Alright, let's go ahead and get started as individuals. We'll go ahead and make our empires with medium points, medium tech, and standard tech cost. If you want a custom shipset, you must post it in this thread and include it in your PM to Mayday, who will be generating the game for us. You have 48 hours from now to pm your empire to Cpt. Mayday. We can continue to discuss the quadrant setup until then. When you PM your empire, DO post in this thread that you sent it, and what the name of your empire is. DO NOT post the empire file in this thread. You may include such information as physical type, atmosphere, and world type. I am hoping for some decent roleplaying, so DO take the time to write a bio of your race and history of your empire. DO use a password to keep everyone honest.
We are using Balance mod version 1.19g and Space Empires V version 1.79.
Repeated for emphasis:
When you PM your empire, DO post in this thread that you sent it, and what the name of your empire is. DO NOT post the empire file in this thread. You may include such information as physical type, atmosphere, and world type. I am hoping for some decent roleplaying, so DO take the time to write a bio of your race and history of your empire. DO use a password to keep everyone honest.