After having a work day go a slight bit longer than I expected, I was rushing home to evade a storm; had to stop by the store since my weekend was beginning and I won't be out again for awhile. I got out after shopping to see a powerful storm front. I checked the weather maps to see how bad and for how long it was. I saw a clearing on both the map and the skies, and made my move.
Ever feel like your life is a comedy movie that tends to really hate on the main character? Well, basically, that's how it felt. Why? Because as much a clearing as I thought I had, a downpour came out of nowhere (no visible signs of coming), I'm dodging puddles, only to cross a relatively deep spot that covered both lanes of the road, making it impossible to avoid once I noticed it. End result: It soaks my
battery engine block (still had power to start it again), and I begin to sputter to a rolling stop. My attempts to get the thing running again were futile, and I had to roll it to somewhere safe.
I was caught in the middle of a downpour, after a long day of work, with some wet groceries (some items didn't fit; soda 12-can pack and a couple boxes of donuts), on an incapacitated moped, halfway towards home.
Fortunately, despite being soaked entirely (including soaked boots with some field experience to the point of
telling old war stories), and having to haul the thing a few blocks, my sister lived nearby. However, she was not home. Oh yeah, and my phone ran out of power too.
Don't worry, it got better by the end; I could come up with worse, but fortunately, I called God out in time (with the local church nearby, of all settings) and drew the line on where His shit stops. Fortunately, a family friend was her neighbor, and offered me a ride home while I leave my moped at my sister's to dry off. She was an old co-worker as well, so we caught up on the way home.
Maybe belongs in the Happy and Accomplished threads, and hell, stick it in OOC while we're at it:
I raged hard enough at my circumstances, I called God out, for being a dick, and things immediately started to improve.
You finally got my call. What kept you?
Screw it. The entire post probably belongs in them.
After reading the whole thing again, I was still steaming a bit, but by the end of it, I couldn't help but to laugh at what the hell I just wrote.
Oh yeah, and I'm not making any of this up, at all; nor do I accept any pity. Still laughing too hard at this. It actually happened, just a couple hours ago. Even I think this is insane, and I just experienced it.