They even got Michael Cera to stop doing the exact same character he's been doing since Arrested Development!
Er, they did? I just saw the exact same Michael Cera I've seen in the last three movies he's been in. (Most recently Zombieland and Juno.) The only difference was the fight scene.
I love the director, and the concept seems funny....I'm just not a fan of Michael Cera. He's got all the awkwardness of Napoleon Dynamite without the rebel nerdiness that makes him lovable. Michael Cera is just awkward, a dork-to-riches story every time, and I'm sick of those male leads. Damn you 40-Year-Old-Virgin.
Napoleon Dynamte was a terrible film if only because of how many other films tried to ape it's appeal after it got successfull.
I dunno, he doesn't seem as stupidly awkward as most of his other films. It certainly doesn't suffer from the same-plot-itis nearly all his other films suffer from (oh im a beek geek and am really into (insert quirky pop culture thing here) noone likes me for this. Oh i met the girl of my dreams. Oh she's also really into (insert quirky pop culture thing here) Now the thing everyone hated me for is the one thing that brings us together."
Seems like this film he's more of an active participant in the plot, actually going for the fights rather than having them just happen to him. Course that's just the impression I got from the trailer.
Zombieland is probobly a bad example of a Cera film though, it's one of the onle ones he's done that I thought was a seriously good film. It also doesn't rely on him being Cera-ey for the plot.