Youtube is just so terribly absolutely awful I cannot describe it adequately. It's just so bad it feels like it's achieved intelligence and is out to get me.
The stupid method of buffering has completely broken any of Youtube's functionality for me. It takes me practically a half hour to watch a seven minute video with my internet speed, which is in no way worth it. I can't even go off and do something better with my time while letting the thing load like a normal person with slow internet would do. Oh no, because letting it sit for as long as I want does nothing when the video only loads up to 5% of it's entirety at any one time. I could let it just "load" for a half hour only to come back, attempt to watch the video, and find that it's only loaded half a minute before promptly needing to buffer again.
Even with Youtube's crappiest, stupidest quality, 144p--which it constantly insists on automatically setting the damn video to-- does nothing to improve the bloody loading process. Youtube's loading process is a broken ugly piece of shit that requires the most expensive, fastest internet connection to load anything properly at any decent quality without any interruptions, and anything less than that will trigger the alarm to make Youtube as workable as a an ugly brick. That's made of feces. That's on fire.
Before they enacted this I had no problem with loading a friggin' video if I just gave it enough time. That's cool, then I can go do something else while I wait. This...buffering process abomination of a thing stops that completely.
Don't get me started on channel design and website design in general. It's ugly. Very ugly. And slow. And inefficient. And much of it is entirely useless to me.
What makes this so much worse is the fact there's almost no alternative to Youtube in terms of number of videos. If I wanna look up an instructive video on some guitar technique, it's almost always on youtube. If I wanna watch a video about how to use some program, all the official videos are hosted on youtube. Various speed paints, timelapses, and tips n' tricks videos for photoshop or SAI or muthaeffin' Paint is all on Youtube. Everything is on Youtube. And it's borked. [/firstworldproblems]
Of course, the simplest solution would be get a better interwebs connection, but the problem at this point isn't my internet connection because it worked perfectly fine before and works fine for everything else I'd need it for- games, downloading occasional programs or files or updates, other internet browsing- I shouldn't have to go shell out more money for something that I probably couldn't afford anyway because of a terrible utility decision. gah.