I cant fucking believe that the future of soceity lies in the hands of theese perverted witless imbeciles.
I sincerely hope that this has been said of every generation ever in the history of ever.
Remember your parents complaining about your generation? And how your grandparents used to complain about your parent's generation? And if you were lucky enough to meet your great-grandparents, they've probably said the exact same thing about your grandparent's generation.
In short: You are correct.
Atleast they introduced useful things to soceity.
All my generation has done is being fucking stupid in all flavors of stupid.
Drawing swastikas and badly drawn penises, jew stars and stick figures spewing green cum at shit, isnt a useful contribution to soceity. Everyone in my class wants to be something useless like a pop star, rapper, stripper/whore(i kid you fucking not). I only know two people who has a realistic goal, a girl who wants to be a vet(shes content with the snuffing cute lil doggies part, too) and a dude who wants to be a soldier.
Im quite possibly the only one on that school who dosent draw swastikas and cocks. Does drawing
Eldritch horrors when done before everyone else in chemistry count as a swasticock?
I think sex is an awesome thing, and one of the first things i buildt in minecraft was a swastika(was trying to replicate a place where hitler held a speech for some reason) and yeah, i did build an underground temple to the voxel dick god after a few shots one night.
The media fills kids with sex and celeb worship. Making them mindless consumer whore drones of greedy corporate cunts. Did you guys ever think if the future would be dystopian. Look here! Its already here. Everyone are asinine drones, to those greedy cunts we are nothing but assets.
Democracy is receeding the smart guys says, no fucking wonder when people are so fucking stupid they dont even know what democracy is.
I hope all those spoiled brats starve to death when soceity goes ka-crash and they dont know how to get food once daddy's walket and the state's wallets are empty and the supermarkets are empty buildings. And if they die, dibs on their alcohol. Or well fuck that, i take the vodka and shit and you guys can take the beer and wine.