Restructure established education methods with the help of
this guy, increase education spending in developed countries, providing scholarships to teachers, send teachers to developing and third-world countries with attractive bonuses if they keep teaching there.
Simultaneously use a fraction of freed up defense/intelligence spending to create a global research and engineering consortium towards superconductivity, solar, food genetics (emphasizing production in barren areas), and nanofabrication. Establish X-Prize-like foundations rewarding important discoveries and achievements in these areas.
Shift defense spending to reinforce troublesome areas, invite refugees in these areas to new schools, collect and destroy local firearms, and then move army over so that cultural engineers can move in to make things more "compatible" (and here is where I begin to bother myself)
Build fission plants -everywhere-. No proliferation worries = no problem recycling waste. Defend plants with a fraction of idle army. Gradually shift to solar if superconductivity becomes viable over large distances, establishing a global energy grid.
Ship developing areas industrial surplus as nanofabrication techniques and improved miniaturization replace certain factories and larger chemical plants.
By this time, computers should be advanced enough to support a strong AI, regardless of how practical in terms of energy requirements (though I do think it'll be quite low).
Begin the construction of my son.