.... Once again, not paid for a bet because apparently a definitive verbal agreement with witnesses isn't enough for one person. Almost made $100 off of some stupid geometry misconception someone had. It's extra annoying since they both started the bet and were willing to bet $200, I limited to $100 because I don'tlike betting more than I have on hand, got interrupted before the handshake although 5 people knew we were going to bet, then he pulls out after 45 minutes of doodling trying to make his argument work. I suspected he would never pay me even before we were going to shake, since he said he had no money on him, so I at least made very clear verbally that we were betting so we would have witnesses.
I consider the bet binding because:
A) he initiated it, not me, so it cannot be seen as me trying to squeeze money out of someone who wasn't willing to bet
B) he was willing to bet more than I was, further reinforcing A
C) it was clear that we both agreed on the bet, though a formal seal was not technically put in place, although verbally it was quite clear
D) multiple witnesses say thet we agreed verbally
E) the bet would have formally been sealed if the handshake hadn't been interrupted
He won't even agree that a partial bind to half the betted money would be acceptable. Which means that I will bug him about the money he owes me for the next 4 years.
EDIT: This may not seem that bad, but this makes a total of $1,100 dollars various people owe me through crap like this (especially annoying when they say stuff beforehand like "why do we need to shake? We know we're betting" They probably wouldn't have paid me anyways, though).