Things are not okay. I would like to provide a disclaimer at the beginning of this post. I'm a bit inebriated (read: I drank five shots in an hour, then a mix drink. I weigh 150 pounds. I'm VERY goddamn drunk.) and I've had a very. Very. Long. Fuckin'. Day.
Every single little thing seemed to conspire against me today. At first, it went great. I woke up in a good mood, texted my girl a bit. Then I got to work. It was crazy busy, as is expected on Fourth of July in the USA next to a lake, in a tourist town. I had fun at first, then things started bringing me down. My girl was being really weird, and every customer was being the biggest fucking asshole they could be, it seemed. All the other employees were also on their fourth or fifth ten or twelve hour shift in a row, and also the biggest fucking assholes ever by now, so things were going just swimmingly. Then I realized in the last hour of my shift that I broke my fucking finger in the first four hours of my shift and hadn't noticed until now. D:
Then my girl stops texting back and only texts me twice to ask me for something. :/ My friend asks me for something immediately when I text him, and my LF is all business when I speak to her at work. I then make a trip that I didn't want to make to see my girl and her boyfriend (FML) and things happen which make things worse for me. Then I leave to go do some business and someone blows a bottle rocket up right in my goddamned face, quite literally. My right hand and cheek are burned a bit. So I go back to my friends house and things get EVEN worse, so I just decide to go home. I get halfway there and decide to get fucking drunk as shit, so I stop at my old hang out and get drunk.
Now I am here, after having drove home drunk. Yay. :/