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Author Topic: Things that made you RRRRRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Trust-o-nomics Edition  (Read 3867247 times)

Mr. Palau

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So I know yesterday I posted in the happy thread about my MUN experince, but today it turned a lot worse.

So even though the dumb German dellegate in our committe literally did everything we said, as Italy, and gave worse speaches than we did, they were given an award and we weren't.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.


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I kinda lost hope in MUN after some delegates thought that my advocating for governments to give incentive for companies to develop green power meant I was pushing for a world currency... And made my resolution fail because the people in charge of the committee lost vote results for my resolution... and only my resolution. It had passed the first time.
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.

Mr. Palau

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I kinda lost hope in MUN after some delegates thought that my advocating for governments to give incentive for companies to develop green power meant I was pushing for a world currency... And made my resolution fail because the people in charge of the committee lost vote results for my resolution... and only my resolution. It had passed the first time.
What committe, what topic?

Mine was debt sustainability.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.


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I am kind of dumbfounded at my supervisors. Apparently, a week or two ago, day shift came in for the morning at about the same time as a bunch of stat orders for the Surgical Intensive Care Unit printed, and the lot of them refused to fill those orders because the person whose job it was hadn't shown up yet (fortunately, a few minutes later, somebody a little more reasonable showed up and took care of it). Keep in mind, it's not that they had other things they had to do or were untrained, it just wasn't part of their job description for the particular shifts they were working that day.

Apparently, this wasn't an isolated incident. Same thing happened with an entirely different bunch of technicians and a different pharmacist. Jegus Glubbing Chrust, what is it with these people? We're a hospital, not a McDonald's. We have two goals: accuracy and efficiency. That's it. Consistency is not even on the fucking list. Yes, policy that consistently divides the workload to ensure that all the jobs get done and everybody knows what they're doing is an amazing tool for achieving those, but it's not a goal in and of itself. When you're saying, "I'm sorry, I won't fill that order because it isn't my job", there's a problem. That's the day you've ceased to care about the patients, in favor of a fucking scrap of paper. The only possible response is, "Yes it goddamn is your job, you clod! Your job is to get medication to patients. Everything else is details, so do your fucking job!" How I wish somebody were in a position to be able to say that safely.

My profanity is not particularly eloquent today, but in my defense, I'm actually legitimately angry here.
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky. “I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied. “Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky. “I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes. “Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.


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I kinda lost hope in MUN after some delegates thought that my advocating for governments to give incentive for companies to develop green power meant I was pushing for a world currency... And made my resolution fail because the people in charge of the committee lost vote results for my resolution... and only my resolution. It had passed the first time.
What committe, what topic?

Mine was debt sustainability.

It was a few years ago, but I know it was the Environment committee. The topic was encouraging green power or something similar.

This was my second conference, the first I was in the Disarmament and International Security, with Nuclear Non-proliferation. That conference was much better, even though both (My nation and another drafted another resolution during the committee) of our resolutions failed. Didn't help that about half of the nations in that committee were nations that would want nuclear weapons... But at least it was a good conference.

Y'know, it probably got better later on in school, but I started to get involved in other things, and a school change didn't help me stay in.
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


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Maybe they dont want to fill someone else's prescriptions lest there's a mistake and they're liable?
Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.


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If they've not been trained to fill a particular type of drug (like, say, chemotherapy), that's a great reason for not doing it and I wholly approve. That's not the reason they gave, and the impression I'm getting is that it's stuff like pills or norepinephrine bags. It's not outpatient stuff, to be sure, and it's stuff we've all been trained to do. The thing is that they're working, say, a shift that delivers medications to units in the hospital instead of a shift that actually prepares the medication to be delivered, so they won't do the latter.
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky. “I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied. “Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky. “I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes. “Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.


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When I worked for Wal-Mart we were given a general job description that we were hired for. But in all cases we were still expected to essentially do whatever we were asked. I worked in the Meat Department for a while and I can say that about a quarter to a third of the time that I was at work I would get asked to do some asinine thing that was not in my job description at all. These include but are not limited to: doing maintenance on things that should have required a professional, hauling stuff out of the trucks that don't have any of my department's goods, filling the frozen goods freezers, filling up the candy section, hauling carts from the parking lot back to the store, moving random things from one side of the store to another, and more stuff I don't remember off the top of my head.

If I did not do the whims of my managers I could have gotten fired or at least suspended. There was no such thing as an unreasonable order and thus any denial would be construed at insubordination. That sucked a lot, since half the things I did I was not certified to do in any way (mostly the maintenance stuff that included electrical work and repairing machines). Even though I was probably their "go to guy" for this sort of thing I never got promoted or moved from my department >:|
Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


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Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying they should do absolutely anything they're asked (the chemotherapy example is a great one, since it's the sort of thing that has a really good chance of Fucking Your Shit Up if you mess up, and I'm not talking about just the patient's Shit). I'm only kind of pissed at the "It's not my job" argument, and even that is largely due to the fact that this is a hospital. There are actually lives potentially at stake sometimes! And most of the rest of the time, there's somebody in a boatload of pain that we can do something about. When an Intensive Care Unit says stat, they mean "right the fuck now", not "whenever it's convenient for you if you wouldn't mind". Sometimes a several minute delay is okay and stat just means "Top priority, but don't stress yourselves", I admit, but you can't know that in advance (exception: sometimes the pharmacist can know that, but in both these cases it was a technician refusing to do something a pharmacist asked).

I guess I just really don't like it when people seem to forget that there are actual patients in the beds.
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky. “I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied. “Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky. “I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes. “Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.


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Well I didn't rage, but it kinda pissed me off. My friend ran over my foot with his car today. Feels bad man.


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and thus any denial would be construed at insubordination

The word insubordination should be fucking illegal.  Throw professionalism in there too.  They're both terms abused by authority figures in a way that gives them no concrete definition, only whatever meaning makes it convenient for them to get what they want out of you at the time.  Insubordination = "admitting that we're punishing you for what we're actually unhappy about would make us look bad" and Professionalism = "we don't actually have any good reason at all for why things should be this way"
In the land of twilight, under the moon
We dance for the idiots
As the end will come so soon
In the land of twilight

Maybe people should love for the sake of loving, and not with all of these optimization conditions.


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Spent all day playing Risen 2. It's not actually a game I would recommend, it has some serious flaws, the combat system is kinda inane, and there's a whole bunch of other little issues that get to me, but I've been having fun with it anyway.

I think I may have made the wrong decision siding with the natives though. On the one hand you had the natives, who have sexy voodoo witchdoctors who wear only slightly more clothing than would be historically accurate for their RL counterparts, on the other you have that whole old school British colonial military feel going on, which is something I so adore.

So I looked at it in terms of what you get for siding with them. The natives have voodoo... I'm kinda annoyed at natives performing voodoo, but I try not to let that bother me because it's just a game and I should really just relax.

The inquisition meanwhile has muskets... which bothers me because the natives bring magic to the table and they respond with FRIGGING MUSKETS, and I already have guns in form of kinda crappy pistols and shotguns. Of course, the strategic part of my brain says that if I get a musket that fires as fast as the soldier's ones do, it would probably make me extremely powerful.

In the end I just went with the natives on the basis that they aren't dicks who are keeping the other faction as slaves.

Well that was significantly more rant than was necessary.


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Please don't post just a video, no explanation whatsoever, when you are freaking arguing and someone needs to know what the heck that video's about to talk. (looks at certain board in GD)

Sigh >.> Slow WiFi.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 08:41:05 am by Skyrunner »

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


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I ate an apple that dried my mouth out massively.

I'm literally having to force myself not to gulp so I can wet my mouth again.
I'll stick to cider, thanks.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting

Loud Whispers

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...Dry apple?

What tree did that abomination grow from?
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