouse cannon thing.
Edit: Never mind, seems it wasn't replaced. The old one is still there.
Edit 2: Okay, there are new things on the new maps, obviously. The light purple stuff is slippery, and you can NOT wall jump up it. The slippery platforms that can be moved also are very easily moved, sometimes on their own. There is conversely a level with dark brown wood platforms that have HIGH friction. They're very easy to wall jump up (even with no prior wall jump experience, I reckon), and you have to jump to move on them if you're weighed down with cheese.
There is a level with a big room made of purple wood that acts as a trampoline, with the cheese and hole floating in the center. The red wood in some other levels is SUPER bouncy -- if you jump on it, you'll bounce upward to your immediate doom, and you're likely to die anyway if you just touch it from any direction. They're effectively death blocks (which the shaman's constructions must also not touch, or bad things happen).
They removed the shaman from several of the levels that didn't need them (though there's one previously existing level they removed shaman from that is nigh impossible -- though granted, it was pretty dang difficult even WITH a shaman). One of the new levels that does not have a shaman seems very unlikely to be winnable under normal circumstances, though: You start on top of a pushable slippery block that is far too high to jump back up on if you fall off it (and remember, no shaman). The cheese is floating on the other side of the level. The pushable slippery block needs to be pushed to the cheese and back to the hole, which is where you start. Only the mice that fall down can push the block, and only from the side they fell on. The only way I could see this as doable under normal circumstances (in which everyone is selfish) is if several mice weighing down the block somehow cause it to move while they're standing on it. I only checked through these levels by myself, so I don't know if that happens.