You most likely consider yourself a moderate Cristian or Atheist, or possibly Buddhist or other religious group.
If someone came to you and said that they where on your side, and that, for instance, Turkey was planning to attack your hometown, and the only thing for you to do is wear this explosive vest and try to detonate it in some crowded Turkish market, does it seem at all likely that you would do that?
Islam does not program people to be mindless, raving monsters. Indeed, pretty much every mainstream religion comes down to saying that everyone aught to be nice to one another- and pretty much every mainstream religion also has the kind of text that extremists will try to twist into justification, as if they needed any. Every page of a holy text will practically consist entirely of people crying out for peace and understanding, and the three paragraphs that encourage bringing vengeance upon the infidels (or maybe bringing incense upon a tray, it's hard to be sure with these translations,) get all the publicity
I firmly stand by my long-held belief that the only suitable government religious stance is a total separation of church and state- in both directions. The government never favors nor disfavors any religion. The only caveat to this being that religious behavior cannot infringe on the rights of others- which silences the critics who like to say things like "Yeah, but what about human sacrifice?"
This means that even if there was a religion that encourages a weekly ritual of human sacrifice, then the religion is not banned. The murders may be illegal, but not the belief that the Sun God XVZVXKN will devour the earth in six months isn't. The actions are separate from the belief.