Day 38... (rough draft)
Cog Continues work on his future medical toolset (200/1000%done). Changes bandages, they are all healing except urist who has take na turn for the worse, he could still pull through though. then sleeps.
Cheddarius and Nirur begin construction of the table, but each tries to incorporate different materials at each step, One trying to utilize the bones, and one adding stone everywhere. After a few hours, they start over, brainstorming Ideas, they end up building a low 8 pointed star shaped table, one protrusion for each dwarf that can sit around it. It is otherwise drum shaped, with a thick central core that extends down to the bottom. The bones are set artistically along the surface, forming the top and the outer edge, It menaces with spikes of werebone, and the side are a mixture of smoothed bone, stone, mostly grey mosaic, with splashes of darker stone and still sickly ruddy red bone for color. +ominous stone table 800$ *
Nirur then guards, but his eyes fight his eyelids more than they scan around, as he finds his willpower and his endurance were not enough this night to keep him from dazing off more than once.
Cheddarius eats good food
Garul smelts some bolts, finishing a stack of 20 silver bolts, goes underground to a small controll room of his, more of an alcove really, and puts another lever there installing a door, and linking everything with mechanisms and rope. The work takes all day, but he manages just enough time to get a meal in his belly before bed
Cog the original one, reminds everyone that there is a trapped puma in a cage out there that we can go collect. He also dons new clothes out of the stockpile, Some plain canvas overalls 120$, and a sturdy coat 80$.
Hrodegr (-1 dwarf tent + 120$ pair of tough socks.)
Revist Heads out and hides, planning to ambush kobolds if he sees any.
*The table turned out ok considering you could have added more to it, such as obsidian, gems, shell, glass. or whatever might fit. It has a special power too but you have to find out what it is.
+++Cheddarius ++making octotable -tired
+Cog +made a new aquisition lately
+++Garul satisfied at work lately
Hrodegr+ate good food lately (-1 meat)
+++Nirur -tired +feeling lucky ++OctoTable