WOAH long time no see this thread...
I noticed in the v9.2 pack that the Utilities folder has been subdivided into A-Newb, B-Advanced, and C-Hacks. I can understand why you did that (to make it easier for newbies) and I realize that it's impossible to please everyone. However, I really preferred the old structure where they were all together in Utilities. I often find myself browsing the Utilities folders directly (to modify a utility's .ini/config or other files) and now that's a hassle. Besides, I suspect most newbies launch utilities directly from the LNP GUI. As such, I'd think it might work better to explain which utilities are newbie-friendly and which are for advanced uses, etc. in either the readme .txt file, by adding tips in the Utilities tab (LNP GUI), or both.
Yeah I'm not sure exactly how that helps... i guess more advanced users use it more...
Also, I tried to manually update the Phoebus graphics in v9.2 from v21 to v23... but it did not work right. It seems that in Phoebus' v23 pack he put the init files inside ...\data\init\phoebus\ instead of the usual ...\data\init\ subdirectory.
possibly. did repacking help?
Well... there are a lot of differences from the Phoebus 31.25v21 folder in LNP. It looks like the new tileset editor that Phoebus included makes doing a manual update very difficult.
hm... that might be a
slight problem...
Edit Edit:
And, it seems that the LNP GUI does not always save the Exotic Animals: NO choice. Sometimes it does... but sometimes it defaults back to YES after I close and restart the GUI. Weird.
Possibly it doesn't autosave every time... after forcing a save does it still show this?
Also, I checked the raws in my save and it still contains the usual [PET_EXOTIC] tags. Does this mean that this change requires generating a new world? Somehow, I thought it was possible to change the [PET_EXOTIC] tags on a save without a problem.
i think it works(ed?) only on new worlds, at least in my experience.
Seems every time I try and start a game with this, it always doesnt respond and crashes later..
what version of windows? do you have .net framework 3.5?
World Viewer has been officially abandoned due to Legends Viewer being the same style of project and would be best if you swap the two (as Legends Viewer is still being updated)
Post by Mason11987
I largely stopped work on this when I saw a better product in Parker147's Legend's Viewer. I think I released the most recent source last version in case anyone thinks they can gather anything useful from it. I'll also answer questions about it by PM, but I'm not interested in updating anymore since Legend's Viewer is a far more detailed and efficient tool. If there's something I did that you think he should do (I can't think of anything) feel free to let him know, I'm sure he can pull it off.
Legends Viewer
Cool, we could add that next update.
Just downloaded this on a new computer and when I try to play Dwarf Fortress via the LNP launcher a DOS box says 'The system cannot find the path specified' twice and there is a pop up saying 'Windows cannot find 'Dwarf Fortress.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.'. I haven't fiddled with anything, tried both download links, put the LNP folder in several different places and DF runs fine if i don't use the launcher, the problem being I want to use the launcher.
Huh... have you moved the dwarf fortress.exeerr yeah i gotta read better...
what windows version, what .net framework?
Hello. I'm trying to follow along with Capt. duck video, and he is using the ironhand tile set. But his tiles look green and very descriptive, and my iron hand looks like everything is gray. The trees are gray, the ground is gray, even in forest areas. If I switch to Mike Mayday, it looks green.
Can anyone point out the tile set that can be imported to this pack to follow along exactly? I'm worried the symbols are going to be different and not going to know what's going on.
I'm not sure, the guy who did ironhand probably changed the pack a bit, so I'm not sure how to help you.
Hi. Sorry if this has been asked before, I just started using the Lazy Newb Pack after a long break from DF. I've installed the Ironhand graphics set, with truetype fonts enabled. My problem being on the units screen, the unit that is being highlighted is black text on a black background (therefore invisible). Would it be possible to change the colour of the highlighting?
Thanks for any help.
try turning off truetype, i heard it can cause color problems...
it could also be just the ironhand version, you could try backdating if you really need to...
I'm having problems getting the game to run.
I run the Lazy Newb Pack, but when I hit "Play Dwarf Fortress!" I get an error message:
Windows cannot find 'Dwarf Fortress.exe'. Please make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
When in the LNP, if I go to Run > Open Folder, it easily finds the Dwarf Fortress folder.
Why won't it run the game?
hmm... what windows and .net framework version? I suspect this is a problem with batch file preferences, or with windows 7 using "strange" filepath conventions.