I was surprised at the ease of ampersand-killing. On the first two adventurers that I've tried for a long time now (took a while to remember the keys, without having to look them up every time I needed to find something else out), I found that 2010 ampersands were rampantly bothering both my embarkation sites, despite in each the dwarven halls being dead-end pits without even the mass of "where the heck is that head honcho"-style warren[1], never mind a breach into the underworld.
In the first, though, I did die by getting JLocked by an FB. Having being successfully wrestling it, but seeminly unable to choke it, I then took a step back, unloaded my crossbow at it, at which point it (heavily damaged, and also being set upon by three or four locals) got me in the J-Lock and from then on I got overexerted, and unable to extract myself. So resilient enough.
But I'm currently trying to work out why a certain adventurer, having easily defeated four ampersands of various kinds, is now invariably suddenly developing "rotten" body parts "swollen with blood" all over his body template a couple of game-days after the last meaningful combat. I first noticed this when I suddenly got Intense Pain, leading to losing consciousness and then death (although admitedly that was from drowning after travelling to somewhere with liquid water to try to wash myself off and losing consciousness while in the water...
After rolling back to a prior save, I've narrowed it down to:
a) Frostbite (I'm in a cold clime), given it seems to happen (on repetition of his final hours) immediately/shortly after dawn, when thawed frozen body parts might be expected to exhibit rottenness and blood-swellings,
b) A delayed after-effect from having been spattered with "fiend of cinders boiling extract" during a couple of the battles.,
b2) A delayed after-effect from not having removed the "fiend of cinders frozen extract coating" which the above item had become,
c) A delayed after-effect from having imbibed a dear devil's 'goo' off of myself, this being the only liquid available to me at one point in the frozen climate, my waterskin containing just ice, and I couldn't be bothered to (T)ravel away the thirst.
d) A bug
Interestingly, rolling back to investigate, I notice that while I only apaprently had "frozen extract coating" polluting my inventory, walking back into the snow-line left a trail composed of bodily fluids (and ash) of plains creatures that I'd also killed (taking longer to do, because they tended to run away). Not sure if their liquids were effectively obscured by the frozen extract.
[1] i.e. the dug-out and smoothed but unfurnished fortress level. In the first, the bottom of the entrance box (stairwell-surrounded bit) had a slit-ramp down into a single room of no other exits. In the second, it exited down a further half dozen levels, but no other rooms... Maybe 2010 allows one to use a pick, or requires that one finds hidden doors...