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Author Topic: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts  (Read 4716 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:29:00 am »

The Challenge: Build a fortress inside hell constructed entirely from Obsidian Blocks, windowed with red crystal WITHIN TEN YEARS. Survive Five Years After Completion.

The People:
Year 1: Meanmelter
Year 2: Robocorn
Year 3: LordSlowpoke
Year 4: ClaidheamhMor16
Year 5: Madk
Year 6: Bloogonis
Year 7: Lafiel
Year 8: SethCreiyd
Year 9: EvilTwin
Year 10:
Year 11:
Year 12:
Year 13:
Year 14:
Year 15:
(Obviously slots are still -open- to those who wish to join in.)
(If you are interested in joining the Succession Game, please post what year you want and if you want a spesific character.)

Due to the nature of this challenge I can't promise every single person signed up will get their turn so you may want to Sign Up Early.

Written By Meanmelter
It was a warm and sunny day. A Dwarven Civilization called The Treaty of Strokes was a great, affluent civilization full of drunken bards, a large trading government, and peacefulness. They had many cities all with it's own purpose. One was a large Mine filled with Gold, Silver, and Platinum. One was a large sky tower that King Konfor IV set up with his whole 'Dwarf to the moon' theory that he died not to finish, which is now a great tourist attraction filled with much wealth and a museum. The other city was a large Prison holding mainly captured warriors on escapee's. Most of these are filled with Orc's, Elves, and Goblins trying to get out working as Indentured Servants. And the last place. A Large Fort on top of the tallest mountain in all of the land. This city stretches out  8 miles on the surface, 57 Miles under surface, and 18 miles upward to the sky! You want something? You go here. Plain and simple. But that will soon all change.

The current King of the civilization of The Treaty of Strokes is a man called Thikut Athelkulal is a great king indeed. Many good things you could say about this man. And things you could say that are not so good about him! Anyways, while some dwarfs were mining underground they reached a far location underground with loud shrieks. They immediately ran away from the hole to tell the king of the findings. When Thikut heard of there finding, he was surely shocked and ordered the General to send a squad of units down there to go and investigate the shriek's. They were never heard of again.

Later on in the day, there were a lot of reports of strange looking Beings attacking and moving around. The next day, with no word of were the squad is or any news about them, and the large body count of dead people underground. The King ordered the Shaft of the unknown finding to be sealed shut. After an Hour, a Mason who was supposed to be sealing the shaft returned to the king covered in cuts,bruises and missing his left thumb. He told the king that he saw a large army of Creatures coming this way and he barely managed to get out alive.

The King began to try everything to remove the evil people. He requested help from the Humans, Elves, Gnomes, and other Dwarven Civilizations to go down there and kill them all. None returned. The King aware of this threat decided that the mine can not be sealed, so he ordered the town in Siege Mode and drafted everyone who is not already left of the army into the military except for the Smithdwarves who will be making the armor and whatnot. Then, a Large vile of darkness emerged from the mine and begun to slay the entire city one by one. When they Reached the king, he was beheaded as they continued to slaughter the rest of the town.Luckily, a small part of the town did manage to escape the fort to live another day, and tell the tale.

A small group of seven dwarfs managed to grab all there belonging and some stuff from the stores before they left on a wagon with there pets. They decide to travel to the glacier where being underground will not touch the cold ground. They realize they just left there entire past behind them and there family. They all agree that they will get revenge of the Beings and agree that they will die killing all those demonic fagots. One of the Dwarfs look back and notice a wave of other dwarfs that managed to escape following them. They realize they will have dwarfs that are willing to fight for them. And Slaughter them with them. The leader of the Seven gets up to everyone and decides to call this place Outpost Stokidzanor "ImpailedHearts" The seven also agreed to call the dwarfs living here The Treaty of Hearts. For the first year, one man who has some idea of controlling things calling himself "Meanmelter" Used to own a Stone Amulet Shop. Everyone decided for the first year here, put him in charge.
This is there story...

Other Stuff:
Meanmelter, you are one stupid shit.
You built that lever to destroy the fortress with FPS and lava.
You are one of the stupidest people I know

EDIT: It's ok we saved it from your fail.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 11:49:18 am by ClaidheamhMor16 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2010, 11:34:17 am »

First Season

Log #1
   1st of Granite,1051
          I have no Idea what I have gotten myself into, I am simply running a very successful  Stone Amulet Store. Some of the best stone you could fine around, and now I am here, with these stranger's. and I, I am expected to lead them around for the first damn year! I just want to lay on my couch and drink beer all day. But I guess that is all behind me. I can not believe what has happened. My home, my family, my life, all, gone. This is my new home now. And I must make the best of it and show everyone that I am a great leader for the first year here. Eating up most of our supplies to get here, I plan on getting a effective food method, right now, those cats looks like something that I could dip my teeth in. But we have another matter, shelter.

Log #2
   I forgot the date, I'll go by seasons if I can.
             We stop at an area where those creatures will not come, problem is it is unbelievably cold, and snowstorms are constantly coming in. One of the Hunting dog's alerted us of something in the distance.

Great, just what I fucking need. A frozen wasteland with mindless fuck holes wandering around. They are a bit close to the wagon, but we should be fine for now.
We started Digging a Entrance right next to a volcano, I plan on using this as a defense system. You see, all I got to do is set up a good floodgate and other stuff, and any 'unwanted guest' getting near the entryway will be flooded with Lava and burn to death. That will teach anyone

We managed to set up a food stockpile location and currently digging out a meeting zone next to it, easy access to food. Digging in this Tundra is very thirsty. So me and that other guy are getting a good ol' drink of our booze to continue on

Log #3
     Just turned summer.
I am surprised by how much we got done. main entrance done, Trade Depot done, Stockpiles done, cutting trees and picking some plants outside. Meeting zone inside. If that damn lazy Mason would build me two doors we would be ready to seal ourselves inside for some time.


Log 4#
    Mid-summer, I think.

          We managed to get our Magma defense system's main part up, the Chamber. Urg it is so hot in there compared to how fucking freezing it is outside! I wish we did not embark on this frozen piece of shit I call home. It's just bullshit. The water did not even melt yet! I don't think Lava is going to melt it with all these snowstorms we are getting. Oh well, It is my term for now, better do some cool epic thingy that some engravers will be carving into a wall for years! Ahh but I highly doubt that would happen.

Log 4#
   Still Summer.

             Seems like the horde of Elk Zombies have left and some Mountain goats came! At least some things here are not Zombified. I am sure those mind-eating shit holes will be back though, just wait, they will attack something meaningful of mine and I will unleash unfair brutality on it!
The mason also decided to get going with the damn doors, left a note on the outside for anything that can speak Dwarf.
And when he came to me to tell me this, those Dwarf's that were following us have finally caught up with us. No one really important besides one guy named Bolio? Some weird name with a 'B' in it. anyway he is apparently a talented fighter. Did not hesitate and gave him the Copper Axe we had.

Log 5#
A hunting dog managed to get outside and begun to attack some zombie Elks that are surrounding him and pummeling him.
I told that Military guy named Bolio or some shit like that to get his weapon and go kill those mindless bastards. That dumb ass took him a very long time to find his fucking weapon! Fucking Talented Fucking Fighter ehh? more like Talented Fucking Mcliarpants.
Anyways that hunting dog can seriously  take a beating! He has been out there for what? Hours fighting those things and is still living and walking? Anyways that douch bag of a Fighter managed to get two War Dogs to go with him and did manage to Decapitate one Zombie, Make one fly 30 feet, and cut the crap out of another one.

Poor Dog, can barley believe what just happened!

Mr.Bolifago managed to get some wounds of his own, well he has no armor what did you expect?

Log 6#
     Still summer!

             Nice, Zombie Muskox. What is next? Zombie Dragon breaking down my door? Ugh screw life, we ran out of alcohol, and there is no water outside for us to drink, and we are about to run out of food!

seems out mysterious mason has constructed something very beautiful today. Ah he might just be reveling all the anger in him with art. But this really is a nice table!

Yay, more mouths to feed of food we do not have! Huzzah! Fuck this. I am flooding the surface in hope that one of the rivers heat up!

Today is a sad day here, as my partner, did not manage to get out of the Magma pit quick enough. You do not want to ever hear a dwarf scream that has lava all over them, it is very painful. R.I.P. Ahh your not resting in peace, your still laying there, your just going to rot alone like the rest of us. First death of the place, why did it have to be soo soon?

Log 7#
   Winter, so lovely is it not?

Once I heard those shouts, I cried, everyone cried, the other dwarven cities have heard of us and decided to assist us! Oh such joy today! Sucks that I have to pause my lava mission because of them though. Any who I explained to them what happened and they seemed to already heard the story, four times he said. Four times what? That this has happened? Or four times he heard the damn story? Screw it we are dehydrated and he has ale and beer! I can't believe that cheap basted made us pay! Any who we immediately send him all the rough gem's and crap we could find. We ended up giving them two chairs also! We got more food than we got drinks though, so we do have to act fast.

For Future Leaders, I wrote this down...After we were done trading with them, I dug down, DEEP DOWN. like a bazillion feet down to finally reach a cavern with no water in it. Sucks balls we have no effective water system going on here. On to the next day...

Log 8#
   Winter still.

             Though it is very warm up in here, not much happened after they came. Chairs and tables and beds were added to the main Hall. and I dug out some rooms.
I also made a noble room to the south. I don't deserve to be nobly. I am probably the worst leader in history and have done nothing but make everyone dehydrate and starve to death. For Armok's sake I lost my friend! I would not be surprised if the next leader had me thrown into the volcano for my poor leadership around here. But I did get a good and defensive shelter going up. I left one note on the lever just in case anyone forgets not to pull the lever unless of a good reason. I mean, those are shitty mechanisms, they will probably break the next time they are used! Then what? We are super screwed buddy!

Log 9#
  Almost Spring.
          I would like to say a couple of more things before my time is done to the next leader here. There is a good start of a place here, do not let my shitty leadership bring your down, I mean, other than starving and dehydrating, I am sure you know a method of fixing this! so cheers up. Also, I recommend you replace the Mechanic's on those floodgates, they are real shitty. I also dig a room for you to the south of the Meeting hall. Below that is your own office too! Cheers, and have fun!

Log 10#
           I Resign and some guy named Robocorn is elected. Good to him, and good riddance of my dream to be successful at this place. I will hand all the papers including this log to him so that way he can continue on to log 11, may Armok be with you Robocorn.
Here are your papers.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 11:54:09 am by ClaidheamhMor16 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 11:34:48 am »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 11:35:25 am »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2010, 12:22:45 pm »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2010, 12:23:28 pm »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 12:24:53 pm »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 12:26:09 pm »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2010, 12:27:15 pm »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2010, 12:28:36 pm »



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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2010, 12:31:38 pm »


End Of Reservations
Transfer Discussions Below
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:38:36 pm by ClaidheamhMor16 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2010, 10:48:28 am »

Me wanting to join, taking the first free year :)
I wanna have a Mason, those will be working in the harshest conditions and i guess when my turn comes around there will be some that are left over...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2010, 11:09:25 am »

You got it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2010, 07:57:41 pm »

Still looking for new people.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Epic Tale of ImpaledHearts
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2010, 08:17:02 pm »

This feels like the calm before the last storm ever.

Look at the mission goal!  Sign up now, folks, and become part of history.
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