Went for a job interview at the library yesterday, which I think went pretty well. I still have to go through the next round of interviews and such, which probably involves quoting Confucian Analects in their original Chinese whilst doing daring acrobatics while driving a moped, but I think I won't have a problem with that.
The problem is, it's only supposed to be 8-10 hours a week, which they didn't mention on the original posting. I'm not sure if taking the job would interfere with my benefits(the pay would be less than what I'm getting, though certainly more than what my parents take from it), and now my mom and stepdad are telling me not to take it, regardless of whatever effect it has on my benefits. Considering this, and the fact that I've lost a few job oppurtunities directly and indirectly because of my mother, I'm don't think I can trust their motives on telling my to turn it down.
If it doesn't affect my benefits, I'd still take it, simply because it could pay for both transportation to my current slave labor as well as my own internet connection(my parents have constantly said they'd get one for months, but never have).
Also, from yesterday morning, I tried to 100 sit-ups in bed, but only got as far as 50(and about 35 push-ups) before my chest hurt so much that I couldn't do it, and all day I felt so sick that I felt like I was about to throw up, and I've been sore all day today. Granted, attempting 100 sit-ups within about 10 minutes of waking up wasn't the smartest idea, but I'm still pissed about it.