League of Legends just released a new character, and surprise! His ultimate skill is extremely overpowered. It's an AoE taunt (not so bad) that forces all nearby enemies to physically attack it (sounds like a disadvantage, cool) then releases a huge burst of damage based on the damage he took, usually wiping a whole team because the taunt lasts long enough to allow the rest of the new guy's team to lay waste to the enemy team. And he gains ability power based on how much magic defense he has. In other words? If you ability range him, you do nothing. If you team up and close range him, he nukes you into outer space. If you solo/two man him, he rapes you horribly because he can. Well done League of Legends, well done.
To think I liked this game for it's balance, what the heck!?
Damage from his ulti isn't THAT big (it doesn't hold a candle to Nunu's ult, well actually this damage is only good for finishing off unless you are fed). Taunt can be cleansed and if you have merc threads you can usually escape before it goes off, its a channel so he can be stunned or disabled in other way to stop it before any damage goes off (when it comes to disabling so your team can lay waste Amumu is better at it). Oh and have you seen cooldown on it? His passive giving him AP sounds very very good but without it you would be useless since you would have hard time begin tanky and still threat to other team and don't forget you can't get away with just stacking MR, you need HP and armor too. Its all balanced, you just don't know how to counter him since he is new champ. Another pro tip: don't bunch up in tight group when enemy team has aoe disablers like Galio or Amumu, you are just making it easier for them. "If you solo/two man him, he rapes you horribly because he can." Wait , wait .... what??? He is horrible at 1 vs 1. Master Yi , Tryndamere etc. r*pes him every single time. What he is good at is crowd control with his aoe abilities to slow down enemies, speed up your allies, resistances buff and of course his "OP" ulti.
As for Xin yeah he was OP but patch fixed that quickly. LoL is balanced game (its not perfect by any means but that's quite impossible). Cries of OP'ness are heard always after new champion is released because people can't figure out how to counter this or that.