You might actually like it if Jackrabbit ruled the world. His disliking your policy doesn't make his own regime any less pleasurable to live in.
I agree with him, though. Living in a world where people are convicted of crimes based on popular demand and/or the emperor's will, rather than evidence?
You haven't thought this out very well either (besides your silly statements about global warming: The end of the last ice age was an apocalypse, herp derp. And the species at risk of extinction is us. Double herp derp). You would decrease funding to intelligence services? No shit, dude, in a world run under one government controlled by you, you would only need intelligence services for internal security. Cutting back on their financing would be a disaster, by the way, since you would almost certainly incur rebellion.
I lol'd a bit at Euld saying "I would remove all dictators".
I think some of you are missing the point of this game. If you rule the world, you don't have to topple any dictators or fight against oppression. You ARE the dictator, and the only one capable of oppressing people is YOU. What are we, beauty queens?
Trying to be a benevolent world dictator would actually be pretty traumatic. You'd have to divide all the world's resources among all the world's people, a feat that's already hard enough to do on national levels. And you'd have to somehow provide for the needs of all the world's cultures. You would have to actually make a lot of extremely difficult choices.