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Author Topic: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1  (Read 3102 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:17:52 am »

This is the Epicmafia df game. Our forums suck so we decided to do it here.
so yeah, i guess you non epicmafia people can make comments on how much we suck

the list of leaders
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 12:37:14 am by cappstv »
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 02:19:09 am »

The Journal of Cappstv

My name is cappstv, im a weapons dealer. By you time I read this I suspect I will be dead. This journal will describe the events that led to my death, and I hope it will serve as a history of this fort that I help to establish.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 12:24:24 pm by cappstv »
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2010, 11:34:25 pm » -reference image

Shortly before Granite, 1052
I am about to leave home once again, for how long, I don't know. I have handled difficult missions before, but this one is probably the one that has made me the most nervous. The surroundings are dangerous, and the stakes are high. I am leaving to start a new settlement in mostly unexplored territory. (Mostly unexplored by those not of goblinkind, anyway.) My goals are to take charge of the fortress for the first year, and to show my lessers on this expedition with me, two of whom who have confirmed that they will take control of leadership once my year is over, how it's done.

The goblins (foul beasts) guard the place with good reason, apparently: the area's supposed to be rich in valuable rocks, and metals, and minerals. At least, that's what the higher ups say. That's why they're making me move here indefinitely, along with six others less experienced and important as I. That's right, I didn't volunteer for this. What the higher ups say you have to do you have to do, lest you end up really close friends with an elephant's tusk. The reason I am writing this journal in such detail is that frankly, I think this may be my last mission. If something unfortunate does happen to me, I'd like this experience to be documented, and my cause of death known.

Well then, I think that's enough writing for today, I've got supplies to pack.

Granite, 1052

We've finally arrived at our destination.[see 1] I'll tell you, those goblins are everywhere, and it was hard to get through to the swamp without being seen. We found a way, though, pretty clever I think, you just go through -words here scribbled out- and then, by Armok, you're there. But is it ever so hot, though. This place fits the swamp stereotype for that, that's for sure. That being said, there's a lot of murky pools here... Not really great sources of water, but it'll work. I've heard that underground caverns can be great sources of water, though, but there have been rumors of things other than water lurking down there...

Anyway, enough of that. Because there was limited funds for the expedition, it was decided that we bring along an anvil and some raw materials to make our tools from, instead of dealing with the pricey, already made alternatives. I drew up plans for a wood furnace, and I told one of the workers to start making charcoal.[see 2] They're like uneducated neanderthals, this lot! How did I ever get stuck with these people as my partners? It's aggravating watching them bumbling around, and the way they act and talk is just...

My metalworker (something seems off about him... Personal note: Be very wary) went ahead and built the crude-looking tools in his crude-looking workshop, and I told the miners to go and start digging my new fortress. One of those miners, Lionel, I think his name is, seems very enthusiastic about his work, and seems to enjoy it. I have to admit, I admire those traits, even if they're stuck on an idiot.

I have named this pit Stasistome, because a hot and depressing like this at least needs a sophisticated name.

I plan to write these journals at the dawn of every new season, from now on.

Hematite, 1052

Ah, summer is now here. This hellhole will just get hotter and hotter. Aside from that, things are running fine, I say it's because of my excellent skills of a leader. These dwarves wouldn't be anywhere without me. Well, at least they get the job done. I've decided to give each a unique and witty title, to perhaps give whomever is reading this a glimpse into each one's person, and to show that even I can be humourous at times.[see 3]

One dwarf that really seems to stand out is that Lionel, who, as I have mentioned in my previous journal, is a hardworking man's man. I may have even found a friend in him.[see 4]

All the beds are set up, but there was a small delay in starting the production of tables and chairs, because the rock my miners were mining through was gypsum: no good for building stuff out of. A substantial amount of granite has now been found, however, so I've ordered the creation of a mason's workshop near the location. A fairly large project I am hoping to complete soon is my bedroom, It will be large, and have a table and chairs, statues and everything else pleasant. I am also creating plans for a tomb, in case I die here, because I may never leave this place, based on messages from the higher ups. Or, more like lack of messages. They actually haven't contacted me since I got here. Without them, I have no way out of this godforsaken place...

A problem I see I am going to have to deal with soon is food. Due to more important matters, I overlooked setting up a farm, but I really don't need one yet, there have enough food to last a while. And besides, using the murky pools for a water source for these farms isn't a great solution... The workers could dig down into a cavern, but the stories I've heard unsettle me... I'd feel a lot safer with some actual means to defend the dwarves. Not that I really need them, or anything.

(Pic at the beginning of summer)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 12:05:22 am by Imakuni »
Urist McImmigrant: "What?! Hey! What's going onnn---aaaaRRRGGHH!!"
Urist McSurgeon: "Must remove the rot, yes.  This one is unclean, ssssss.  Purity of essence, yesss."
Urist McImmigrant has suffocated.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 12:37:50 am »

The Journal of Cappstv

There is no date. Blood dots the page here and there.
So i decided to buy a journal today. Why, well i will fucking tell you why. In my fucking family we believe in something call leaving our mark. I am an well known arms dealer here. But now i have to get the hell out of town, and soon there won't be a single fucking person on the face of the earth that knows my name. Call me a coward, but I care about my livelihood. It seems that everyone else in my family is about to die from the fucking horrors from hell.

1st Granite
I completely forgot about this. Once we began unloading i found this with my stuff. Well shit, a lot of stuff has happen since I last wrote in here. To sum it up, i flee, i got a sex change (ITS THIS NEW AMAZING THING JOURNAL, I DID IT SO THEY WOULDN'T KNOW MY IDENTITY), help overthrown a corrupt mayor, and join up with a small group looking to make a fortress. And that's how i ended up here. In a middle of a ring of mountains. Surrounded by goblins. At least they aren't as bad as demons.

Oh the six others i ended up here with are ok, except for karmaloop. That guy is creeping me out. But lio seems to have taken a liken to him. Lio seems to have taken a liken to everyone here. Hes Mr. Goody Two Shoes I Love You. Befriending people right and left. Oh and then there is our expedition leader. If i ever seen an ego.......

Oh, I guess im the metal smith.

The next passage is scribble with no date, it seems to have been mark down in a hurry
Imakuni, our overseer who brought us here, has given us all a nick name. He thinks he has some sort of a sense of humor. Mine is "Arms Dealer."

Now i call that irony.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 01:27:38 am by cappstv »
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 01:16:13 am »

Hey, you guys finally made it! I'd join in, but I doubt my computer could run anything past Year 1.
Also bear in mind that dwarves have their heads at a perfect height for a good face-kicking.
That's the great thing about this forum. We can derail any discussion into any other topic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 02:00:56 am »

i guess lio wants me to post his journals and shit, im going to be editing them also

The Diary of Lionel

1st Granite,

OH SHIZ, I believed my journened to be over before it even starteded!  My heart skipped a few beats as we were making our way to the newly founded settlement, passing through a sticky wet stuff which was infested by what seemed to be trolls or goblins. Fortunately, despite many life and death situations which arose throughout this, we finally managed to get past all of the trolls and for me to start living my life at this near approaching town. If only I knew what was to come... and it wasn't nice.... at all.... in fact i rather not like what would be comming....

Upon my arrival the location specified for founding this fortress, Stasistome, I was confused as to where this foundation of the fort is. Did the builders cast a spell to make it invisible or something? If so, where did these magical dwarfs came from? What was they saided purpose in life and why would they do such things? However it wasn't long before I considered ramming my sweet ass pickaxe into the earth in sheer frustration after being told the general outline of the plan. I had to do it! OH NO!

Now i have to dig and dig and dig and dig and dig some more. But i am a go getter, even when the getting is something i cant really enjoy! At least i have aimee! She mines too.

BUT I AM SURE MAKING FRIENDS, right and left and to the right again! ONE LOOKS LIKE A KOLA

also i shallowed a bug, but i should get back to the works, its imporants
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 05:38:50 pm by cappstv »
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 02:38:42 am »

Journal of GaryOak
Third of Hematite, 1052

We've been at this flea infested hole in the ground for several months now. The only thing bad about that sentence though, is the fleas. My expedition Leader, a miserable bastard called Imakuni, has dubbed this place Stasistome, despite my recommendation we call it Moria. I mean, what kind of sissy name is Stasistome? Oh well, the bastard also has dubbed me 'rock fondler.' But whatever, I think he's just jealous of my skill with the stone. I'll show him, I'll show all of them the works of Dwarfdom I can produce.

Speaking of which, I'm itching to get my hands on some stone, our miner Lionel better get his ass in gear soon, or I'll be shoving that pick of his where the sun don't shine and doing some excavation of my own.

As for the other members of our expedition, I don't know much about them. That Aimee seems like a queer one, always running off to the woods like some god damn elf. I mean, why do we need wood? WE'RE DWARVES! Stone and metal are our tools. We should be digging for coal, not running off for firewood! And that Greydead, always cutting and shaping the wood! A dwarf who builds things from wood?

Really, this is all too much, I need some Ale...

Seventh of Hematite, 1052

That bastard Imakuni, it's always work work work. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Dwarf who does any work around here. And that Cappstv, who does he think he is? He's just Imakuni's lap-dog. Speaking of Imakuni, why aren't we developing more farming? All the defenses in the world are useless if we starve to death. FOOL!

All these miserable bastards are out to get me, I just know it! But they won't get me, I won't let them, I'll be ever vigilant, and when the time is right, I'll take my rightful place as their leader. Then I'll do great things, and everyone will know the name GaryOak, as it echoes through the halls of history.


Eighth of Hematite, 1052

They just don't get it, they don't understand how great  I am. But I'll make them all see, and then, they'll all pay dearly for the way they've treated me.

And what is that GOD DAMN sound?

« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 03:06:47 pm by GaryOak »


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 02:22:06 pm »

delete this.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 02:24:36 pm by GaryOak »


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2010, 01:15:56 pm »

ref image 1:
ref image 2:

Autumn 1052

This summer has been pretty eventful, and things are looking up. Two dwarves appeared early in the season, looking like they've been through hell to get here (from the goblins? Maybe.) and asked if they could stay here. I told them that they're going to have to pull their weight, I don't have any slackers around here. Their names (or the names they told me, anyway) are MawkBlitz and Hiralarious. That MawkBlitz seems like a fighter, and is especially useful with knives and daggers, he says, too bad we don't have any around here. Come to think of it, how did he get so experienced with them? Knives aren't really a dwarf weapon, more like something for kobolds and goblins... I'll have to look into this, if I ever get back to the mountainhome.

Hiralarious is also a decent fighter, and passable at crafting out of all sorts of materials. I may put her and the knife fanatic in the military, and have them explore the caverns, and look for water.

On that subject, I've had little success with farming with the water from the murky pools spread around our site. Although it rains enough to be sufficent in a regular climate, it's much too hot here, and the water evaporates not long after the pools are filled. I am optimistic though, and confidant that there will be a breakthrough soon enough.

The female cat had kittens, three of them. I caged one up, in case of emergency, and to prevent too much breeding around. Also, the dogs were trained to be war dogs by Karmaloop, and now the hounds are following him around, protecting him from everything. I think it's a little cute. The female even had a puppy around the same time the cat had kittens.

I am almost finished with my great and noble bedroom, I just need to have one of the workers smooth the floors and the walls, and engrave the walls. It will be amazing.

Winter 1052

Winter's finally here, maybe this place will get a little cooler now. The farm's actually coming together now, like I knew it would. Maybe we won't have to explore the caverns after all.

I am actually starting to warm up to these dwarves a little, they're not all bad, I guess. They do their job, and don't really smell too horrendous.

On the topic of dwarves, we've got some new ones this season. The first one was a dwarf reeking of fish, a master fisherman, fish cleaner, fish dissector, and all of that, he said.[see 1] (Too bad, nothing to fish for around here.) He came all by himself, but when he found that we weren't cannibalistic savages that were going to kill him, he whistled a bird call and a larger group of eight came in. The group apparently had a settlement much like ours near this place, but were driven out by a great goblin siege. They told us their settlement had well near one hundred dwarves before the attack, but most, unfortunately, perished. The 'couragous leader's name is Krizzzombies, but the one who really interests me is this one fellow named TopsyKretts. When the group got here, I noticed that he had isolated himself from all of the others, and was crouched down on the floor. When I went over to see what he was doing, I saw that he was engraving a very detailed and amazing picture into the floor. He said that over in his old settlement, they all didn't appreciate his fine artwork, and shunned and ridiculed him. I replied that here in Stasistome we appreciate the arts, and that he would be able to follow his calling without being isolated from the other dwarves. Now, I don't know if that's entirely true or not, but it got him motivated enough to engrave my whole room when I told him to. He even made a couple of masterpieces, things you would see in a museum.[see 2]

The engravings were the finishing touches on my grand bedroom, and now it looks fit for a king. My nights will surely be comfortable in this great bedchamber.[see 3]

I've noticed that there have been a lack of merchants this season, but I thought that would be normal, because we're in the damn goblin central (OOC: It's really because I was using 31.03, with the no merchant bug. -_-;) but it turns out that some salesmen are just determined enough to travel here, risking life and limb, to gain a couple cents. Luckily, they weren't any annoying elves, but instead fellow dwarves, and they came with a wagonload of goods. I traded a deal of crafts for a load of seeds, plump helmets, and alcohol, because that's really all we need as of yet.

I am pretty satisfied with my progress, there's enough beds for everybody, a sufficent amount of food and drink, our farms are producing a good amount of food, we have a lot of resources for further development, and we're twice as productive with twice the amount of dwarves. Yes, I believe that when I leave here at the end of winter, everything will be great for the next leader... They just better not move me out of my bedroom.


Spring 1052

[see 1]

Spring's here again, and the progress we made in a year is great. Me and my fellow dwarves have turned this hellhole into a livable place. Strangely, there was no conflict between us and any outside beings; no goblins, no kobolds, not even a mountain goat has disturbed us. No deaths either. I'm glad about that last fact, I've become attached to these dwarves this past year. I even made them an 'I'm falling out of power' present: a decorated and magnificent dining room, with some help from TopsyKretts. They were amazed and some even called it 'legendary'. That probably helped with Topsy's self esteem.[see 2]

The farm's running great, and we built a new aboveground farm, with the plants we've gathered. Everybody seems to be happy and healthy, and we're nearing self sustainability.[see 3 + 4]

Well, that's it. It's been a great year, I've learned a lot coming here. Truthfully, all my missions before this, I didn't really deal with dwarves the way that I did this time, they were all stuff like inventory and such. We didn't eat together, work together, talk to each other, none of that. Looking back at my old journals makes me cringe and laugh at the same time, I was so...

Anyway, I've only constructed one lever which is clearly marked as the drawbridge control, so it shouldn't be too complicated for the next one up, I'm not worried. I'll continue writing journals about life here, just because I'm no longer leader doesn't mean I stop writing. Also, I never did get any messages from the mountainhome, I could have asked the merchants that came here, but I really don't know if I want to leave.

Nothing else left to say, so I guess I'll just leave it to the next one up now.

I've enclosed a couple maps of Stasistome below, so you future generations can see what it's like here.

(temporarily withheld, crashing my game when I try to export it)

Wow, a lot sure can change in a year.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 09:06:30 pm by Imakuni »
Urist McImmigrant: "What?! Hey! What's going onnn---aaaaRRRGGHH!!"
Urist McSurgeon: "Must remove the rot, yes.  This one is unclean, ssssss.  Purity of essence, yesss."
Urist McImmigrant has suffocated.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2010, 01:29:56 pm »

The Cold Season, NOT MINT SILLY 1052,

Boy oh boy, we got some vistors today! Or should i say stayitors! Well i wonder how many new friends i will make out of this grop of pine.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 05:39:24 pm by cappstv »
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 01:57:38 pm »

The Journal of Cappstv

End of the year,
Once again i have completely forgotten about my little book of thoughts. And once again i have some interesting things to report. Now instead of stating the most interesting thing to the least interesting thing i will simply state the interesting things in the order in which they happen. Since these interesting things happen a while ago the only thing I can be certain of is the order in which they occur.

First thing to note, sudden change of personality in Imakuni, quickly becoming egoistic and an asshole to egotistic and somewhat less of an asshole. Probably has to deal with the fact that lio loves everyone but him.

Next topic of interest, new bodies. Some punk who likes to lick knives that belongs in the elven outback has join us with his buddy who has the not so funny name of hiralarious. Great joke there parents, misspellings is punnys! I am of course being sarcastic. They are of course looking to join our settlement. So now we have a military, yay.

Note: Besides the fellow outcast, karmaloop's only friends are the dogs. I fear for the day he goes berserk, trust me, i have seen his kind before. The smallest amount of stress and that guy is going to snap. Which reminds me that garyoak, our next overseer, has gone increasingly mad. This is not good for me, due to the fact that I am a target for his insults.

Soon after Imakuni had another ego trip and got himself a fancy new room.

Then it got cold. Well colder then it is normally here. Suddenly, out of the swamps came 9 dwarfs who look like they just been though goblin infested hell. One of them is an artist. It seems that Imakuni's ego has meet the perfect match. Its so cute seeing Mr. Kretts draw up an engraving for Imakuni's room, only then to compliment his own artwork.

And that's about it
Oh, but journal, don't worry. You are bound to see some wear with that madman taking charge next year. Or a total lack of wear......
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 05:39:53 pm by cappstv »
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2010, 06:57:29 pm »

I just want to tell you guys: This fortress better end up like Headshoots. I just read the whole thing...for the love of Armok!

Edit: Even though I don't plan on playing the save, can I haz dwarf? Something with animals maybe (or anything else)?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 07:47:45 pm by FuzzyDoom »
Also bear in mind that dwarves have their heads at a perfect height for a good face-kicking.
That's the great thing about this forum. We can derail any discussion into any other topic.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2010, 07:10:22 pm »

This looks like it has promise.
Quote from: Solifuge
A catgirl, whom oft it would please
To dine on a pizza, with cheese,
Thought it was quite fine
To be partly feline,
Excepting the hairballs and fleas.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 09:55:06 pm » <- save file at the end of my run.
Urist McImmigrant: "What?! Hey! What's going onnn---aaaaRRRGGHH!!"
Urist McSurgeon: "Must remove the rot, yes.  This one is unclean, ssssss.  Purity of essence, yesss."
Urist McImmigrant has suffocated.


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Re: succession game - EPICMAFIA 1
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 03:20:55 am »

garyoak is going to kill us all
The French were adept of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy long before Dwarf Fortress.
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