Went to the doctor because of some nasal problems. My two options given were: a month-long steroid treatment or surgery.
So I call both my parents because that's how my family rolls. Everyone is telling me to do the surgery instead of a steroid treatment. I talk to my mom first, then call my dad. Then my mom calls back and UNLOADS on me. "Oh, well, I've been reading on the internet and....."
My mom and dad both have science backgrounds, but not medicine especially. But they both consider themselves very well informed, and my mom tends to think she actually knows something about medicine. So she's sitting there contradicting the doctor, rattling off her Google search discoveries and finally, I just lost it.
Dear Mom. You're not a fucking doctor. Google does not make you a doctor. You didn't see what he saw. All that you're really going off of is your (well-meaning) but totally smothering mothering instinct. Yes, I know steriods suppress your immune system. Yes, I know some people get addicted to the way it makes them feel. Yes, I know it can lead to an increase in acne. Yes, I know you're more liable to get an infection while you're on them.
But godammnit, you are not a doctor. So quit fucking shouting at me and talking a million miles a minute. All you're doing is making me feel shitty about my choice of medical treatment. FFS, if the steroid treatment drives me insane or makes me feel like shit, I'll quit it and go get the surgery. But FFS, when a doctor says "If I were you I would...." I take that as a pretty reasonable assessment of what the best treatment option at this time is.