Just got a speeding ticket due to passing one of those idiots who drives 70+ in all of the straight passing zones but 30 in all of the windy road around it (the road I was on is about 1.75 hours of really windy 50 mph road with occasional short straight sections, and I had already been following this guy for about an hour at 30-35). Finally manage to get past them and am coasting back down to a decent speed limit when a sheriff goes by going the other direction and decides to pull me off. Upon explanation of the scenario he says that lots of the time he would just give a warning for this, but since it's memorial day they are "cracking down on speeding" and I end up with a ticket. And to top it all off the guy I was passing slowed down enough by that point that he didn't even get pulled over. (I mean sure I'm eligible for the whole defensive driving BS class to wipe it, but it's still $200 and 4 hours I'd rather not have to spend. )
I am not a fan of the discretion given to the cops regarding speeding enforcement. I remember a political RP where I went on a screed trying to shoot down a law that would give them such discretion within the fictional shithole country featured therein. I failed, but eh, fiction is fiction.
Doesn't help that my state has a frickin' ridiculous "graduated license" system (the concept of a graduated license isn't the issue, it's the implementation), including a thing that until I get a full license (i.e. turn 18) I can literally have the license revoked for something like six months (incidentally, I'm turning 18 in 5, so...) for a
single citation, even speeding a mile above the limit.
So I'm really paranoid about speed limits, obsessively check for signs about them, and piss a lot of people off by always driving at the limit unless pretty much everyone else on the road is speeding too.