So after putting up with and/or answering some of the easiest, stupidest questions I've ever had to answer about an online game for FOUR FUCKING HOURS today, I quit my Runescape clan. The last straw was when I logged on and the first thing I saw in the clan chatbox was "Jagex needs to find something to base their game on besides PvP." If you have played this game for ANY nontrivial amount of time you should know by now that 10-15% of the game, MAXIMUM, is PvP-oriented. Other complaints I had to listen to today included:
"If Jagex changes Bandos armour, I'm quitting." (this person not only does not have Bandos armour, but it has already been confirmed that the appearance will change this month - like nearly every other piece of armour in the game)
"Why does the bonus experience go down over 8 hours? That's fucking stupid." (every March and September there's a Bonus EXP weekend, during which most skill-based actions earn 2.7x the normal amount of experience, decreasing to 1.1x over the course of 8 hours logged in - can you figure out why this is a stupid complaint?)
"The 10M store credit prize is stupid. Why can't we just have 10M coins instead?" (a recent update introduced a daily prize wheel - one or two spins a day per player, one of the major prizes being 10 million gold; contrary to popular belief, this actually is 10 million gold, and NOT store credit)
So I quit in a blind screaming rage and am refusing to join a clan ever again unless I make one myself.
Also, I've come to the realization that while I can tolerate or even like individual persons, I hate people in general with a seething passion. Bay12 is the only large community I can have any degree of positive feelings towards at this point.