I've been threatening to do a community fortress for a long, long time. I've always put it on the back burner, giving excuses like ''new version will be here soon!'' (about a year before it was released) and so on and so forth. But no more! This'll be a pretty simple Community fort. I haven't tried out a fort in the new version before, so I know next to nothing about the new features. I'm not a very good DF player anyways, DF2010 or not, so there should be plenty of Fun, especially if those elephants in the corner of our embark have anything to say about it. I'm open to your suggestions as to what I should do around the fort, and while you're requesting a dorf you may as well write a description for him, too. I'll be keeping a list of all dorfs in the first post and also their status, but don't be afraid to poke me if I haven't mentioned your guy in a while. This might turn out to be a big failure, but I figured that I'd start this up while I'm still feeling optimistic
TL/DR: Starting up fort. Request dwarf; write description.
Character templateName:
Back-story & goals:
List of dorfsGumbar (me), miner, was supposed to be expedition leader -
AliveJack Brunch (Burnt Pies), miner/mason -
AliveDerek (Dermonster), soulchopper (woodcutter, carpenter) -
AliveMiquel Eldoro (Michael Zon), militia commander -
AliveGolko Foodsmelter (UmbrageOfShadow), who somehow ended up as expedition leader -
AliveDiablous (Diablous), mechanic -
AliveEl Arbol (Sonerohi), farmer -
AliveKuntatlosh Oban (TheCatfish), mechanic/mason/engraver -
AliveUrist the Red (Urist Immiknorris), mechanic -
Dead (mood)Urist the Blue (Urist Immiknorris), mechanic -
AliveGoldload Mistpicks (Tuxman), plastic surgeon -
AliveKeb McEngi (Mangled), mechanicook -
Alive and kickingRipps Anters (Lafiel), Butcher/Doctor (both the same thing, really) -
Not Dead29 unclaimed migrants
1 dead unclaimed dorf
And some stats... (I'll update this from time to time, too)Total population: 38
Total dead dwarves: 2
Total failed artefacts : 1
Total completed artefacts : 1
Total legendary dwarves: 2
Created Wealth: 98841
Total kill-count of our soldiers: -2 (Both dwarves. Yeah, we suck)
(As of 1st Moonstone, 315, Early Winter)