I remember seeing photos an American tourist was lucky to smuggle out of China after visiting a certain special square, where protestors threw fliers into the air and were subsequently taken by police into a police van.
I don't think their odds are good.
PRC locks shit down tight at Tiananmen. The day before I was there (this would have been 2007), somebdy tried to firebomb the picture of Mao over the central gate (so I heard). The square was cleared, a cleanup crew was brought in, and two hours later you could barely tell anything had happened, except for a few trace scorch marks on the gate itself.
I was taking photos (partly so I could blow them up later and see if the scorch marks were discernible), when one of the PSB uniformed guards got into an argument of some kind with an old lady. I was trying to take a picture OVER them, because they were right in my shot, but they obviously misunderstood and the next thing I know I'm being yelled at to put away my camera, "No photos! No photos!" even as thousands of people around me are snapping away...
the old lady came up to me a few minutes later and starts cursing me out (my Mandarin wasn't good enough to tell exactly why, but I gather it was along the lines of "you could have gotten me arrested!").
As far as the Florida State thing....as soon as that story seemed to die down abruptly given that the Seminoles were in contention for a national title, I smelled something fishy about that. I don't doubt for one second that Tallahassee's "finest" would look the other way if it meant possibly costing FSU a national title. That's a LOT of money on the line. The interesting bit will be if anyone investigates the investigation and looks to see if this was individual incompetence/reluctance or if boosters got involved.