1) If you make a distinction between Satan and Lucifer, this is just his first apperance. Is signifigant if you so not.
There's a semantic distinction you're missing here. Lucifer never appears in the bible at all, except as the title of a King, and as a mockery of him. The snake, the Lucifer character (of tradition), and the Satan character were all originally distinct.
EDIT: I'm having a hard time finding the quote in my King James bible, so here's the one wikipedia has:
Isaiah 14:12 - "... how you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, Son of Dawn!"
2) God has hurt his followers a lot by this point. Usualy when they do things he dosen't like. Example: King David and the Census.
That's not the point. In those instances, it was punishment. Job isn't being punished at all; he's just being persecuted. There's a difference.
3) That isn't a very big deal. Some people accept earlier books as allegory as well, most often Genesis.
Both creation stories share a lot of similarities with the creation myths of other nations (including my own), so I'll give you that.
4) Very well, I grant you this point.
5) Job's first set of wife and children are killed. Job himself is smited with non-lethal force.
Like I said above, that's not punishment. That's (from Job's point of view) unjust divine wrath. Usually when the hero of the story does something wrong, he gets smite-ified. Job hasn't done anything wrong, so it's not smiting. Although my phrasing was bad, so the confusion is understandable.
6) I'll just do that once he comes online.
You should, he dislikes the book quite a bit.