Goddamn I don't know what to do right now. Had to go with my family to some housing loan thing. Only I found out it's more of a "lottery" than a "thing", since apparently they only pick ten random people to get it or something. After my stepdad gets my mom from work, we go to his sister's to change vehicles, during which he also gets some vicadin from her. As we pull into McDonald's, he lights up some weed right in the parking lot. After that, I can clearly notice him zoning out while driving, and then lets go of the wheel to turn around to drink from a jug of tea, his hands off the wheel for almost 15 seconds. My mom had to grab the wheel to put us back into the lane. We go get our sister, who is pissed about having to leave work and for some reason also had to lie to get away, I don't really know why.
As we get there, he starts saying something like if we don't get it, it's fine, and if we do get it, it's because God thought we were good enough. Quite frankly, if you think that the outcome of some loan application/lottery is based on adherence to vague and self-contradictory religious practice that not everyone in the vehicle follows, and everyone else only claims to but really doesn't(especially when those practices are literally impossible to begin with), you should realize you are completely fucked beyond all recognizance already. Anyway, we get there a little early, only to find that the dumbshit stepdad hasn't completely filled out all the forms. Me and my sister finish the thing quickly enough, despite his bitching about how he went to everyone he could trying to get help on it, not that he ever consulted us on it. Honestly, he could have just given it to me and my sister and said "have fun" and there would not be any problem with that.
As it turns out, me and my sister were not needed there at all to begin with, only we find this out as me and her have to sit in the lobby for over an hour and a half. As we leave, he again feels the uncontrollable urge to light up and parks in some other parking lot, this time passing it to my mom and sister while giving me crap about being bothered by it. After that, someone almost crashes into us while cutting us off, and a short while after that we almost get into another accident doing the exact same thing that the person above did to almost hit us. All the while, he's complaining about how he's too dumb to do any of the stuff he still has to do, and saying he's okay with just living in a camper somewhere, showing a long-range disregard for his family just as much as his total short-range disregard the entire trip.
And when we get home, I discover that my stepdad also left my bedroom door open and the dogs got in and pissed on my bed while we were out.
All I want to do right now is slam my head into something repeated until it bleed profusely.