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Author Topic: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In  (Read 2617 times)


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2007, 12:48:00 am »

Originally posted by ups syndrome:

This is one thing I'd hope weapon balance would fix; the ineffectiveness of having a standing army. Bring the weapons in line to each other so a totally skilled-up army of dwarves would be able to totally massacre wave after wave of goblins before succumbing.
Currently, battles are usually won by whoever has the most archers.</STRONG>

Aye, a trained warrior and a trained soldier are NOT the same thing.

Warriors know how to fight.

Soldiers know how to fight TOGETHER.

As it is now, we have warriors, mobs of warriors are effective combat forces. But they lack the discipline needed to give them complex orders.

Imo, all dwarves in the fortress should be some type of warrior. A frontier fortress is a hostile place, only an idiot would live there without learning to defend himself or herself.

When i was working out my idea for soldier classes and all that, one thing i wanted to do was make soldiers a special thing, not just another dwarf with a weapon.

Its not quite done yet but i will post what i got so far, some of it is a bit incoherent and other parts reference stuff not posted here:

1. Dwarf starts as civilian. Civilians carry nothing but a belt knife (used for eating and other tasks). If they have jobs that require them to use tools (masons hammer, pickaxe ect) they will carry those as well, though they are not meant for combat.

2. Levies: In a battle civilians are untrained, in an emergency you can temporarily draft them into "levies". You can arm levies with any weapons or armour. BUT, the front line is a very poor spot for a noob fighter and only trained warriors know how to deal with the burden of armour.

So what are levies useful for? For one, levies will help support your other troops by delivering food and ammo to them. Civilians will do this as well, but levies effectively have all civilian jobs turned off, so they are much more focused on the task.

Since any armour over leather would be too much, and melee is a bad idea. You can form levies into squads and give them crossbows. Crossbows are good because they are accurate at short ranges even in the hands of a novice. Unlike melee weapons the power of the bow itself has nothing to do with the personal strength of the user. Park the levies behind some strong fortifications and get them to let fly.

3. Militia: Militia covers all dwarves in your fortress who have combat training but are not commissioned soldiers. A weaver could be ordered to practice with an ax. Hunters use crossbows a lot. Miners and wood cutters can use picks and axes to deadly effect.

Milita will not carry weapons unless activated as soldiers. They will not wear armour with a few exceptiosn noted below.

Some civilians have dangerous work. Wood cutters, hunters, herbalists, miners and other dwarves with jobs that take them into isolated territory can be assigned leather or chain armour. In general this is not needed, armour will slow down dwarves at work. But this allows hunters, wood cutters and miners to be effective fast reaction troops.

The militia detailed above is pretty much what we have now. Trained warriors that can also have civilian jobs organized into rough mobs.

Now the fun starts

Soldiers: A soldier is a commissioned warrior who spends ALL of his time keeping his skills up to shape. They have the discipline to be given standing orders and can learn to fight in complex formations.

In short, the difference between milita and soldiers:

1. COmbat skills: Militia will spar and train with the weapons and armour assigned to them, however they can only train these skills up to a point.

Soldiers on the other have have the detication to truly perfect the art of war, they can take all skills up to legendary.

2. Equipment: Unless his job requires him to carry a weapon or tool (hunter, miner ect) a millitiadwarf will only grab a weapon and put on his armour when activated as a warrior.

A soldier on the other hand will only put away his equipment when he is sleeping or off duty. In addition, soldiers can be assigned a customized set of gear used only by him.

3. Orders: Militia or levies can be organized into squads and told to stay in one location or patrol a short route.

Soldiers on the other hand, can be organized into squads and sub-squads with each having a defined task. The orders that can be given to them are MUCH more complex.

4. Discipline: Militia tend to follow the squad leader, and are rather flakey when it comes to staying on duty, they will often run off to eat. In combat a squad of militia is little better then a mob.

Soldiers will only eat and drink while off duty, if you expect them to stand long watches you have to provide them with backpacks and flasks to carry food. Instead of rushing headlong into combat, soldiers will do what you tell them, which may still be a headlong rush. Other variations include advancing in a solid line, or staying put under a shield wall to block off critical passages.

Soldiers in more detail:

When a militiadwarf reaches a high enough skill he can be turned into a soldier. A soldier has no civilian job, draws wages and takes combat much more seriously.

Squads of soldiers can be combined into platoons and gived much more complex orders than militia. These include such things as:
1. Holding specific formations, shields at the front, crossbows at the back ect.
2. Patrol routes can be set for individual soldiers or a whole platoon, they will patrol the route in regular passes or as one group.
3. A squad can be stationed in one area with each dwarf sticking to one spot, this is useful to spread 1 squad between 6 arrow slits and have them stay there.
4. Standing orders, these are orders given beforehand and carried out when certain requirements are met. For example, the squad above is manning some arrow slits above the main gate, you could order them to abandon that position and assault the gate IF the enemy has managed to break though.

Classes define what role one soldier carries out during combat, this affects what skills they develop and what equipment they can use. FOr example, all soldiers learn to wrestle up to a point. A soldier assigned as a grappler will use wrestling moves in an offensive capacity and develop the skill to high levels not acessable by other soldiers.

A skirmisher is a missile trooper that relies on speed to harass and evade enemies. They do not carry large melee weapons but can use a large variety of thrown weapons that can also be used effectively in melee, examples include slings, throwing axes and hammers, javelins and throwing knives.

Other types of soldiers have less of a "scout" or "disabler" role.

Sword, mace, hammer and axedwarves are your archetypal fighters. They can wear either light or heavy armour and use any type of shield depending on what you want them to do.

Hammers and axes have a more offensive slant to them. Because of the large swings you need to perform to impart force into the weapon, these 2 are not easy to use in close ranks, shields must be smaller because more room is needed for the weapon.

Swords and maces are still good at offence but offer a bonus to defence as well. They can be used with a tower shield in tightly packed close ranks making them good at forming shield walls and soaking up missiles.

All 4 types of weapons have a 2 handed version as well. Greataxes and Mauls offer massive slashing/crushing and pure crushing damage. Despite its size a greatsword can be used to stab and parry while still retaining the ability to cut people in half. A flail requires a lot of effort and room to use effectively but can bypass a shield with ease and trip people.

Speardwarves have a special role. The length of thier weapons allows them to keep enemies away and engage tall creatures. Apart from the previously mentioned shortspears, speardwarves also have access to pikes and halberds. A pike is simply a very long spear. A halberd is a combination spear/ax blade, it can be used as a spear in close ranks or a poleax in more open terrain. All pole weapons have high critical ratings, the extra length allows them to reach past other ranks of dwarves to support them. Pikes are of limited use in right tunnels as there is not enough room to manipulate them.

Marksdwarves: Deticated missile troops, not so good in melee combat. They can be armed with crossbows of all types or a shortbow. The crossbows have high power but load slowly.

The shortbow is a bit weaker but still highly lethal. Shortbows fire MUCH faster and the quivers used to carry arrows can fit much more ammo than bolt quivers. In addition, the shortbow is more controllable when firing at long distances and can arc arrows over obstables where a crossbow cannot.

Army barracks:
Soldier barracks are a lot different than normal ones. Apart from your main barracks you can construct smaller barracks meant for specific squads. In a squad barracks each soldier needs a bed and an armour rack.

Special bunkbeds can be used in squad barracks to save room. The first type is simply a double bed that fits 2 dwarves. The second type incorporates 1 bed and one cabinet

One armour stand is required for each dwarf, he will store his armour here when he is not on duty instead of at an armour stockpile. if he is assigned a shield he will store it on the armour stand as well. Each barracks requires at least 2 weapon racks to store all the weapons used by that squad. There are also different types of racks. If the squad barracks is short on something then you will get demands from your squads, much like nobles only squads actually NEED these things.

Each soldier can be assigned a personal set of equipment. This configuration can be saved as a template and applies to other soldiers. This includes up to 3 sets of weapons and 3 sets of armour. Multiple configurations are handy when you want to switch melee troops to missile troops in a hurry because all the equipment is stored in a single place instead of stockpiles.

Generally you will only need 1 of each.

This is a typical marksdwarf, well call him Eddie, Eddie owns the following items:
1 Dagger (all non civilians carry a dagger instead of a belt knife)
1 Arbalest
both the dagger and crossbow are stored in his squads weapon racks.
1 Chain shirt
1 Chain pants
1 Chain coif (hood)
1  Gorget (the piece of plate armour that protects the neck)
1  Breastplate
All of this fits into his personal armour stand.
1 Flask
1 Backpack
3 Bolt Quivers
various personal posessions, coins, crafts bought at a shop, extra clothing ect
All of these items fit into Eddies cabinet or Coffer.

When Eddie is on duty, he wears all his armour and stands at an arrow slit over the main gate all day, the chain armour gives him good all around protection, since the arrow slot blocks most incoming fire the only place he would likely get hit by return fire is his chest and head, thus he wears a bit of platemail to protect the chest and neck.

Hmm getting tired, ill finish up with plate armour.

The best armour civilians (if drafted as levies) and militia can wear is chainmail. When called to fight they will grab suits from the nearest stockpiles, not a personal armour stand.

Plate armour represents the best protection you can craft for your soldiers. Plate armour can only be assigned to soldiers for a few reasons:
1. 1 full set of plate armour can take over a year to make and needs a truckload of materials. You would not want to waste such expensive protection on fighters not skilled enough to use it effectively.
2. Plate armour must be tailored to a specific dwarf, it can be reconfigured to fit someone else but that takes a lot of time.
3. Weight, plate armour weighs a ton, and only hardened soldiers can bear the weight in any case.

Because plate armour is divided into many components, you do not need to give your dwarves an entire suit. The main components are:

Helmet: A solid metal helmet that covers everything but the face, visor can be added later if desired.
Greathelm: A bigger thicket helmet, provides better protection but weighs even more. The visor is static and dwarves will have to remove the helmet in order to eat or drink unless you take the extra effort to craft hinges.
Gorget: This is the component of the armour that sits on top of your shoulders and protects the neck with a raised collar.
Breastplate: The front component of plate chest armour.
Cuirass: Same thing as the breastplate but includes the back plate as well.
Spaulders: These are small shoulderpads with a segmented tail that protects the upper arm. These leave the armpits exposed.
Pauldron: Larger shoulderpads that protect the entire shoulder but restrict movement.
Rerebrace: Upper arm plates.
Couter: Articulated elbow joint.
Vambrace: Forearm Plates.
Gauntlets: Protects the hand, wrist and forearm. Vambraces and gauntlets cannot be worn at the same time.
Cuisse: Upper leg armour
Poleyn: Articulated knee joint
Greaves: Protects the lower leg.
Sabatons: Plate shoes
*Confusing? wiki is your friend  :)

Fear not the insane man. For who are you to say he does not percieve the true reality?


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2007, 04:53:00 am »

I looked up an older thread where Toady discussed assigning both squads to a particular barracks and weapon racks / armor stands to particular dwarves.

dwarves w/ permanent injuries won't spar


Soldiers: A soldier is a commissioned warrior who spends ALL of his time keeping his skills up to shape. ....

This is kinda already in the game, once a dwarf becomes Great in a weapon skill or wrestling (I don't think Armor/Shield User count) they become Elite Marksdwarves or Hammerlords etc.. They spend the rest of their lives as professional soldiers and can never be returned to civilian duty.  Takes a long time, perhaps as it should.

[ May 19, 2007: Message edited by: slMagnvox ]



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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2007, 10:54:00 pm »

Not quite. In my version a soldier becomes a soldier because you hire him.

In the game as soon as a dwarf gains weapon skill over a certain level it locks him on active duty and he can no longer be used for anything else.

Because of this we have to pull people out of military training or guard duty before they become champions or you can no longer train civilian skills in order to improve attributes.

To expand on soldier status. You could sort of retire soldiers by placing them in the reserves. This way you can still get them to haul items when not needed. In addition you can get them to hunt, cut down trees and mine in order to build up attributes.

When the reserves are activated they go back to being normal soldiers again.

Fear not the insane man. For who are you to say he does not percieve the true reality?


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2008, 01:21:00 pm »

Thread Necromancy:

THREAD ARISE!!! Okay, didn't want to start a new thread and found this.
Since we're in Armies Arc I thought it would be a good time to talk weapon and armor issues.  Weapons could use more distinct features such as the much suggested slowing the speed of bows and crossbows. Let's look in depth at armor as well.I think most of these have been discussed to death, but I also think they could add a deal of depth when outfitting Dwarven Soldiers for the incoming siege.

Plate armor should be your heavy slow moving death in a can that can repel most shots from slashing and piercing attacks such as arrows but would be fair game to bashing attacks and crossbow bolts (few openings in the armor might be used by crit pierce attacks and hammers would slowly cave the armor in making it hard to breath, crossbows are designed to punch armor). Downside to wearing full plate would be incredibly reduced speed.

Chain Mail would be a lighter alternative, but gains a disadvantage to regular arrows, bludgeoning attacks would remain the same for any armor class I guess, but might not be as effective as they are against plate. This could be your more all around armor.

Hardened Leather would be a staple for scouts and bow/crossbow users. Light weight ensures maximum movement for quick reloading, not much metal so not be heard. VERY susceptible to most attacks, but better than nothing

Now for the weapons:

Crossbows need to be slower (as many have already pleaded) and have more punch.

Bows could be longer distance, faster fire, but weaker against a solid piece of armor (breast plates).

Sword: Bread and butter of weaponry usefull all around although not as effective against your armor encased foes.

Dagger: smaller less damage easier to swing, should be usefull in finding the weak spots in armor.

Axe: much like the Sword, but heavier and deals more damage.

Pike/spear: Perfect use against mounted adversaries the pike/spear should be able to "separate" soldier from mount leaving the soldier stunned, could also possibly attack a foe 2 tiles away, but when the foe gets to close the damage is reduced signifigantly (to compensate for trying to hit something a foot away with a pole that is much longer than that) Spears generally being smaller would get less of a disadvantage.

War hammers: Great for breaking bones and denting in armor pretty heavy when compared to other weapons but also less upfront deadly (lopping off limbs ain't gonna happen, smashing skulls and breaking hip bones will) Only Armor of the highest degree wouldn't be bent in and mangled from it's blows.

Mace: Hello War hammer! Meet your cousin with deadly spikes! Most likely dealing more damage then the war hammer at the cost of weight (to simulate the need to swing above head to generate the speed needed to cause damage).

Going with the armor: Does anyone know if Say Dragon Leather offers more protection than Cow Leather, if it doesn't than that is another idea that could be addressed later.



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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2008, 04:03:00 pm »

Here is a link to a complete, short and intelligible article about the force that a medieval bow and arrow could deliver, using physics formulae.

The physics of medieval archery

Dwarf Fortress cured my savescumming.


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2008, 04:09:00 pm »

The Total War series does a good job of representing arrows. In fact, arrows remained quite prominent in the world of warfare even during the early ages of gunpowder since gunpowder was quite unreliable and prone to blowing up the user.


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2008, 04:32:00 pm »

someone dug up dino!

We had a grand old time on this topic on many occasions. I even did a post on forearm mounted repeater crossbows one time. Fun stuff.

That said though we should probably wait around for the combat arc as the army arc deals with something else entirely.

Fear not the insane man. For who are you to say he does not percieve the true reality?


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2008, 05:56:00 pm »

Just FYI, I think "wooden crossbow bolts" and "bone crossbow bolts" are _not_ the type you normally see fired out of a crossbow. They're improvised. They're sharpened bones and sharpened sticks with no metal at all.

Metal crossbow bolts are the same thing, only with a metal head. The entire bolt is not made out of metal (that would be wasteful). Though since it only requires metal at the moment, maybe it should require a bit of wood as well (one bar, one log for 20 bolts)

Or at least, that's what I think. Maybe I'm wrong and dwarves make entirely-metal crossbow bolts and the wooden ones have metal tips.  :)

As per the topic, I think knives need to be beefed up. Just because they have a shorter blade doesn't mean they can't do a _lot_ of damage against multiple opponents in the hands of someone skilled. A knife is easier to handle than a shortsword or longsword, and much faster to swing. In the hands of a professional, a knife swing is very hard to dodge unless you're a professional too. Not only that, but it's easier to find vital spots on the body with a shorter blade - it's hard to slip a blade between the ribs with a short or longsword (though significantly less with the shortsword), but a knifeuser would find it much easier to go for the heart. I'd say larger crit boost and harder to dodge.

On the topic, what about clubs, greatclubs and the like in place of hammers/maces? It hasn't been suggested too many times, but I think it's a good idea. Clubs would be easier to fashon and would be a good weapon early on.

Dwarves should definitely use throwing knives, throwing hammers, _and_ throwing axes. All very dwarfy weapons!

I think crossbows should be seperated into two categories - light and heavy. Light crossbows are easier and faster to make, draw, load, and fire, but do less damage. Heavy crossbows are harder to make, draw, load, and fire, but do more damage. Only skilled crossbowmen could use heavy crossbows. That would balance crossbows quite a bit more IMO.

When dwarves want to commit suicide, then by Armok, they _will_ commit suicide, even if they have to spend the rest of their lives working at it!


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2008, 06:00:00 pm »

I disagree that throwing knives are dwarfy weapons on the basis that a proper dwarf would never use a weapon not equal or larger in size with his head unless for comedic effect.

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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2008, 06:10:00 pm »

Originally posted by umiman:
<STRONG>I disagree that throwing knives are dwarfy weapons on the basis that a proper dwarf would never use a weapon not equal or larger in size with his head unless for comedic effect.</STRONG>

You haven't seen their daggers, then.

Less then a foot long, SEVERAL feet wide.

Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2008, 06:17:00 pm »

Dwarves are not really creatures of finesse, at least so far as combat is concerned.  They want big, they want powerful, they want smash.

Throwing knives (and knives in general) don't really seem all that suited for dwarves.  Heck, I can even imagine a dwarven hunter gutting his kill with a handaxe rather than a hunting knife.  Or perhaps he just sets the dogs on it and hopes for the best.

A human or an elf I can see dodging attacks with lightning speed and plunging a sharpened dagger into the perfect spots on a creature.  Dwarves, on the other hand, would spit at whatever they're fighting and then try to take its head off with a hammer.

And whoah...  The early game had batmen blowgunners?  Awesome.


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2008, 07:22:00 pm »

Things I would like.

Throwing outside of *Blarg Urist Angry!* I mean if some goblins rushed into my room right now I start throwing everything I can reach before they get into my face. It would also be cool to have slingers, spearthrowers, knives, chakram, axes, shurukan, caltrops, nets, bolas, dwarven fire cocktails (by Armok not da Booze!)

A base weapon speed. Perhaps modified by skill and stats, but damn those crossbows need some work. Even hand weapons could be seperated out some by making big weapons slow.

The ability to load anything on a Catapult and have it arc across the battlefield. "Release the Kitties!"

Blowdarts would be nice but if I want to poison my sword I think I should be able to as well. Its just that blowdarts are easy to make and are fairly stealthy.

In the year 570, Kjerdregus occurred.


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2008, 01:44:00 am »

I doubt we would see assassin dwarves attacking from he shadows with throwing daggers, but that role fits goblins humans and elves like a glove.'

However id say that dwarves proffering heavy hitters would not rule out knifes and daggers as a weapons. If your grappling with someone on the ground a good dagger is going to help you a lot more than a battle ax will. And dwarves would all carry at least a small knife to help with eating.

As a backup weapon they fit fine as a shortsword would probably be a bit too unwieldy. Especially seeing as a shortsword on a dwarf is the equivalent of a longsword on a human.

Fear not the insane man. For who are you to say he does not percieve the true reality?


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2008, 02:07:00 am »

Dwarves bite, headbutt, and beardstrangle.  They don't need knives when grappling.


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Re: Beefing up ye olde armory- We Discuss Weapon Balance In
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2008, 04:03:00 am »

Originally posted by umiman:
<STRONG>The Total War series does a good job of representing arrows. In fact, arrows remained quite prominent in the world of warfare even during the early ages of gunpowder since gunpowder was quite unreliable and prone to blowing up the user.</STRONG>

And not to mention the fact that you can't fire a gun into the air with any accuracy and hope to hit enemy troops when there are friendlies in front of you. You have to fire a gun straight at a target, but with a bow or crossbow you can aim _up_ with accuracy and manage to hit someone _over_ the heads of your troops. Meaning gunmen had to go out there with their one-shot rifles, fire at a slow rate, and be completely vulnerable if infantry or cavalry charged them. Whereas archers could hide behind the infantry.   :)

Onto the topic at hand, yes, I don't think dwarves would use knives as a primary weapon. But again, not every dwarf can get his hands on a battleaxe. If a civilian needs a weapon, he's going to use a handaxe, dagger or light carpenter-style hammer.

And remember, we're not talking about just dwarves here! Like someone said, elves and humans seem the type to be knife-fighters, as do goblins (seeing as they seem to like light weapons). Elves should definitely have a few good knife fighters in a siege, for close-quarters.

[ June 04, 2008: Message edited by: Jetman123 ]

When dwarves want to commit suicide, then by Armok, they _will_ commit suicide, even if they have to spend the rest of their lives working at it!
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