Today was NOT. MY. DAY. For starters, I woke up late. Getting ready for work, I found out that the pants I was wearing were threadbare, and there was no time to change them. Grabbed the wrong shirt (Gotta have the right secondary logos on it!) Got into my car, got tailgated by a cop whilst going under the speed limit due to an elderly person in an excessively large car/boat hybrid deciding to refuse to let either of us pass. Damn near got in a wreck when said cop decided to turn his lights on and speed through the light that I was trying to turn left in. Got to store 1, they were putting up the display that was supposed to be up last week. *facepalm* So, I helped set that up, then spent a good chunk of time training employees on product that they've "never seen before" even though I've been talking it up and doing training on this thing for a month and a half now. Got chewed out by a store employee because my brand "sucks". Store 2 (right across the street) didn't get any product at all, so, no sales there until I figure out how to get product into the store. Get lunch, and drive to city 2. Get stuck in traffic because some moron was gawking at the fighter planes (air show is in town) instead of watching where they were going. Eat lunch whilst stuck in traffic. Get "nudged" from behind, even though traffic isn't moving. Wait for traffic to clear, now covered in coke. Go back home (20 miles or so). Change shirt, even though I've only got one that's appropriate for work today. Get back on the road. Fuel light comes on. Bank account nearly empty. Afford $7ish in gas to get through the day. Get stuck in traffic on the highway again. Take a total of two and a half hours on a 20 minute trip. Get to store 3, find out that they have product, but it's not on display. Help set up demo unit that should have been set up for a week. Phone call from wife complaining that I'm taking too long. One more store to go. Get to store. Help set up yet another display and train employees who also "have never even heard of this," even though they've been trained on it at least four times. Go home, almost run out of gas. Get chewed out by wife because I "worked all day". Go hide in office and seethe with rage. Completely fuck up call reports. Have to do them all again, even though browser isn't cooperating (screw you, IE9.) Do paid training that's due tonight, and get chewed out by wife again, because we won't get to go to the carnival that I don't want to go to in the first place. [/rant] Thanks for letting me sound off, B12.