Oh yeah, I just remembered: Last night was one of the first in weeks I've had an opportunity to get a full night's sleep, and my roommate fucked it up. I went to sleep at 10:00, and he comes barging in at 1:30 and turns on the blinding fluorescent and starts talking on his phone in the only volume he has: loud.
I tell him to turn the fucking light off since I was actually getting some sleep, and he responds with "Dude, it's only 1:30, I could understand if it was 4:00 or something..."
It's as if he wants me to kill him. I get no fucking respect. I don't wake him up, hell, I'll sit in the dark while he's sleeping in the middle of the god damned day because I'm not so idiotic to think its okay to deny other people sleep. Not that he has any issue sleeping, oh no, he sleeps like a fucking rock and falls out at the slightest inclination. No, it's alright, you don't have to respect the conditional needs of the guy who takes an hour at least to fall asleep and will have all that progress erased if disturbed. Who rarely gets restful sleep even if I can make it to sleep since your god damn snoring and staying up to text random people on your phone and fucking masturbating while you think I can't hear you three feet away will regularly keep me from getting any REM sleep at all. HATE HATE HATE
I am being driven to my breaking point. At this point I'm actually starting to look deranged from my three hours of sleep every night. I don't even get to dream anymore, and when I do it's disjointed and feverish since I'm sick all the time, BECAUSE OF THIS SAME LIFE-DESTROYING MOTHERFUCKER.