Thank you guys for this perfect tool to enter into DF world and especially to make this enter much more comfortable.
Yes, I can edit init files manually. I can install graphic pack manualy. I can find necessary tools manually and configure them - but there is one superb atribute of your tool. I dont need to spend time to do that ((looking for compactible set of each part with recent version)) by my own - every time I want to try new version because everything is perfectly prepared by you already. And it means I have more time to "Ruin another own fortress by something
Oglokoog stated something about "your tool allow newcommers to flood and ruin spirit of game and forum as well." I doubt that. This game is different compares mainstream TopSeller titles. It force player to think, plan forward, teach from previous mistakes much more than Games For Masses which are focused to be playable by everyone who can use mouse = to more potential clients. As we can see at many examples of recent game series - new version is most likely richer in graphic detail or stunning effects but poorer in complexity. This result often hurts previous version "veterans" who buys it because expect new fun of their favorite old game (and usually are dissapointed) but also has potential to lure new ones, who see old version as "too diffcult, too complex to learn, with too old nasty graphic ..." . Impatient harsh players who wants to have everything easy and immediatelly like: "You are hero, game was finished, you are the best. Only few can reach such goal! You can make this as your achievement at Facebook and show your friends how SUPERB you are..... but ... there is one HIGHER step to be absolutelly perfect is to buy DLC/Datadisc for this fantastic price ... " Impatient player who are used to have everything in "no time" and who is overconfident as SuperPlayer often falls to arrogancy trap at forums as well. In every game you will find something you don't like. And if you have (as superplayer) lack of respect to others together with sense of own absolute importance and own undoubt truth you will easilly start to flame with someone who acts similar as your own mirror - but just with different opinion to any aspect of game. As was said here by few guys already. DF is not for masses and impatient players. And reward here is not "FB achievement to show your friends you are better than they are." Reward here is fun of exploration this game and its complexity, fun of writing or reading stories about this game, for do-it-yourself guys. And as I said It cannot be changed by LNP as long as Toady continues walk on way to made this game more complex to be fun instead of more simple to be for anyone. That is what I wanted to say.
At the end part of my typically long post
I am playing this game casually for about 1 year - using LNP last about 3 months. I played my first 2 fortresses few dozens of hours and lost them both of course, then started to use Phoebus Graphic Pack. This day I installed it my 6 yrs old son asked me If he can have this game as well. He is barely able to read in our native language - which as all of you already know from my language skill presented here - is different from English. I thought he would not be able to play it neither this game will be fun for him for long time. First time he was only digging horizontal tunnels as long as his food was depleted and dwarwes stopped to dig :-P .. but later .... I cannot say DF is his only game. He won Starcraft 2 single player already and playing ladder with bellow average results, he won Mass Effect I and II - and few more games - but few times per every month he visits my room and asks me - "Father, Why my dwarf attack others? Or something else from DF. And then we go to his room and he learns few new tricks about DF.
Now at his 7 years he can read slow but well in native language but also he can read and understand many english words - only because of DF. If you let him to start new Fortress he can build the very basic one with storages inside, basic workshops, doors, beds, basic rooms for his dwarfs using 2 or 3 levels, mining some diamonds and store them in own made bins, create still and distile some beer to own made barels - everything by his own. None of couple recent modern games forced him to ask me about "what means word XXX" - he won his recent modern games just by Try to click icon by mouse and watch what is going to happen. Last weekend he watched me to play and asked me what is "Farm Plot" - so another step was made and he now can flood room using small underground lake and start his own farming fun.
As most of you undestands - DF is very complex game and patient enduring player will find how to enjoy play it by his very own way - like me or my son and every single one of you. Playing this game may be not only fun and way to relax but also motivation to learn something more. And any tool like your LNP can only help to open door into the very OWN Fortress - because the only thing LNP does is exactly show more people how to open this door into new Very Own Fortress - everything else remains in the hands of player. Well and in the hands of Toady the cruel one
Sorry for my language skill, I hope who want to understand then he will do.
And again, thank you guys to help us "lazy newb players" to made DF Door opening more comfortable - and please continue with your good work.
EDIT: Few mistyped characters